A Void Within Our Being


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It is stated in the discussion “Soul Retrieval”: In regards to a part of our creative power and ability being lost or denied, that loss or denial creates a void within our being.

Most of us take for granted that there are things in life that causes a great excitement to arise within us. Similarly, there are many other things for which we show little to no interest. They do nothing for us. There are many things in life that we do which we consider part of the mundane of life. We do them because we must do them for one reason or another. Then there are things which arise in life that cause us to get excited in non constructive ways. Some even make us angry.

Those things in life that cause positive or negative feelings to raise can also be seen as what give us life. They causes us to want to act or take action in the external world. For many of us, we spend much of our lives going to and from those things that give rise to these strong emotional feelings. However much of life involves what we call the mundane.

What we do not realizes is that the mundane of life tends to be where we have creative voids in our life. Creative voids within our being a places were we seem to have no creative passion and/or interests. On first glace, they seem to just represent areas that don’t interest us in life. We all tend to take for granted that there are, and will be, such areas in our life. However, we fail to understand what they voids really represent.

There is an observation first made in looking at how individuals respond to another sexual. What was observed was that there is not a person on the face of the earth with whom we could not have a passionate love affair at each and every level of our being All that keeps us from such a passionate affair is our mind. We have our judgments and preferences about whom we can or can’t love. However, when we remove our judgments we find there is not a single person with whom we cannot passionately live. But this is also true about whatever we enjoy, and don’t enjoy, in life.

There is not a single aspect of life that we could not passionately enjoy and passionately experience. All that keeps us from such a experience is our own thinking. Those areas or aspects of life which we consider mundane and really areas where we have lost our creative passion for one reason or another. What many do not realizes is that we can sense these creative voids in our life about an issue, a place or a person. We can sense them by where we experience the mundane of life.

This concept of a void existing in one’s life can probably be best illustrated by an example. The author has always had a preference for the type and kind of terrain he enjoys in life. He tends to see large hills or mountains as inspiring and has always avoided flat, open terrain. That was until he had an experience in Amarillo, Texas. He had made previous visits to various parts of Texas and was not impressed with the flat open landscape he often saw. When first step off the air plane he wonder to himself, “What a God forsaken place - why would anyone want to live here.” Then, in a moment, an answer was provided. He saw a beauty he never before experienced. He suddenly saw things in and about the terrain that he never before experienced in a place. He saw the unique beauty that particular landscape had to offer. In was in that moment he realized all that had kept him from seeing the beauty in many places he experienced in his own life was simply his own mind and his preference for certain types and kinds of experiences.

What is important to realizes is the mundane tell us where we have shut off our creative power and ability for one reason or another. Part of this is simply the result of how we create our experiences of Creation by denying a part of our creative power and ability. However, more often than not, it is simply a result of the personal preferences our mind develops as a result of the experiences it has had and the programming it has been given.

Becoming aware of where the mundane exists in our life, especially if there is a pattern to the mundane, can help us to understand how and why we have shut down aspects of our creative power. We can then use those voids to help regain our creative power and ability by explore why those aspects are perceived as so mundane.

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