Parallels and differences between the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines and the Twelve Step Programs

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The approach provided here is conceptually similar to a Twelve Step program however the overall difference is one of focus and intent.

For those not familiar with Twelve Step programs, it is a program based on the twelve steps used in Alcoholic Anonymous to assist individuals in maintaining sobriety. A conceptually similar approach is used for two reasons. One is that the creative process your face is essentially the same as dealing with an addiction. Second, the Twelve Steps program incorporates many, but not all, of the steps required, in one degree or another, in any creative effort. Or, alternatively said, the conscious choice of an individual who is suffering from an addiction to choose to find sobriety as is done through a Twelve Step program, is a choice to consciously recreate their life and the world they experience. That is a quite powerful creative endeavor. Hence it only makes sense that the approach used for such a powerful creative endeavor can be used whole, or in part, in any other creative endeavors of similar magnitude - that is, to recreate an aspect of your life. In this regard, the Twelve Steps approach is an excellent starting point from which to work through the creative process for your creation.

Although the Twelve Step approach provides an excellent starting point, what is proposed here is something greater in magnitude than what the Twelve Steps seek to do. The Twelve Steps are focused on creating sobriety from one’s addiction while remaining in the world as it is. The focus on remaining within the boundaries of what one has been taught to believe about themselves and Creation.

The Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines are focused on holding one’s creativity sacred and to recreate oneself and one’s world such that their creative spirit is free to dance. It is free to dance between meeting its needs and the demands of the world without compromising unfolding true to its nature to create what it desires. The Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines direct the individual toward creating a life and a world where addictive thinking patterns are unnecessary for the pain that gives rise to the response patters is addressed as the gift that it is.

Rather than recreating an aspect of your life to fit into the world, the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines provided here direct you toward accessing the creative power to recreate the world you experience to manifest the creative idea you have rather than limiting yourself to finding those creative ideas that will fit in the world as it is. Rather than trying to fit into the world as it is, an opportunity and approach are provided to recreate the world you experience. Of course, finding creative ideas and ways of being in the world that fit into the world as it is, is an easier task and you can live quite happily doing so. But, you never see and experience the depth and breadth of who and what you really are. You will never consciously experience the creator that you are, and see what you are able to accomplish when you do not compromise your creative ability to fit in.

For most people, what stands in the way of their accessing their creative power is a way of thinking that parallels an addiction.

No matter what you think, ultimately, the mind, and what you think and believe, and nothing else, are what stands between you and your creative powers. Most of what we do is not based on clear thinking where we fully analyze the situation for what it is. Rather, we respond to what arises based on habitual ways of thinking and responding to what the world presents to us. Many of these response patterns are simply addictive patterns we hold to avoid certain truths and/or perceived undesirable possibilities based on our past experiences. We believe our thinking is what gives rise to creativity. It does not. What gives rise to our creativity is our intuitive guidance based on the energy we sense. Relative to one’s creativity, thinking is a two-edge sword that can cut either way. It can actually be an addiction compromising one’s creativity. It can also be an asset when used to explore the depth and breadth of one’s creativity. Intuitive guidance provides the discernment to know when thinking is, and when it is not, useful.

Although the approach provided here is similar to a Twelve Step program because the process is essentially the same as dealing with an addiction, there are significant differences. The most significant difference between this approach and the Twelve Steps Programs is that in the Twelve Step Programs one is never free from their addiction and always in recovery. In the creative approach, although you are always consciously creating and need to be aware of how you are making your decisions and where you are focusing your attention and awareness, you can drop an addiction and/or other tools you have used to create an experience when those tools no longer serve what you desire to create. The tool most of us use to refocus our creative efforts is pain and we can learn to drop it as our primary means to get our attention.

Analogously, it is like trying to cut a piece of steak with a butter knife. All knives are not created equal, as are beliefs, mental habits and response patterns to life. Some are more effective for some tasks than others. When you realize there is a steak knife and you use it once to cut a steak, even if you were in the habit of always using a butter knife, you will never go back to a butter knife to try and cut a piece of steak. You say you can’t use a butter knife to cut a steak? Well, then you get the point. All beliefs, as all knives, are not created equal and some cannot do what we think they can do.

The same is true for many of our beliefs and mental habits. When you truly see and experience how your beliefs and habits don’t serve what you desire to create, you will simply drop what no longer serves. Believe it or not, this is the essence of what a miracle or faith healing is really all about and it happens in the twinkling of the eye. But, it does so subconsciously. Quite simply, the essential belief of some type and form changes and suddenly one’s entire world and life are different.

How and why a simply belief can have such power is another topic. It is not the belief that is important, Rather it is the belief structure and how and why that belief is held in the first place. The belief structure in turn, is only the composite of all you have ever experience. So the entwinement and interconnectedness of any one belief will always seem a little mysterious as to what exactly its influence is. In any case, the past will interject itself from time to time but you will know not to follow its path for you know your past does not serve you. Rather you will take from the past that which serves your current creative efforts and drop the remainder.

The problem most of us have is that we have never really experienced the true power or impotence of our mental habits such that we can simply drop those that don’t serve. Of course, often we are afraid to drop our habits for fear of what other individuals will say and think when they see us using a steak knife and everyone else is using a butter knife. How and why it is possible to simply drop something that no longer serves you, including addictions or addictive patterns, is that you are a much more powerful creative being than you have been lead to believe when you access the source of your being and the source of your creative powers. You can come to see this is true and the Fifteen Creative Steps/Guidelines will point the way to accessing that source of your being for you to see and experience this truth for yourself. That is, if you choose to go there.

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