Creating the Ultimate Mystical Experience Links 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity application links page

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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An Alternative View ( Doorway to an alternative way to view Creation and what it means to be a human being

An Alternative Way ( Doorway to an alternative way to live life and finding greater satisfaction and internal happiness in life

Calling back our creative power ( This application is about understanding how we fragment, shatter and/or scatter our creative power as a result of the experiences of life and how we may go about calling back and consolidating that power to create what we desire.

Creativity Physics ( Introduction to key principles and concepts for understanding the creative process and making our thoughts manifest

Creative Spirituality ( Creativity spirituality - understanding the relationship between the creative imagination, spirituality and the physical. Building a bridge into the unseen world.

Finding Heaven ( This application addresses the fact that many dream of an "ever after" that is always happy. Yet the concept of heaven and what we think it is, is a creation of our mind and what we think and believe. However, it has been observed in the exploration of our inherent creativity that if we access the infinity of our being we can find that desired heaven here and now.

Finding Nirvana ( Nirvana is a Sanskrit word which means "to cease blowing." It is traditionally used to referred to a state of being where "our mind ceases to blow" and ceases to interject itself into all that we do. In the exploration of our inherent creativity, it has been observed that there is a faster, easier and even gentler more fun way for mind to cease blowing. Finding Nirvana is about learning to use our inherent creativity in a way few have done as way to access both the infinity of our being and this state of nirvana in a faster, easier and more fun and playful way than has been available in the past.

Foundation for the Education of the Heart ( or  Foundation for the Education of the Heart offers programs and seminars for the development of the heart. "The Heart" refers to the natural fountain of life energy that sustains our being and has essentially been ignored in our education and enculturization process. 

Our Creative Spirit ( []: An invitation to a dance - meeting your creative spirit. Addresses developing an intimate relationship with your creative spirit to access the depth and breadth of your creative power and creative ability.

Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity ( []: Introduction to a powerful interdisciplinary technology of creativity to create health, inner satisfaction or whatever you desire to experience.

Rituals and creativity ( Ritual and Creativity is about exploring the power of rituals in our life. Rituals can be used as a powerful creative tool to step into our creativity, step out of mind and/or reenter a state of creative play for any creative endeavor to bring back solutions we find in our creative imagination to see how they may work in the physical world. and/or to increase the probably of the Ultimate Accident and an experience of the infinity of our being.

Related Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Applications

A Complete listing of Releasing Your Limited Creativity applications is available in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Password Protect Area along with access to all currently posted (over 1860+ as of 11/09 [click here for current number]) discussion topics.

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