Considerations if you are just starting meditation


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Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following are some thoughts you may wish to consider in starting any meditation practice.

Whenever you start any meditation, you are going to be faced with thoughts and you will need to decide what you are going to do with the thoughts you get. There are a variety of different philosophies and techniques on the subject. Most probably the meditative practice that you have chosen to use gives you some direction as to what to do what the thoughts you encounter.

Many meditation practices look to have you let the thoughts pass or look at the space between the thought with the intent of quieting the mind. If you are going to use meditation as a creative tool, then you will want to become mindful and aware of your things. Initially you will want to become observant of the types and kinds of thoughts you have. In time, you will want to begin to trace them to their origins. This approach is different than how many recommend using meditation.

However, if you are going to discover and explore your own true nature and/or create your own reality, ultimately, you will have to use the techniques that work for you. What you, as a unique individual, needs to do with the thought you have may not be what is recommended in the meditation practice you chose, including what is recommended here. You will need to observe what you feel and experience in your chosen meditative practice. You will need to look to see if your intuition and body wisdom are not trying to encourage you to follow some other meditation practice more suitable to your nature. In any case, make the meditation you do purposeful. Have a clear intention for what you wish to accomplish. Remember, meditation is a tool of your creative ability not the end. That is of course, unless you want it to be the end.

The assumption here is you are free to chose the meditation practice that works for your. As soon as you start any meditative practice you will be faced with thoughts. The first choice that you will have is to go with a thought that arises or watching the thought. Most individuals will not freely choose at this point in time, rather they will do what ever their meditative practice says to do. However, what needs to be understood is that from an energy viewpoint, the most energetic thought in the moment bubbles up first and that thought has been determined by the intention behind the meditation that you have started. As such, that thought may contain important information about the energy you will face to manifest the intention behind your choice to do a meditation. In any case once this thought arises, you then have the choice to follow that thought or, you can simply watch it float by.

If you choose to follow the thought, you again have a choice. You can choose to understand where that thought is going and leading you, or you can go in the reverse direction and look to where it comes from and why it carries the energy that it does. In which ever way you choose to go, you will then be faced with the choice of living with what is, or changing it.

If you choose to only watch the thoughts, you will again have a choice. You can observe the thoughts as individual and isolated thoughts floating by as clouds in the sky or you can look at the pattern they are forming and look into the pattern itself. If you look into the pattern, they you will again have the choice of exploring the pattern and where it is leading or go in the reverse direction and look to where the pattern came from and why you are experiencing the particular pattern that you are. Here again, no matter which way you choose you will have the choice of living with what is or changing it.

There are endless permutation and combinations that you can do when you meditate. The main issue we wish to emphasize here is that as you focus your attention and awareness in any given direction, you create an entirely new set of thoughts and choice regarding those thoughts. Look at it as though you are standing on the top of a very high mountain and can see in all directions. As soon as you decide to walk in any given direction suddenly all the obstacles and obstructions to that path come into focus. They were always there, but you did not see them for you never chose to walk in that direction before. So too with your mind. No matter what direction you choose to go, you will be faced with a multitude of thoughts that can take you away from whatever intention you set out to do.

As a minimum, you will need to keep a very clear focus on why you are meditating and where you are going with your meditation or the process itself will cause you to get lost. As you focus your attention and awareness in any give direction two sets of problems being to develop. The first is a “zoom” feature of awareness beings to take effect. This is when we start to look at the various aspects that lie within our intention for meditation. This “zoom” feature is the equivalent of the sudden realization that you are on the top of the mountain and as you start to walk in the direction you choose, you find all the obstacles in your way. You have simply “zoomed in” on the path you have chosen and begin to see it for what it is.

These various aspects that rise before you can both provided a further clarification and direction to your intention or distract you from what you really want. They may cause you to move to something that may be interesting but is only a diversion. Similarly fears and other judgements may being to arise taking your attention off the original focus. Another way to look at this is if you look at a satellite map of earth. As one gets increasing amplification of the detains of the earth one can continually stay focused on the same point or divert themselves off to some other point that looks interesting. Your job is to stay focused on your original objective.

The second thing that happens in meditation is that as the path to meet your intention begins to get revealed, you will being to look and the various options you have. Some of the options you will find will be more efficient than other and some provide only a diversion. When all these variations and options hit your awareness simultaneously it is very easy to become diverted and move off course.

 To get around becoming diverted and moving off course you need one of three things.

  1. Have a strong disciplined focus on your attention to prevent it from shifting and hence shifting your intention. This is why many esoteric schools teach one to focus their attention in a steady and unbroken fashion like staring at an image, amulet or candle flame. The recommendation made here is you keep a very clear focus on your intention and what you wish to create. If you wish to use a some from of talisman or object, to help you maintain focus, choose one that feels correct for you. Using something that you did not choose may cause you to be diverted.

  2. Look to develop a sense of awareness and mindfulness so that you can bring your attention back to your original intention as soon as it begins to become distracted.

  3. Develop a habit that becomes so ingrain in you such that it allows for your attention to return to your original intention because the pattern is so ingrained in your being you are not comfortable unless you are doing that habit. But you need to be aware you are forming this habit and why you are doing so. This last method is in fact the method that keeps most people trapped in the past long after particular habits have served their usefulness and that includes meditation itself.

These type of deep habits can also transcend your current incarnation and be carried from the past and/or into the future. This is the essence and origins of many past life issue that so many individuals and esoteric tradition talk about. Whether the habit has its origins in some past incarnation or not really doesn’t matter. The issue is that it is still controlling your thoughts and action when you wish to go in another direction. This is why it is recommend you choose a practice of your choice and not what another tells you to do,. Then if you develop the habit and continually fall back into it, at least you will be doing what you chose to create and not be trapped in some other individual’s interests.

The bottom line is to allow effectiveness be your measure of truth. Use what is effective in your life to create what you desire. Don’t follow another because you think they know better. Only you can decide what is effective in your life. Learn what serves and doesn’t serve you at each and every level of your being and then do or use it as appropriate.

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