

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Hypnosis as normally defined is a trance like condition that is artificially induced to create an altered consciousness with a diminished will power and an increase responsiveness to suggestion. It is usually seen as a way of getting around the conscious mind to create some new condition within an individual.

Hypnosis uses a process where one puts the conscious mind asleep through any of a variety of methods to create that trance like condition. The normal way of putting the conscious mind to sleep is through some type of monotonous process or simply a deep relaxation technique. When the conscious mind is out of the way, one can insert a concept or thought to create a new pattern in life. Since the conscious mind is asleep, it is not present to fight or argue with any suggestions that are made. Hence it is easy to suggest an image, series of images, or concepts representing a different way of being in the world into the subconscious mind.

There is nothing mysterious or sinister about hypnosis. It is merely a different way of focusing our concentration and boarders between visualization and guided meditation. If we relax ourselves, close our eyes and imagine that we are bitting into a juicy lemon allowing ourselves to see, taste, and smell it using all of our senses in the process we have induced a form of self hypnosis.

In this regard whenever we mediate or visualize under hypnosis induced by ourselves or another, we never give up control to someone else unless we elect to do so. We are a infinitely powerful being and cannot be overpowered by any one or anything unless we choose to have that experience. No “force” or “forces” can take over our mind or our body unless we choose to give them control over us. In a hypnotic state we are only concentrating very deeply and as in meditation we can use it to access different levels of awareness and re-awaken parts of ourselves long dormant or unavailable to us and/or it can be used to explore our true nature.

The sinister flavor of hypnosis comes from the fact it has traditionally been used to suggest another way of being or action that the conscious mind is unaware. However, a hypnotic suggestion only will take hold unless we allow it to take hold. In many ways, the mundane of life puts many individuals into a hypnotic state and they then become very susceptible to advertising and/or other suggest that would appear to make life more exciting.

If you choose to explore hypnosis, your should ensure the individual with whom you work tells you something equivalent to the following and supports such a view. It is, “You will not do anything you truly do not want to do. You can and should tell yourself you will always be protected and not go or do what is not in your best interest for you overall growth and development.”

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