Sample Format-

Morning Exercise


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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This meditation is designed to provide a starting point for your daily efforts in life to develop a daily practice. It provides a way to 1) tap into the Source of your creative powers, 2) awaken you to the awareness that all is interconnected and 3) centering and focusing yourself into a single point focus for what you desire to create. The recommendation is to eat and digest what is here and allow your daily practice to evolve into something that arises from your own unique being and grows as your creative powers and ability grow.


This meditation is based on the understanding that in the beginning the Consciousness that many in humanity call God, awoke and became aware. When it looked around It saw that It was alone. In Its loneliness It longed for someone with whom to share Itself.

Being infinite, this Consciousness had an infinite number of ways in which to play but It had no one with whom to play. This loneliness grew so great that Consciousness shattered Itself into an infinite number of fragments. In doing so, Creation appeared as did an infinite number of potential playmates.

The loneliness Consciousness felt and Its desire to share Itself was the fuel that sparked the unfoldment of Creation as we now experience it. Each aspect of Creation is a fragment of this infinite Consciousness. Yet, in the Oneness of all that is, it is only an illusion that these fragments are separate for there is only a Oneness of all that its. In reality, each of these fragments is only Consciousness Itself looking to find a Playmate and/or find Itself. It is never really separate from Itself. It is t only living in the illusion that It is separate.

In the illusion Consciousness experiences Creation and finds Its playmate. In fact, It finds and infinite number of playmates all seeming separate but each an aspect of Itself being revealed and experienced. If Consciousness becomes aware and finds Itself, it realizes that it is unique and no one individual or aspect of Creation can meet all Its needs. It sees that It is alone and in Its loneliness it longs for someone within whom to share Itself. It that longing, Consciousness shatters itself and the process being gain.

The Daily Meditation

Calming oneself:

  • Close your eyes and visualize a pool of water.

  • Imagine this pool of water is full of ripples emanating outward from a single point as if someone is dropping stones into the center of the pool

  • While visualizing this pool of water, focus on your breathing.

  • Allow yourself to feel your chest rising and falling.

  • As you feel your chest rising and falling, go back to the pond and realize the very fact that you breath you are causing ripples on the pond.

  • Synchronize your breathing with the ripples.

  • Each time you breath in, see a rock fall into the pond to case a ripple.

  • Each time you breath out, see the ripple expand outward and quietly dissipate to nothingness such that at the end of your breathing out, there is only a calm pond.

  • Become aware that between the time of completely exhaling and inhaling as the next stone begins to fall to cause another ripple, the pond is perfectly still like a sheet of glass.

  • In this time of stillness as you breath in and the stone is falling to cause the next ripple, see the pond like still like a sheet of glass before you.

  • Allow this process to continue - a ripple outward, a calmness, a ripple outward, a calmness, on and on and on.

  • Allow the calmness to permeate your being.

Step one

  • Now, from this place of calmness within your being, go deep within yourself

  • Go to the deepest most hidden levels of your being to the very core of who and what you are.

  • Here at this most deepest inner layer there is peace, stillness and a loneliness.

  • Yes, you experience a loneliness that creates a deep longing within your being for the Beloved.

  • It this deep longing, know that you are a manifested aspect of the Infinite Consciousness.

  • Know that at this deepest level of your being, the essence of your being, you are the this Infinite Consciousness looking for a playmate.

  • Know that as this Infinite Consciousness you are looking for someone with whom to share who and what you are.

  • Know that this desire to share is the source of the deep longing for the Beloved.

  • Know that this loneliness arises because you know that in the uniqueness of the infinite being that you are there is no one person that can meet all that your needs - you need an infinite Creator

  • Yet you seek that Beloved who can meet those needs.

  • Know that this deep longing to share is Source of Creation and out of that longing arises all of Creation.

  • Know that the Beloved you seek is the Creation you see and experience before you.

  • Allow yourself to know that all that you see and experience is only you dancing with yourself in a Creation of your own making.

Step 2

  • Within the awareness that all that you see and experience is only you, the Creator, dancing with Yourself in a Creation of your own making, allows yourself to be immersed and surrounded by the love that has created this world.

  • Know that all you see and experience arises out of the deepest longing to share the magnificence of your own being.

  • Know that all is One.

  • All is created out of the deepest love to share yourself with another and you with them.

  • Allow this knowing to create a peace within your being that you are safe and protected in all that you do.

  • Know that all is contained in the Oneness of all that is, you, your body, and all the aspects of Creation you experience

  • Know that nothing happens to you or any other without your and their participation and agreement at some level of your being.

  • Know that all is contained within the love of the Creator to share Who and What It is.

Step 3

  • In the knowing that all is contained within the love of the Creator to share Who and What It is, all of the past and all of the future is contained within this love.

  • There is nothing that lies outside this deepest love to share the depth and breath of the Creator.

  • Know that every thought, every word and every deed, whether of the past, present, or future are contained within this love and never separated from it.

  • Know that to have thoughts is natural to your being and they are only the building blocks you use to manifest the creation you see and experience.

  • Know that if what you experience in life no longer serves who and what you are and it is time to move on to some different experience that you only need to think the thoughts and desire them to manifest.

  • Know that as you hold the intention for what you desire to manifest you only need to follow the feeling within your own being to guide you into the creation you seek.

  • Know that as you align with the flow of energy within your own being the mind will disappear and you will be in a calmness of being in all that you do and experience.

  • Know that the calmness you experience will always be present when you align with the fulness of your being that aligns you with the flow of energy that created and sustains you for in that fulness of being you are in alignment with the Source of your being.

  • Know that in the Oneness of all that is, you are never removed from the Source and it lies within your own being.

  • The key to your life lies in your feelings. It lies in the feeling of the fullness of being and from that space of the fullness of being abundance flows out from you in all that you do and all that you experience for you are the Source of Creation only sharing and what you are in your infinite capacity.

  • In the realization of this process allow yourself to be in wonderment and “ah” at the magnificence of Creation

  • And in this wonderment and “ah” allow yourself to become spontaneous and innocent as a young child discovering and exploring the wonderment of Creation.

  • As you feel wonderment and “ah” permeate you being allow yourself to return to your environment knowing that all that comes to you this day is only the Creator sharing Itself with you and you with It.

  • Allow yourself to be aware that this day is an invitation to a dance. It is a dance between you and the Creator to be shared with all with whom you come in contact.

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