Implications of pair production in our creative endeavors


An energy consciousness and metaphysical application of pair production

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Implications of pair production in our creative endeavors
An energy consciousness and metaphysical application of pair production

Revisiting pair production - the paper cutout analogy
Creative insights and application of pair production to the creative process
Multiple perspectives
Environmental conditions
Threshold energy - minimum energy for creation
Three perspectives
The transcendental view
The views of duality

Application to energy consciousness
The need to revisit the traditional concept of spirit
Calling forth those in our life
Metaphorical environmental conditions
Mirroring, reflecting and/or translating the inner and the outer
Annihilation of the creation and “anti-creation”
Independent and joint creations
Direct application to each of us
Creating without duality
Transcendental perspective for our creative endeavors

The purpose for looking at pair production is it provides an example of where the physical world seemed to create something from nothing. That understanding, in turn, can help us understand how our inner world can be directly reflected in the outer. Pair production is about how energy transforms from a massless photon into a particle and antiparticle with mass. It essence it is about creating something (particles with mass) from nothing (energy without mass). The discussion of the pair production phenomenon presented two way to view how energy is directly converted into particle with mass.

Revisiting pair production - the paper cutout analogy (Top)

One way was to look at the initial energy as a photon which split into a particle-antiparticle pair conserving energy and momentum. The second way was to view the particle and antiparticle as the creation of a particle and a hole in empty space or from a sea of particles below physical matter. From a creativity perspective it can be said the particle is cut out of what can be called the fabric of Creation.

It was said in the topic the “Origins of Creativity Physics” that the approach taken by Neils Bohr and the application of Einstein’s assumptions to creativity provided the framework to look to nature to provide insights about how the creative/creation process works. From a creativity perspective and in keeping with the approach to use nature as a guide, the Pair production phenomenon gives a way provided by nature to see how energy is directly converted to a form within an existing creation. In particular, energy is converted directly into the substance of the form of physical creation - that is, an object with mass. What is interesting about pair production is the author knows of no other process found in nature on earth where energy is converted directly to a particle with mass.

What is important about pair production is not how the process works. What is important is the insight it provides about how pure energy becomes localized into a form in a particular creation. We want to take the physical process and see what it is telling us about energy and how energy manifests within an existing creation. Whether you see what is discussed here literally or metaphorically, it doesn’t really matter. What is important is to use the pair production phenomenon as a starting point analogy to see how it is possible that our inner world of consciousness has a direct translation into the physical world of energy and mass.

Although the creation of a particle from a sea of infinite particles diagramed in the figure below entitled “Creating from an infinite sea of particles” was discarded because the particle and antiparticle are independent of each other, the concept of creation of a particle and a corresponding hole provides some interesting insights if you look from the perspective of the energy consciousness duality and the creative/creation process. The pair phenomenon provides a physical process demonstrating that “there is something out of which all reality formed (energy) given sufficient energy with the correct environment.” The key here is “given sufficient energy” and “the correct environment.” The following figure entitled “Creating from an infinite sea of particles” is modified from the pair production discussion and provides the starting point for the implication of pair production in our creative endeavors.

We can take a perspective where the infinite sea is the “fabric of creation,” the “no-thing-ness” to which mystics refer or that space between thoughts. If we take this view and the create a particle, what is important to note is that particle and the space around it or the hole that it creates is a direct reflection of itself in the fabric out of which it came. That is, the particle is made of the same “stuff” as the fabric and the space around the particle is of the same stuff as within the hole of the fabric.

The next figure entitled “Creating a Cutout” provides another way to view what is being discussed here. You can look at what is being described here as taking a piece of paper and cutting a paper figure out of the center of the paper. Here we cut out a paper heart. When the heart is removed, a hole exist in the paper identical to the heart that was cut out and this hole can be seen as the antiparticle or an “anti heart.” This is represented by the heart cutout from the fabric in the figure. The particle is a complete reflection of the hole and fabric out of which it came. The antiparticle is a complete reflection of the particle and the space in which it exists around the particle.

What needs to be noted, is that if the particle produced is a very unique particle with no other particle like it in the universe, it will take its exact antiparticle to annihilate it and convert all of its mass back into energy. It is this realization that can give some insight as to how our internal world is a direct reflection of our external world and how there will be an inner and outer sacrifice of creation during the creative/creation process.

Creative insights and application of pair production to the creative process (Top)

In look at the pair production phenomenon, there are several important observations about Creation that can be made about the process

Multiple perspectives
(Top): The first observation is the if you look only at the formation of the material particles rather than the whole process, pair production looks very much like the creation of something from nothing. If however you look at is as a mass-energy conversion and look at the entire process, it is simply the transformation of mass into energy. The entire process, in turn, can be reversed in pair annihilation. In pair annihilation the mass is converted by into energy when an matter and antimatter combine, for example when an electron pairs with a positron. What is important is to understand there are multiple perspectives that can be used to view the pair production process as the creative/creation process. The perspective we take can open the door to deeper and broader understand or close that door and seemingly trap us in a creation that will some day cease to exist.

Environmental conditions
(Top): Pair production does not always occur. There are conditions which must be met. One of the conditions is to have the correct environment. Pair production occurs in nature under the influence of a heavy nucleus such as Uranium or Plutonium. As far as the author knows, humanity has not figured out exactly what the mechanism is within a photon which causes it to separate into two particles but there is the need of the external influence for it to do so.

Threshold energy - minimum energy for creation
(Top): Pair production does not occur unless the photon contains a minimum threshold energy and under the influence of a heavy nucleus or its equivalent. The minimum threshold energy is the rest mass of the particle and the antiparticle that is formed. What this implies is that in trying to manifest something out of nothing, as a minimum you will need to supply the equivalent of the rest mass of all that you create. Exactly what amount of energy needed for a creation is a question for we normally do not normally manifest our creation spontaneously transforming energy into mass. Rather, we rearrange existing materials into a new creation.

To create anything of any size in physical Creation it will take a tremendously huge amount of energy. Nature, which is animated by energy, likes to follow the path of least resistance. Creating something out of existing materials is always easier and takes less energy than creating something spontaneously out of a seemingly nothingness as above in pair production. Things in nature rarely spontaneously appear. Rather they tend to grow and evolve from existing materials. There is an alternate way of creation to creating something out of nothing. The alternative way is to create a seed condition out of nothing and then grow, unfold or evolve what is desired.

In reality, creating a seed condition is the way we humans create and the human body is designed to fulfill this purpose. We create a seed condition out of nothing and then grow, unfold or evolve what is desired by acting in the world our the thought we have to rearrange the existing world in which we find ourselves into the desired shape. How much energy we will need to create our seed condition depends on the type of creation we are trying to form. Then of course there is the question how much energy do we need to grow and unfold our creation and to sustain whatever we do create as we create it.

Three perspectives
(Top): Another observation from the pair production phenomenon is the importance of the view that we use to explain pair production and to view any process. The pair production phenomenon helps us to understand that when we talk about a creation unfolding in a given environment, each creation is unique to its environment. It may appear that a given creation can survive in a multitude of environments and it will be slightly different in any one environment. However, in reality it is a different creation. The pair production phenomenon helps us to understand why this is true.

The impacts of each of these views and what it means for the relationship between the creation and its environment is further discussed in the discussion “Environment and the unfoldment of a creation.” What is provided here is an overview of the three views: (1) viewing from outside the the particle - antiparticle pair, outside the hole and the cutout; (2) viewing from particle or the paper cutout; and (3) viewing from the antiparticle or from the hole. To see these views for what they are, it is suggested you develop the ability to become a detached witness and give yourself permission and the freedom to playfully explore these views.

The transcendental view
(Top): The first view can be called transcendental view. This view is from above the duality of the particle (the paper cutout in the shape of a heart) and it antiparticle (the fabric with the hole identical to the the paper cutout). This view observes the whole process. We see the paper cutout and the paper which contains the hole as one. Here the process can be seen as a wholeness and oneness. The initial threshold energy is the energy necessary to free the paper cutout from being bound by the paper and is still present in holding the two parts as separate. Any extra energy is split between the hole and the particle. What we observe in this view is a dance.

Unlike pair production the particle produced in a creation are unique. In pair production, an electron and positron are produce. They are identical to every other electron and positron. As such each can go off in their own independent directions. Each electron can annihilate any other positron. Each positron can annihilate any other electron. There is nothing unique about either particle so they separate and no connection is maintained between them.

However, creations we make are different. Each is unique such that the antiparticle tracks the particle. Yet, each can be seen as acting independently of each other like two individuals in a couples dance. In a dance, two individual are connected to each other and dance around a common point. They can be seen dancing together in the same direction or seemingly apart, but in a dance they are connected. The energy can be seen as shifting between the dance partners. The partners can seem to stay together in a close dance or seeming move far apart and appear totally unconnected. In the end only the particle can annihilate its identical antiparticle and antiparticle its identical partner. In the end the two must come together for their energy to be returned to the Source of Creation for a new creation to emerge. When they do come together, both disappear.

The views of duality
(Top): The second and third view are to see the energy is split between the particle and antiparticle pair where both are independent particles. Either of these views can be called “The View from Duality.” It is to see and live in the world of seeming independent opposites.

The second view is when you view from the perspective of looking out from the creation, that is look out from within the particle that is taken out of the fabric of Creation, into the external world, the creation/particle appears separate and isolated. It is longer part of the fabric out of which it has been cut out. Rather the particle sees itself as a separated and isolated form. However, it is connected to the hole. If the particle and antiparticle are unique from any other existing creation, each will be seen in some way tracking the other. Why we don’t see this tracking although it exists is discussed in the topic “Environment and the unfoldment of a creation.”

The third view is when you view from the perspective of looking out from within the hole. That is, viewing from the antiparticle. In essence the view from the antiparticle is identical to the view from the particle but differ in one significant. When we view from the particle, the particle is made of the fabric of creation. What surrounds the particle is that which is not fabric and the particle looks out into the world of fabric and sees a particle (its antiparticle) that is somehow not real.

Similarly but reversed, the antiparticle is that which is not fabric. It is the hole in the fabric. It is surrounded by the fabric. When it looks out it sees a world of non fabric but sees a particle made of fabric. In reality the views are the same but look different. The view from the particle sees a world made of fabric and that which is nonfabric, such as the antiparticle, as real but some how not fitting into the world of fabric. The view from the antiparticle sees a world of non fabric and that which is fabric, the particle as real but somehow not fitting into the world. The question is, “What is the fabric of Creation and how do we experience it as the particle and as the antiparticle?”

Application to energy consciousness (Top)

Application of the pair production phenomenon to creativity is to realize that from a creativity perspective, energy consciousness is the fabric of creation. The relationship between energy and consciousness is that each is the ability to make something happen or to cause an effect. To cause a creation to come into existence is to cause an effect. To cause a physical creation to come into existence is for the creation to assume a particular form in physical creation. This means that whatever is produced is a form of energy for it arose out of energy. Either it is a flow of energy animating the creation or a flow of energy giving rise to, or forming, the creation. Its antiparticle, or “anti-creation” is then in the form of consciousness. If the consciousness awakens as a result of the flow of energy, the creation then can become aware of its existence and/or itself as an independent entity or as consciously simply awakening to itself.

As the flow of energy winds its way through the existing physical world, consciousness experiences different types and kinds of other energy flows. They, in turn, awaken different parts and aspects of consciousness. Unfortunately, consciousness defines itself by these different parts and aspects which awakens as a result of the experiences it has had. Rather than seen itself as the awareness within the flow it sees itself as the manifested form of the flow. It many ways it is like a flow of lava that identifies itself with the hardened outer shell of the lava tube rather than as the flow of lava which gives rise to the shape and form of the tube.

What needs to be understood here is that what is in our consciousness is manifested external as the world we experience. What we experience externally is a result of what lies in our consciousness. We can expect what we think and believe to causes us to have certain types and kinds of experiences for the environment in which we find ourselves. Similarly, what we experience externally is telling us something about our own thinking and what we believe whether or not we are aware of our thinking and/or our beliefs that are responsible for the experiences. If we wish to know what we think and believe at the deepest levels of our being, we only need to look at our bodies and the world we experience. If we wish to experience a body and a world that better serves us, we only need to look at our own thinking and what we believe.

How all of this actually works and how to use it in our lives is the whole basis of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material. What is provided here are some introductory thoughts. The application web sites and associated discussion use this basic understanding. They carries this understanding into the variety of ways it can be used in our lives to create the experiences we desire and the reality of those experiences.

The need to revisit the traditional concept of spirit (Top)

Traditionally, many spiritual traditions see the human being as spirit incarnate in a body. That is, the spirit inhabits the body much the way you or I would inhabit a car. The spirit using the body as a vehicle for an experience and when it is done with the experience it leaves the body. In general there is nothing wrong with this concept and seemed to have served humanity well for centuries if not millennia.

With the advent of modern medicine, mind body medicine, energy medicine, and many alternative medical practices we can being to question whether or not another view of the body and its relationship to what is traditionally called its spirit is appropriate. There appears to be a much closer association of the spirit with the body than solely as a vehicle as if it were a car. Somehow, in some way, this spirit that inhabits the body is intimately involved in creating the conditions of the body.

Additionally there are many seemingly cryptic statements made in the mystical literature that appear to make sense in light of the pair production phenomenon. Many mystics and many holy books have said that Creation arose out of a void and we are capable of creating something from nothing. Yet when we look at the creative/creation process, depending on the view we take, it does appear creations arise from nothing. However, if we switch our perspective to one of the multiple perspectives we see something different. If we look at the whole process as opposed to looking from within the creation and/or from within the world of the creation, we can see how there are influences in and from the unseen.

It is also said“as above, so below, as within, as without.” That is, the unseen realms are somehow directly translated into physical Creation and our inner world is similarly translated into our external world. The pair production phenomenon provides a way to understand how this works.

In looking at the pair production phenomenon it needs to be remembered that it is much easier to build with prefabricated materials than starting with the basic raw materials. Although using prefabricated materials limits what you can create, you can create much, much faster. As such, the creative/creation process as experiences in physical Creation appears to utilizes a seed condition and grow, evolve or unfold creations. The same is true for many, if not most, of our creative endeavors. We create a seed condition and the seed conditions begins with the thought we hold that guides the energy of the unfoldment.

Calling forth those in our life (Top)

One of the important insights from the pair production view is that it provides a way to see how we are interconnected with those in our life. We can begin to understand how to understand that individuals are called into our lives to give us the experiences we desire to have. Similarly, all we do is help the individuals create the experience they desire or need to have. The challenge for us within this understanding is, “Why are we creating the experiences that we are experiencing rather than something that seems to better serve us.”

Most of us see what happens to us coming from outside ourselves. We have no way of seeing how what happens to us could be caused by our own thinking. In reality what is inside us gets manifested in a experience externally. The pair production phenomenon help explain how this is possible. In fact, it can be said that our internal world gets directly translated into our external world and external experiences and that we are never separated from the source/Source of creation and the whole. Rather the separation we experience in life is only an illusion we have created.

One problem we all have had to face is we never had a way to see how the person before us is tied to what we desire. The consequence is we do not see what is before as something we called into existence. Rather than looking within and understanding why we called forth what we did, we blame others, focusing outward. Hence we never get to the root issue that causes what we experience. The pair production phenomenon provides a way to see this. This phenomenon also explains way it is said in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material that creation/Creation is not done alone and that we need another or others to give us the experiences we desire to have.

One needs to remember that the cut out and the hole are identical in all ways only made of different material. One is made by the paper and the other is made from that which is not paper. Each is a perfect reflection of the other but not a reflection as in a mirror where the images are reversed. Rather it is a translation of a form made in one material into an identical image made of that which is not the material. It can be said the cutout and the hole are the same but made of opposite materials. One is made of the fabric of Creation and the other is made of what which is not the fabric. If we say the fabric is physical material, then that which is not the fabric is the nonphysical. If we say the fabric of Creation is that which is nonphysical, then that which is physical is the opposite of the fabric.

Because they are made out of exactly the opposite “material” they seem to reflect each other in that what one is, the other is not. What this means is what is inside the one form is on the outside of the other and vice versa. The cut out heart has a physical form made by the paper, and the hole has a physical form created from what is outside of it. When you put the two together they match perfectly and annihilate each other returning the cutout to the wholeness of the paper from which it was cut. 

Now if we can hold the view that all is one, the transcendental view discussed above, we can being to see and understand it is only one’s perspective that changes. When we realize this, we can jump between views. We can being to look for particle-antiparticle pairs (the creation and its “anti-creation). Or, we can explore our consciousness to see how it is reflected externally. Or, we can look at our external world and the go within and see what thinking and what believes give rise to that external experience or condition. This is an extremely powerful technique to use to explore the depth and breadth of the creative power/Creative Power which is available to each of us.
The esoteric literature states that there is a oneness to the universe and as within, as without. That is our internal state is a direction reflection of our external world. The application of the pair production phenomenon as presented here show us how it is true. There is one subtle point to using this principle and that is to understand if you are viewing from the particles view or the antiparticle’s view. We need to become aware of the perspective we are using.

The perspective of consciousness is to be the detached witness in the awareness that we are the creator of the experiences we have observing our creation. The perspective of energy is to be aware of what we are feeling and immersed in feeling. It is to become aware of how to use our intuitive guidance and that mind characterizes what it experiences based on the past. As such, what mind provides is most probably wrong in its characterization to some degree or another for what we are trying to create, we have not yet experienced. But the feeling and the direction of the feeling is correct.

It needs to be realized that a certain amount of creative life energy was made available by the Universe to create us from the materials of Creation and sustains out created form. Our total being, not just our physical being but our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being is molded from Creation and/or the same material of Creation. We are it. We are the source/Source of Creation manifested. We have never been removed from it nor can we ever become removed. Ultimately Creation in its entirety is a direct reflection of what is inside our consciousness as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective and we are a direct reflection of Creation.

Metaphorical environmental conditions (Top)

It was said above that there are environmental conditions which must be met for pair production to occur. There is the need for a strong external influence on the energy. Metaphorically, we need a push or a pull to cause us to act or to cause us to desire to create. In some way we need to become dissatisfied with what is. It doesn’t matter how or why. There just needs to be something that call forth our desire to create. Literally, there will need to be something within our environment that causes us to have a dissatisfaction with what is. The raw materials of creation are feelings and desire. Unless we have a desire, we will not act. Unless we have some level of feeling and passion for that desire we will not have the energy to act. Energy (the flow of energy we feel) and consciousness (the desire to do something with what we feel) will always go together.

Mirroring, reflecting and/or translating the inner and the outer (Top)

The esoteric literature talks about the “as above, so below, as within, as without.” But they also talk about above and below and the inner and the outer being reflections of each other. It also talks about mirroring the inner and the outer or the upper in the lower. However, the world of mirroring and reflecting imply a reversal. When we look in a mirror, images are reversed. So too reflected images. But this is not what really happens. What happens is the inner is translated into a direct copy externally and the “above” is directly manifested in the “below.” Each is a perfect “reflection” of the other but not a reflection as in a mirror where the images are reversed. Rather it is a translation of a form made in one material into an identical image made of that which is not the material. He we can return to the figure of the paper cutout of the heart and the hole in the piece of paper left behind when we do the cut out as in the figure, “Cutout remaining in the hole.” This hole could be considered a mirror or reflection of that which is created but is not reversed in what it is or how it performs. It is the same. That hole in the paper is a direct copy of the cutout heart but in a different material. The material is what is different. The material of the hole is the exact opposite of the material of the cutout.

Annihilation of the creation and “anti-creation” (Top)

Annihilation arise from the fact that our inner world is reflected in our outer world. Annihilation is about returning the paper cutout heart back to the paper. In some ways is like the way we can pour a cup of water back into a bowl of water and the water again blends back into the total. In returning the cutout to the paper would again be whole and complete for the hole and the cutout match perfectly. We can then cut another paper cutout of the paper and make it a slightly different shape and we would again have a paper cutout and a whole that directly mirrored the cutout. We could continue this process of cutting out a figure and recombining it to cut a new figure ad infinitum with never creating the same figure. Or if we wish, rather than annihilating the whole cutout and forming a completely new cutout, we could annihilate and reform only a part of an existing cutout as demonstrated in the Figure “Partial Annihilation.” So too with our creation. We can annihilation our creation whole or in part in a similar way.

There will always be an annihilation at some level of being for anything we create. The energy for creation must come from somewhere and it come from the existing form. As a result of the nature of energy, there will always be a required sacrifice and death of some existing existing internal and external creation or aspect of a creation to finance the new creation.

Independent and joint creations (Top)

One question that arise is how is it possible that we can each create our own separation creation including our reality yet experience what others create. As seen in the Figure “Multiple Cutouts” we can have two or more cut-out simultaneously. Unless the cut-outs overlapped they will be completely independent of each other yet each totally whole and compete. We could reform any one of the cutouts as often as we would like without affecting the other.
If we have overlapping cut-outs as in the Figure entitled “Overlapping Cutouts” then we will have a section in common. If one or the other affects the common section, it will affect both cutouts. Yet, the parts that are not in common, we could continually reshape with out affecting the common section. We can expand this to included to as many cutout as you would like. The overlap regions or those sections of our life that we share with another or others. A community or society would have a common overlap with everyone in that community or society. Of course, the more individuals that overlap, the harder it is to make a change by one individual.

If you think about it, it is very much like what we experiences. There are many things we do that radically change our lives but really affect no one else. Similarly, there are things we do or others do that have a great impact on them or us, respectively. Then there are those things that seem almost impossible to change because of others you need to have “buy into” what you propose to do.

Direct application to each of us (Top)

If we do take the view that our lives and the world we experience are one much like the paper cutout and the paper from which it is cut, then a very power understanding is gained. As stated above, “To cause a physical creation to come into existence, is for the creation to assume a form in physical creation. This means that the particle produced is a form of energy. Either it is a flow of energy animating a creation or a flow of energy giving rise to a creation. Its antiparticle, or “anti-creation” is then in the form of consciousness.

In this view our mind, our ego and what we think and believe consciously and subconsciously is the “anti-creation” or opposite of the creation. The creation is the energy manifesting in response to our consciousness and is our bodies and the physical world it inhabits. Our consciousness is the view from the hole and our bodies is the view from the particle.

From within this view, we look separate from Creation. Yet the world we experience and what we think and believe are integrally connected. This means that in any situation in which we find ourselves and we want a creative solution to a problem within that situation, our external world is providing a perfect reflection for our internal state and our internal state is reflected in the external world. We can use this understanding to find the cause of our problem and its potential solutions. We can look to our external world to understand what is troubling us inside and/or hidden within our being. Similarly, we can use what is within our being to tell us what is happening external to us and why. It may take a little experimentation to see how this works, it nevertheless can be seen.

This means is if we don't like something about a situation, we can either change what we don't like within ourselves that represents the situation or we can change what we don't like in the environment that is causing the situation. Changing either will change the other. Now when there is something in the world we don’t like, our first impulse is to get others to change what they do. However, if we realized what we are experiencing is just a reflection of something internal to us, we can take a different approach. Rather than look to others to change, we can ask ourselves, “What do I have to do, what do I have to become to change the world I am experiencing such that ______ condition no longer exists or changes for the better?”. What we will get is the intuitive insight that tells us what to do and how to live our life such that the world changes. Whether we do what is asked of us is another question. Also, whether we believe we have such power and this process actually works is another question. You may have to do our own experiments to verify the truth of what is stated here.

Creating without duality (Top)

Because of the way mind generates it thoughts as discussed in the topic “The View from Duality - Thinking Thoughts” it is natural for us to experience separation. However, there is another powerful understanding that comes with applying the pair production concept which provides for another way to live life without duality.

In the same way a seed grows into a plant we can create a seed or seed condition that starts from only a thought or idea and we can allow it to grow into what we desire. Nature itself takes care of the process. We need only to create the seed and plant it in fertile soil. Creating in this fashion does not create the duality of the opposite particle. This is because we capitalize and build on the fact that we and our creation are integrally link to our environment. In using this fact our creations do not carry the flavor of separation for they are seen and experienced as unfolding together.

Transcendental perspective for our creative endeavors (Top)

Another implication from the application of the pair production phenomenon is the transcendental view that was discussed above. If we move our view to stand outside the situation we are experiencing and its environment, we have the possibility of getting rid of the situation all together and have the problem go away. Remember, the transcendental view sees the oneness and interconnectedness between the hole and the cutout. What we are doing in this view is simply putting the paper cutout back into the hole in the paper. In doing so we annihilated the paper cutout and returned to the original state before the creation. Once you have returned the paper (Creation) to it original form we can then do a new cutout, one that is more to our liking.

In this view we have the possibility of the situation internal to us and its external world counterpart simply annihilate each other and cancelling each other out. We can then reform an entirely new creation with the energy that is released. The only question that we will have for anything in our life is to which view and to which part of ourselves do we want to hold. We can hold onto what we created in ourselves. We can hold onto what was created external to us as reflection of what is within us. We can hold on to both. Or you can let go of both. To create a new situation, we will have to let go of both (part of the sacrifice of creation we need to make) and allow the two part to come together and annihilate each other giving us the energy to from a new creation.

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