Creating Rituals



A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Throughout the process of reviewing our life we will come to see there are individuals or situations that have caused us to bind our creative life energy in ways that require us to believe we must forgive another, forgive ourselves or be forgiven for what has happened. Given the nature of how we create our experiences and how we create the reality we experience, the creative perspective on forgiveness we must go inward and make the necessary changes that give root the experience we had that created the condition requiring forgiveness of some type. The question is, "What is the best way for us to create the conditions that allow for the release of the bound energy?"

On this point, it may be appropriate to create a ritual and/or metatheater which allows us to explore the concept of forgiveness. We should explore what we may need to literally or symbolically do to forgive and receive forgiveness for our past. Sometimes we do not feel as thought we are forgiven if we do not undergo some type or kind of penance or punishment. In doing these rituals and/or metatheater to see what feels correct, we should also explore why we need to do what we need to do. Some individual require great punishment to feel forgiveness is obtained. Other see only the speaking of the appropriate words by the correct person. Why the difference? The issue we need to explore is whether or not we really feel and find freedom in whatever is done.

Once we know what we need to do, we should review our life as in a life map or story telling to identify where we think or feel we need to forgive another or Creation and where we need to forgive ourselves or be forgiven. The fact that we think or feel forgiveness is needed in some way mean energy is bound in the memory. We need to create some particular type and kind of action like, for example a leaving a grieving ceremony, or some type of metatheater where we let go and release the energy bound in the memory. We need to look carefully as to what action we need to take that will release the energy bound in our memories that require forgiveness. The best approach is to ask our intuitive guidance and then honor the guidance we receive.

At times it may be appropriate to actually contact an individual but that is usually not necessary. Many times those who have been harmed by us or who harmed us are no longer in our life. What needs to be released is in us and not in them. Besides, any action we take is for us and not for them.

In looking at energy bound in memories requiring forgiveness, we may want to consider doing some body work such a message with the specific intention of surfacing body memories which contain an element of forgiveness. Then as memories of events surface, ask our intuitive guidance what we need to do to release the energy.

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