Creativity maintenance relative to the mental aspect of our being
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The introduction, background information, the relationship and focus of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects, and general guidelines for a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical practice are addressed in the topic, "Creativity maintenance common sections for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of being." This topic should be read first, if not done so, before proceeding. Creativity maintenance relative to the mental aspect of our being As stated in the topic, "Creativity maintenance common sections for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of being," the dissolution of the existing form starts with the release of our attachments reflected in the mental aspect of what we think and believe. If we do not release our attachments we will cause ourselves discomfort if not outright pain. The maintenance we need to do from the mental aspect is to work on our belief structure to obtain, develop and maintain the beliefs, ways of thinking, patterns of thinking, and habits which allow us to make a smooth transition form the existing form into the new desired creation and experience the freedom of the Source of Creation and to effectively channel the freed energy into a pattern to create an experience which serves us and what we desire to experience. The mental aspect of being about how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe to direct the flow of our creative life energy into an experience of that focus. Does what we think and believe allow us to grow and expand in our creative ability and creative power or do we find ourselves giving a way our power or otherwise robbing ourselves of our power. The mental aspect of being is focused more on what we believe and the patterns of our thinking. Any beliefs we have or how we think about anything which we call spiritual is actually part of our mental aspect of being. One area which we need to look is whether or not we have beliefs which feed a victim consciousness. Physical Creation seems to have been created to see we could overcome such thinking. The main way we develop a victim consciousness is that our consciousness comes to believe we are our bodies. Since consciousness defines itself by the experiences it has, we give ourselves an identity because of the experience we have in the body. We forget our transcendental mind and the experiences we have had prior to our current life. So many of our early experiences are of the body where we have little control as a child, we identify with the body and treat aspects of our consciousness as if it functioned as the body. How this works is relativity quite simple. The brain of the body is the central processing station for all the sensors the body possess. It is the brain that assimilates and integrates all the sensor input of the body into a composite picture of the condition of the body and its environment. The brain’s primary function is to assimilate all the sensory input to protect and regulate the body and assist the body in living its physical existence. Human experience has shown that individuals with dis-functional brains, will not exhibit the type and kind of awareness and mental capabilities that we consider as being a normal human. Hence the brain is seen as the location of where our consciousness and mind reside. It is seen as the center of our thinking and seemingly our awareness. Quite naturally, we associate our mind, that thinking, judging and analyzing part of our consciousness with the brain and head and attach the identity our consciousness forms about itself, the ego, to the body and the functions of the brain and its sensory input. Our mind believes it is the experience of its sensors and our ego comes to believe it is the experiences it has had. Since most of our early life experiences are focused on learning to utilize and manipulate our bodies, we tend to define ourselves by the external experiences we have rather than by what experiences we may have internal to our being. When we are young, and frequently encouraged by our care givers, we tend to dismiss internal experiences as the product of our imagination and not real. We tend either disregard what we feel internally or look externally for what is causing us to feel internally. Additionally, the brain and the awareness of our mind is focused on protecting the body and surviving in the world. That need to protect the body gets transferred to mind and mind learns to protect the ego it creates from the experiences it has in the body in the same way it protects the body and similarly protect what it thinks and believes. Mind in learning to protect the body creates the seeds of a victim consciousness. That is, the consciousness within mind suffers and feels pain as a result of external influences on the body. Yet consciousness never realizes that it is not experiencing the pain of the body. Rather the body is experiencing the pain and the mind of consciousness has simply identified itself as the body. It has become attached to the body by choice. The consciousness had not realized what it feels is not determined by the external world unless it choose to be so affected through its attachments. Whether or not our consciousness becomes a victim consciousness because of the experiences it has had depends entirely as to whether or not we feel we are powerless to negate or remove the controls of the external world on the pain and discomfort that we feel within our being. A victim consciousness is where our consciousness thinks we are a victim controlled by our external word and that we are unable to do anything about it. As such, we lie at the mercy of these external influences. Victim consciousness boils down to realizing that we can create something from nothing. That is, we can choose to experience joy and happiness where there is none. We can choose to create joy within our being even when the body is in pain and suffering. That is what it means to be the creator and to create something from nothing. The world before is a world of form that arose out of the formless or non localized energy. It is no more real that what we create inside ourselves. It is only a matter of what we believe and where we choose to place the focus of our attention and awareness. One mental maintenance we can do is become mindful and aware to be able to look to see if we are present to the moment and present to what is, as it is or are we living in the past or the future missing the point of creative power. A second practice is to look to see where we are blaming the outside world in any way as to the cause of our problems. Look to see where we are not willing to take responsibility for what we are experiencing and pull the string as to why. Look to see what and where we think and believe that we are limited. Then look to see if the limit is a product of the rules of Physical Creation or if they are the product of our own limited thinking.
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