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  Creativity maintenance relative to the spiritual aspect of our being 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The introduction, background information, the relationship and focus of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects, and general guidelines for a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical practice are addressed in the topic, "Creativity maintenance common sections for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of being." This topic should be read first, if not done so, before proceeding.

Creativity maintenance relative to the spiritual aspect of our being

As stated in the topic, "Creativity maintenance common sections for the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of being," the unmanifested stage of the creative process where the bound energy and bound consciousness is released, is what may be called the spiritual aspect of our being. It is experienced as a deep and expansive awareness a place of no form or which some call a place of "no-thing-ness." The greater the creative endeavor, the greater the release of energy and the greater the experience of expansion moving closer and closer to an experience of the infinity of our being and or the Source of Creation. Yet, in reality, every creative endeavor takes us to the Source of Creation - that space and moment of freedom, that point of creative power, and place of "no-thing-ness" to create something new The only difference between experiencing the infinity of our being and/or the Source of Creation and experience nothing in particular is perspective and how and were we have placed the focus of our attention and awareness. The maintenance we need to do is to maintain the beliefs, ways of thinking, patterns of thinking, and habits which allow us to make a smooth transition form the existing form into the new desired creation and experience the freedom of the Source of Creation.

The spiritual aspect of our being is most closely related to the unseen and unmanifested aspects of energy and consciousness not localized in a given identity, that which we do for maintaining the spiritual aspect of our being is to look to see how free we are to move in any direction in life. We first need to look at the freedom to explore options in our creative imagination and then how free we are to bring those options into physical manifestation at least in something like a ritual or metatheater if not the life we live in the world.

As discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, the consciousness within, or behind, Creation created an illusionary separation such that each aspect of its being became an independent point of consciousness capable of awakening to the whole. This fact provides several criteria which we can use to establish our a spiritual maintenance program that allows us to move into a wholeness within our being. They are expansiveness and unboundedness, the uniqueness of our being, inner knowing, and our relationship with the unseen.

Expansiveness and unboundedness: At the deepest levels of our being, we are that Creator, that consciousness within, or behind, Creation, seeking a playmate in what could be called a cosmic awareness or a cosmic consciousness. However, the "I" with which we identify with however we define ourselves is only one aspects of an infinite number of aspects of this Creator. Or, ideally, we can see and experience our selves as a flow of energy within this Being. Analogously, we are one key out of the eighty eight keys on a piano or one frequency out of an infinite electromagnetic spectrum. All that keeps us from seeing and having an experience as the Creator as opposed to the creator is perspective. For most, fear and the need to take responsibility for all of Creation blocks this experience and is too overwhelming for our mind to even consider as possible to experience it we need to be out of mind.

If we wish, we can make experiencing Cosmic Consciousness as our spiritual goal. Or, we can make simply experiencing the infinity of our being, being the "I" without identity. Or, being simply the individuated awareness without identifying with any aspect of creation/Creation. Some would call such an experience Nirvana or total liberation or freedom. All that differs in the experience is how our mind defines or explains what it experienced after the fact.

However, seeking such experiences are totally unnecessary. All we really need to do is look to see if what we are experiencing is allowing us to feel expansion and the experiences are moving us to a greater expansiveness and expansion into who and what we are. For a spiritual maintenance practice, we only need to look to see if in our experiences of life we are feeling freedom and expansion in what we experience to know if we are being spiritually served.

Here it needs to be noted we should experience freedom and expansion in life in all we do, even the mundane of life. If we need to sit and meditate to feel expansion and do not feel expansion in what we do in life, we are withdrawing from life and not living a life that is allowing us to maintain the spiritual aspect of our being. There should never be any need to withdraw from life. Life itself should give us the feeling of expansion. If what we do in life does not, we need to look at what we do and why we do it and/or what we think and believe about what we do. The exploration and the resolution of the cause of a lack of expansion in what we do in our spiritual maintenance practice.

As a spiritual maintenance practice, look to see if in our experiences of life we are feeling freedom and expansion in what we experience. For those areas or aspects we do not feel freedom, we need to pull the string as to why we do not feel freedom to get to the root and address the root cause.

The uniqueness of our being: In being one unique fragment of this consciousness within, or behind, Creation, there are things that we know about Creation unique to who and what we are. Or, there are things that we can do in Creation that are natural to us and maybe be unique to us that no other can do. Since all of Creation lies within, it is an awareness to which others can awaken but it is something we carry and is natural and inherent to our being. These reflect the gifts we carry to all of Creation. Creation is incomplete without us and Creation misses something when we are unable to live or unwilling to live our uniqueness. The more we are true to ourselves and can be our uniqueness in the world, the richer and fuller all Creation becomes.

The expression of this aspect is the source of our creative power and creative ability. When we access it and live it, we become the source/Source of creation/Creation. As we grow into it and awaken other aspects of our being, we move from the awareness of the source to the awareness of the Source. However, accessing and become this uniqueness and living the truth of our being is not something we obtain from going outside ourselves. It is about access and revealing that which lies within and acting on what we know within. We will need to both do our own experiments to know what is true for us and look to see if all that we think, say and do are reflective of our truth and what is true for us or whether we are mimicking something given to us by another.

What many find is that rather that being allowed to unfold the truth within our being, we follow what others think is the spiritual truth we need to know and to practice. Consequently, we give away our creative power and creative ability when we do not access the truth within our being. We seemingly become powerless in certain situation and hence think we are a victim and are at the mercy of the world or some external God. We fail to develop the awareness within our own being as to the source/Source of our creative power and creative ability. We are much like the eaglet and the lion cub discussed in the topic, "The Human Condition as Seen from the Creativity Perspective."

Based on this understanding, there are the following spiritual maintenance practices.

  • Go within and explore the truth of our own being and ferret out what is not true to us and only adopted from the world in which we find ourselves.
  • Look to see if we are living and being our truth in the world. It is to look to see where we are free or not free to be our truth. For those areas were we are free to be our truth, pull the string so as to understand why and take appropriate corrective action.
  • Look to see where we either feel we are a victim and/or blaming another, including God, in some way for what we experience. Pull the string as to why we think we are a victim or another is to blame for what we experience. In understanding why, choose to tell a different story.
  • Look to see where we are unwilling to take responsibility for creating what we experience. Where we are not taking responsibility pull the string to explore why.

Inner knowing: It knowing that we are an aspect of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation, means that we are one with the consciousness within, or behind, Creation and in communication with all of Creation. In this oneness, we should be able to see we receive insights, awareness, understanding, and the like about situations or aspects of Creation for which our mind has no way of knowing. It should not be a surprise to know as detached witness what is occurring beyond, and behind, the scenes from that which we are experiencing in front of us.

If we do not getting such information, it means we are not clear and our awareness is cloudy much like muddy water or it is agitated like the ripples on the top of a pond. However, when the turbulence settles or the ripples die out, the water becomes clear and we can see. This is not about meditation although it can be. Rather is it is about looking to see how and why we are not routinely receiving such communications. For example, the issue may not be turbulence or agitation. Rather, we may not understand either the way the communication is being giving to us, such as through body wisdom and the body, or we do not understand the symbols of our inner language. Then again, it may be how we have focused our attention and awareness such that we are blocking what is being given to us. Or, it could be we are simply agitated and need to settle our being.

Alternatively said, as an aspect of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation, we are in contact with and communicate with all of Creation. This is what is. As a unique aspect of this consciousness, our way of communicating may be unique to us. We need to look to see and know this communication path and being to use it in our life. We will need to give ourselves permission to do our own experiments to see how it does or doesn’t work. No one can do this for us and we cannot follow the path of another. We may be able to use the lessons learned of other but we cannot expect our way of communication with the unseen will be anything like any other.

As a spiritual maintenance practice, look to see what is being provided to us through inner knowing and what we need to do to either improve what we receive and/or how we receive it. Remember, we can always ask our intuitive guidance, "What do I need to do to develop my inner knowing?" Then follow the guidance received.

Relationship with the unseen: Related to inner knowing is our relationship with the unseen realms.

Here we need to fight the illusion of Creation and the illusion of mind not unlike we face it every day between who and what we think we are and who and what we really are. The unseen is as diverse and varied as what we find in Physical Creation but only more so. Based on what we perceive through the human mind, there are realms more pleasurable than earth which some would call heaven and there are realms more unpleasant which some would call hell. Similarly, there are beings or entities which are much more advance that us as an individual and there are being or entities which have little or not awareness. The fact that something is unseen in no way confers upon them some ability to see or know more than we do. Many experience communications with the unseen realms or entities and assume the information is more accurate than what they know or could receive by simply going within and exploring their inner world to access the understanding of Creation.

What needs to be understood are two things. One thing is that which causes us to experience separate individuals in Physical Creation and all off the diversity of Physical Creation exists in the unseen realms. That is, the same separation we experience in Physical Creation exists in the unseen. The reason for this is because this is how Creation works. It is simply the illusion of mind. The second things is that in the same way we can step out of mind and move beyond the separation we experience in Physical Creation and can access information about situations, people, and the like, so too the unseen realms. It is only a matter of how we focus our attention and awareness through how and what we think and believe. If, and when, we receive what can be seen as communication with an unseen being we can experience that communication as from another just as we would experience talking with another individual in Physical Creation. Or, in the same way we can experience talking with another as a synchronicity for us to experience what we desire, we can see that communication with an unseen being simply as a synchronicity within our own being and a communication with our inner world, just expressed in a form to which we can better relate.

Alternatively said, in the same way our external physical world can be seen simply as a reflection of our inner world in the outer, unseen communications with entities can be seen simply as a reflection of our inner world in a perceive unseen outer world. The choice is as to how we will experience it and how and what we believe about what is occurring. Some individuals do not have a belief structure which allows them to believe they have a vast reservoir of information and understanding within their nonconscious mind. Rather, they believe they either channel an unseen being or they have a communication with an unseen being. There is no judgment on how we perceive the unseen realms. We only need to take responsibility as a creator for what we experience however we experience it.

As a spiritual maintenance practice it is recommended we explore what we think and believe about the unseen realms and look to see what we perceive our relationship to be with the unseen. Then, based on what we currently understand, think and believe about the unseen, look to establish a communication with the unseen. Set the intention to develop a relationship and a way of communication with the unseen which allows us to grow and expand into the full creative potential true to the truth who and what we are and experience a freedom and an expansion or fullness of our being. Here we need to give ourselves permission to do our own experiments to see what works and is most effective. Also, we need to remember, we can always ask our intuitive guidance as to how to go about achieving such a communications.

Inner and outer creative power: There is an inner creative power and an outer creative power. The inner creative power is that which is perceived as arising from inside of our being in some way. The outer creative power is that which seems to lie outside ourselves. It includes the creative power within others, the unseen realms of Creation, and that which most call and/or attribute to God. The question is where does our inner creative power stop and the outer creative power start and where does the outer creative power stop and our inner creative power start. We would think the outer creative power starts and stops at the same point where the inner creative power starts and stops. However, that is not the case. Where they start and stop depends on what we believe and we each will need to do our own experiments to see where these two points lie.

At the deepest levels of understanding as reflected in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective or in the discussion "Origins of Creation" it can be seen they lie on a spectrum. The problem we face is what we think and believe as a result of the normal experiences we have in the human physical experience. Based on these experiences we usually cannot and do not see and experience the fact they lie on a spectrum.

As a spiritual practice, two things can be addressed here. One is to do those experiments which allow us to see how much creative power we really do have. For example, creating something our mind considers impossible. The second is to explore what we have come to think and believe and whether or not what we think and believe allows us to claim the power we do have. Or, do what we think and believe cause us to deny ours creative ability and creative power in some way or we rob ourselves of what otherwise be available to us.

Holding our creativity sacred: A relatively simply spiritual maintenance practice is to look to see if we hold our creativity sacredat each and every level of our being. Where every we do not hold our creativity sacred, pull the string as to why and implement an appropriate way of being that allows us to hold it sacred. Look to see where we may be giving away our creative power and what we need to do to call back our creative power. Then stop giving it away and take action to call it back.

Explore the various aspects of the feeling of freedom: The feeling of freedom is described as a fullness of being, a fullness of life, a blossoming or flowering of our being, and experiencing a feeling of expansion moving toward an experience of, if not into, the infinity of our being. Additionally, this feeling of freedom should accompanied by an inner satisfaction within our being which never runs dry no matter what is happening in our world.

Although it may be difficult for our mind to accept or understand, we experience these feelings simultaneously in that this feeling of freedom is what can be best described as a "package deal." That is, it has multiple aspects and is multidimensional. If we stay present in the moment without focusing our attention and awareness on any one aspect of what we feel, we can find our awareness cycling through or perceiving an experience of each of these feeling. That is, any one description our mind can give to what we feel is inadequate for each of these aspects are present in what we feel simultaneously. Quite simply, the finite nature of our mind is too limited to describe the depth and breadth of what we feel and all its aspects. Rather, our mind characterizes what it experiences based on how it has focused our attention and awareness in how and what it thinks and believes. If we change how and what we think and believe, we will perceive a different aspect of this feeling of freedom.

As a spiritual practice, it is recommended we do our own experiments to see how and what we believe and how and what we need to change to experience a different aspect of this feeling of freedom. Purse experiencing as many aspects of this feeling of freedom as we feel necessary and/or appropriate.

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