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 Mystical and spiritual literature on sexuality and creativity 


The beast at the gate

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Other than talking about sex as being for creating children and that it is something which should be considered sacred, no spiritual or mystical tradition was found which discussed the creative power of sexuality, including Tantra. In general the guidance about sex for other than Tantra was to avoid it, even in marriage. Most seem to see sex as somehow keeping an individual from that which was considered spiritual and keeping the individual from enlightenment. Even the focus of Tantra was directed at transmuting or transforming the "sexual energy" into a "spiritual energy." The focus was on directing the sexual energy up as opposed to grounding it in Physical Creation to consciously create However, there was one mystical tradition within a religious tradition which required individuals to be over forty years old, happily married and of good standing and well versed in the religious tradition before they could study the mystical aspects of the religious tradition. Also there was one poem from the Persian mystical poet Rumi which talks about sex and the energetic children.

Part of the reason as to why the mystical and spiritual literatures did not address sexuality and creativity seems to center around the fact that all the mystical literature is about obtaining a state of being beyond the physical rather than becoming a creator and taking responsibility to create a new world. None of them talked from the perspective that there is nothing wrong with the current world and we want to create something new not because there is anything wrong with this current world but rather because the current world just no long serves the awareness we currently have. Few talk about being in the world and finding Heaven, Nirvana or the Kingdom of God here and now. Those that do make the journey long and arduous. None talk about finding them relatively fast and/or easy.

Of course, exploring any mystical tradition without becoming a part of the tradition is difficult for several reason. One is simply that all that any tradition teaches is not always in books and there are two primary reasons for this. One is that some thing just need to be experienced and cannot be put in books. It is the difference between an intellectual understanding about a subject and an experiential understanding. The other is that some traditions intentionally desire to keep what they teach secret and out of the public mainstream.

This latter issues of keeping secrets raises the question as to what the mystical tradition is really trying to accomplish for there are no secrets in Creation. Secrets are of the mind and are about control. Anyone who hold secrets or desires to keep a secret is into control and they are not on a path of expansion into the infinity of their being, Nor are they on a path to learn the true nature of Creation. Creation knows no limits or boundaries of any type and keeps no secrets. All is reveal to those who seek. The only question is whether or not we are willing to do the seeking for whatever it takes and we are willing to step out of our preconceived ideas to see what Creation has to share and reveal.

It was the existence of the void of information in the mystical and spiritual literature on the creative power of sex which give rise for the need to create the discussions under the topic "Sexuality and creativity." The recommendation made his is to allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth and hold your creativity sacred. If what is said here is useful in your creative endeavors, of which life is a creative endeavor, use it. Otherwise, find something that is effective.

As to the proof and validity as to what is said within the topics which address sexuality and creativity you will have to do your own experiments because of the uniqueness of each individual and of the lack of information available on the subject. But, it needs to be noted, that in the exploration of our inherent creativity it was observed that understanding the creative power of sex lies beyond sexuality. Everyone who had figure out how to go past, or rather through, their sexuality had found it if they were looking for it. That is the creative power of sexuality is not obvious and we must be observant to see it real effects. Those who don't face their sexuality never find it and can't because what the metaphor of sexuality is really communicating. It is about creativity and unless one chooses to become a creator, they will never see what is it all about and how much power lies within it.

Other than getting a person to create something with all their heart and be willing to pay any price for that creation, it is difficult to get someone beyond sexuality. They will have to have the energy and single point focus for what they desire to create to face the issues of sexuality and the typical baggage of sexuality. To get past the sex the key is not about being sexual with a person it is about creating with them.

Creating something with another allows for a common focus beyond the sexuality yet keeps the individuals join as if they were continually in a sexual relationship. The issue is about the individual exploring themselves and what they need to experience and what they need to do and become for the creation they wish to manifest. Most people get stuck in the sexuality so they never get beyond it. Unless there is a creative objective that lies beyond the individual ego, one will become caught in the sexuality.

It would be nice to communicate and share what the creative power of sex is all about in a simple written form. However, until one has an experience of their sexuality and what they feel to see what is and isn’t there, they don't have the life experiences to understand it. We can only go there. The only safe way to go there is to create with another and what is created is something that lies beyond our individual egos.

What sexuality and the metaphor of sexuality is trying to communicate with humanity is that creation and life occurs with others at the deepest intimate levels possible. There is no creation without another to experience so sexuality guarantees that the understanding can be gained if one is willing to look past the sexuality. Yet, humanity cannot face what lies behind sexuality for if they do they will find the destruction of their own identity. They will find they are not who and what they think they are.

The real issue we have is not sexuality. Rather, it is fear and understand what is it exactly that we fear and why. If we look deep enough we will come to see that what we ultimately fear is that the "I" does not exist - it never did. The "I" as we know here is simply a creation of an awareness that transcend time and place. The fear is only the ego thinking it will die because it is a creation of our awareness, it is the creation of the creator. In stepping beyond our fear we will have to step past the ego that created it and that expansion will shatter the ego as we know it. Yet ego can't die, it is only a reflection of the uniqueness of the awareness that is the "I". It is an issue we all face. It is not something unique to us as an individual. It applies to all of us.

The mystical aspect of sex - it is about creating life

As for sex and sexuality, the fundamental most important aspect relating to the mystical, sex and our experience here in Physical Creation is that sex is about creating life. In the feeling of sex, there is an awareness in what we feel and what we need to do in and with our life. It lies in a deep feeling beyond sexuality and the types and kinds of feelings we have around sexuality. It should be clear as to why what we need to do in our life is related to feelings of sex and sexuality. After all, what we need to do in our life is about creating our life. It is only natural that some of the feelings about creating the life we need to live will have overtones of sexuality. Any sexual experience can call them forth into our awareness. If we are not preoccupied by the sex, we can recognize them and use them to guide our life. When people get pulled toward sex but can’t seem find satisfaction in sex, it is probably the awareness for their life that lies in the deep feelings that is trying to pull them past sex. Sex stands at the doorway as the beast at the gate to the awareness that allows us to know the intention for our life. The issue is not necessarily to have sex or engage in sex. It is about to engage the beast at the gate and to understand the feelings of sex and the feeling of what gives us life and to discern exactly from where the feeling are arising.

Sexuality - the beast at the gate

In many stories about finding a rare treasure there are either trials and tribulations the hero or heroine must endure or there is a beast at the gate who guards the treasure which the hero must face in order to access the treasure. Sexuality is the beast at the gate which we must face to access the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity and a phenomenal creative ability and creative power. If we run away from what is asked of us, we will never access the treasure.

It is not necessarily about having sex or engaging in sex but it can be. Rather, sexuality provides a variety of trials and tribulations in a variety of ways which we must wisely face if we are going to access the treasure. Some of these tries and tribulations are reflected in the various ways sex can be viewed as doorway and the variety of ways sex can be seen as a tool. In this regard, sex and our sexuality will need to be faced in one way or another. How we choose to face it makes all the difference in what we can access.

Exactly how our sexuality is the beast at the gate is unique to use for we all are unique. In addition to each being a unique and an infinitely creative being, we each have a unique set of life experience and we each have a unique set of beliefs and way of thinking. Although there are many generalities and common elements to each of us and we can learn a tremendous amount from the lessons learned of others, our path is nevertheless unique. We each will face a different set of experience when it comes to sexuality and we will need to do our own experiments to see what works and doesn’t work for us.

What is the treasure guarded by the beast at the gate

The treasure which is guarded by the beast at the gate is the proverbial tree of life found in the story of the Garden of Eden.

As alternative way to look at what lies in the feeling beyond sex is to revisit the Garden of Eden Story found in text used by many of the world’s religions. In this story, humanity is banished from the Garden of Eden for violating the direction provided by God and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge located in the center of the Garden. In banishing humanity from the Garden God is said to have place a angel with a fiery sword at the gate to keep humanity out. God is reported to have said humanity must be banished from the Garden or they will eat of the Tree of Life and live forever.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil causes death. Adam and Eve were kept away from the tree of life. The tree of knowledge is the mind. The tree of life is the heart and what we feel. But no one has every taught us about how to follow what we feel to create life. The only thing people know about following a feeling to create life is about sex and nothing more, and most never get past the sex. This is the reason for the series of discussion topic on creativity and sexuality - to learn to get past the sex. What was learned for the journey of exploration of our inherent creativity about how sex is the beast at the gate and the doorway to the Tree of Life was not found in any book nor was it found in any of the spiritual practices which use sex like Tantra. It particular, nothing was found which stated that the tree of life that lies within our own heart and what we feel and past the experience of sex.

But the issue is not the sex. Sex is not the Tree of Life. It is the beast at the gate. It is what we feel which gives us life. What we feel is the Tree of Life but we need to be open to what we feel at each and every level of our being to access that Tree of Life.

In the Garden of Eden story, an angel with the fiery sword keep Adam and Eve out of the garden and away from the tree of life. In our on life, in our own garden, sex is the fiery sword which keeps us way from the tree of life in our own being. That is, sex and what we think and believe about sex and how it should and shouldn’t be used keeps us aware from the awareness which lies in feeling that creates life.

The issue is not sex. The issue is what gives us the feeling to create the life we incarnated to have and learning how to follow our feelings as in internal compass. Sex is only a doorway which opens us to what we feel, especially about what we feeling which creates life and gives us life for the two and entwined. It is only a matter of what level of being we are willing to look to see what life is, or is not, created. In accessing what gives us life we also access a profound unlimited creativity which allows us to create or recreate our life to provide both what serves us here and now in the moment and create a life worth living.

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