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 Sexuality is a doorway  


Or, alternative said,
Sex stands at the doorway and is the proverbial beast at the gate

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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"I have tried everything but pay for it [sex]." is a statement made by a lady who had an intuitive understanding there was something within sex and sexuality beyond procreation and its pleasures but which she could not seem to access. She experienced such things as a vision of how to use the creative aspects of sex and sexuality such a writing a book in bed with her partner. She had also witnessed a healing as a result of the energy of sexuality.

Many feel a separation in the sexuality they experience and what sex provides. Yet there is something in the sex that they know will give them wholeness because sex is a part of their creative power. Some look to something like Tantra hoping Tantra can show them how to take away the separation they feel within or about their sexual spiritual experience to gain wholeness. Yet, they never look to their own inherent creativity to see what is it is asking of them nor do they have the freedom from mind to surrender and follow the flow of energy.

Why this individual could not find that for which see looked and capitalize on the conscious use of sex in her creative endeavors was primarily a combination of two things. One was her enculturation. The other was the pain she experience early in life from individuals who imposed themselves is ways which did not support the free unfoldment of her creative spirit. What she experienced is common to us all. As revealed in the exploration of our inherent creativity sex and sexuality has a tremendous impact on our creative ability and creative power. Its impact and importance in, and on, our creativity gave rise to the discussions found in "Sexuality and creativity."

But in her statement lies a question. The questions is "What is it about sex or the pull of sex to which one is pulled, and which some have an intuitive understanding about, that one will look to try anything to get it?" The answer is that sex is a doorway. It is the doorway to the most profound experience we possibly could have. It is this profound experience which gave rise to the use of sex in spiritually related practices such as Tantra. However, sex is also the doorway to a variety of other experiences if we know how to use it.

The question with which we are faced is "What experience or experiences do we wish have in life and how do we wish to experience our sexuality?" Some experiences require the use of sex. Some experiences requires us to pass through sex. Some experiences can use or employ sex. Other experiences are totally independent of sex. Yet, because of how our creative life energy and passion for a particular creative endeavor can enthuses our entire body, we may find we become sexually stimulated and what we feel sexually is simply a byproduct of the flow of energy we experience. Here sex can simply become a diversion or "icing on the cake" so to speak depending on our how and what we think and believe. Or, because of how the creative tension arises to generate the energy for a creation through the separation of opposites, such as the masculine and feminine aspects of creation/Creation and the focus of our attention and awareness, all creative endeavors can have a sexual overtone which we may experience as a sexual stimulation.

As a result of the variety of way sex is involved with, or can influence, our creativity, relative to accessing the true depth and breadth of our inherent creativity, sex becomes a doorway. It is doorway we need to walk through if for no other reason to have clarity about sex to know when to use it and how to use it what it arises within a creative endeavor or within our life.

Why sexuality is a door way

Key to understanding why sex and our sexuality is a door way is to understand the body is a vehicle and a tool for the physical experience. A questions which exists is, "Are we willing to use the body as the vehicle and tool that it is to create an awareness in ourselves and in another?

Although there are aspects of sex which can be done alone, we need another. However to use the sex as a doorway, we need another who is willing to hold the doorway open for us to access and use what can be found in the way it needs to be used. What can be found and subsequently used depends on both the intention we hold for we can enter the doorway in conscious or nonconscious way and the intention of the other.

It is because another is needed and it is a doorway many societies create a contract, which most call marriage, around the two individuals who are to engage in sex. This is done to direct the two individuals into and out of the doorway in a specific ways. Sometime the individuals are directed in a way which serves the individuals. Other times the individuals are directed in a way which serves the society. Something the individuals are directed in a way which both serves the two individuals and society. Yet, sometimes the two individuals are directed in a way that serves neither of them nor does it serve the society. This aspect of sex is further discussed in the topic, "Sex, marriage and companionship."

We need to realize the door of sex does not necessarily give happiness and fulfillment although there is a great joy and thrill in passing through the door. Many seek to hold onto and stay at the door. However, in doing so, we pass through the door and pick up things simply because the doorway is open without realizing it. The key to sex is to be aware that it is a doorway and be very clear on our intention for engaging in sex. It is also wise to pull the string on our intention to see if we really have our best interest and that of the other at heart or we are simply satisfying an immediate biological desire.

There are three reasons why sexuality is a door way and they all center on feeling for how and what we feel causes to act in life and what direction we go in life. The three reason are: creative power lies in feeling; there is an awareness in what we feel; and sexuality opens us to feeling. The question with which we are faced is "Do we know how to constructively use the creative power which lies in sexuality as a result of the feelings it creates?"

Reason 1: Creative power lies in feeling

Creative Power/creative power lies in feeling. Or, alternatively said, creative power/Creative Power is feeling. That is, what we feel is our creative power and The Creative Power. We are one with the source/Source when we allow ourselves to surrender and freely flow with our feelings without the imposition of mind. Whether we are aware of the Source in our surrender is a completely other issue but we are never removed from the Source. It is only the illusion created by mind which keeps us from experiencing the Source. The key word to accessing our power is freely. If we are not free for whatever reason including our nonconscious programming, we step out of the Creative Power and into our creative power and ego/mind. This is why creative play and creating a certain type and kind of play were we are free to surrender to our feelings is essential.

Reason 2: An awareness in what we feel

As a result of the relationship between energy and consciousness there is a cause effect relationship between energy and consciousness and every intention we hold will create a flow of energy the energy to manifest that intention. The energy of Creation flows to create an experience of that on which consciousness has focused its attention and awareness as a result of how and what consciousness believes. For every experience we have and for every creation we experience within Creation there is a flow of energy we can access and feel. In accessing that flow of energy we can access an awareness. The awareness we access is about the origins and intention of that flow of energy giving rise to the experience or creation we are experiencing. To use this cause effect relationship of energy and consciousness we need to be open to what we feel and learn to discern the subtle variations in what we feel.

Reason 3: Becoming open to feeling

Fortunately or unfortunately, sexuality is one of the greatest experiences of feelings we can enter. It allows us to have some of the deepest feelings we may have. For many, it is the deepest feelings we will know in life. If we are open to feeling, the sexual experience can take across a broad range of feelings and into very deep feeling. However, in being open to feeling we will need to face the pain of the past as to why we raised the threshold on what we feel. Facing this pain only adds to the reasons as to why sexuality can be seen as the beast at the gate.

Sexuality is also the beast at the gate

In many stories about finding a rare treasure there are either trials and tribulations the hero or heroine must endure or there is a beast at the gate who guards the treasure which the hero must face in order to access the treasure. Sexuality is the beast at the gate which we must face to access the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity and a phenomenal creative ability and creative power. If we run away from what is asked of us, we will never access the treasure.

It is not necessarily about having sex or engaging in sex but it can be. Rather, sexuality provides a variety of trials and tribulations in a variety of ways which we must wisely face if we are going to access the treasure. Some of these tries and tribulations are reflected in the various ways sex can be viewed as doorway and the variety of ways sex can be seen as a tool. In this regard, sex and our sexuality will need to be faced in one way or another. How we choose to face it makes all the difference in what we can access.

Exactly how our sexuality is the beast at the gate is unique to us for we all are unique. In addition to each being a unique and an infinitely creative being, we each have a unique set of life experience and we each have a unique set of beliefs and way of thinking. Although there are many generalities and common elements to each of us and we can learn a tremendous amount from the lessons learned of others, our path is nevertheless unique. We each will face a different set of experience when it comes to sexuality and we will need to do our own experiments to see what works and doesn’t work for us.

What is the treasure guarded by the beast at the gate

The treasure which is guarded by the beast at the gate is the proverbial tree of life found in the story of the Garden of Eden.

As alternative way to look at what lies in the feeling beyond sex is to revisit the Garden of Eden Story found in text used by many of the world’s religions. In this story, humanity is banished from the Garden of Eden for violating the direction provided by God and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge located in the center of the Garden. In banishing humanity from the Garden God is said to have place a angel with a fiery sword at the gate to keep humanity out. God is reported to have said humanity must be banished from the Garden or they will eat of the Tree of Life and live forever.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil causes death. Adam and Eve were kept away from the tree of life. The tree of knowledge is the mind. The tree of life is the heart and what we feel. But no one has every taught us about how to follow what we feel to create life. The only thing people know about following a feeling to create life is about sex and nothing more, and most never get past the sex. This is the reason for the series of discussion topic on creativity and sexuality - to learn to get past the sex. What was learned for the journey of exploration of our inherent creativity about how sex is the beast at the gate and the doorway to the Tree of Life was not found in any book nor was it found in any of the spiritual practices which use sex like Tantra. It particular, nothing was found which stated that the tree of life that lies within our own heart and what we feel and past the experience of sex.

But the issue is not the sex. Sex is not the Tree of Life. It is the beast at the gate. The Tree of Life is what we feel which gives us life. It is the feeling which gives us life which most confuse with sex. What we feel is the Tree of Life but we need to be open to what we feel at each and every level of our being to access that Tree of Life and discern the feeling of life from that which arise in sex or through sex.

In the Garden of Eden story, an angel with the fiery sword keep Adam and Eve out of the garden and away from the tree of life. In our on life, in our own garden, sex is the fiery sword which keeps us way from the tree of life in our own being. That is, sex and what we think and believe about sex and how it should and shouldn’t be used keeps us aware from the awareness which lies in feeling that creates life.

The issue is not sex. The issue is what gives us the feeling to create the life we incarnated to have and learning how to follow our feelings as in internal compass. Sex is only a doorway which opens us to what we feel, especially about what we feeling which creates life and gives us life for the two and entwined. It is only a matter of what level of being we are willing to look to see what life is, or is not, created. In accessing what gives us life we also access a profound unlimited creativity which allows us to create or recreate our life to provide both what serves us here and now in the moment and create a life worth living.

Doorways offered by sexuality

Based on the observations in the journey of the exploration of our inherent creativity the following is a listing followed by a brief discussion of each of the doorways provided by our sexuality. Since there is really only one doorway, all of these overlap in some way. It is only a matter of when we walk through the door, which path do we take. Further discussions of sexuality as related to the following are found in the discussion topics on "Sexuality and Creativity."

Doorway to create life
Doorway to transformation
Doorway to our creative power
Doorway to wholeness of being
Doorway to physical intimacy
Doorway to our body wisdom and intuitive guidance
Doorway to an awareness which lies in feeling beyond sexuality
Doorway to sexuality as a tool
Doorway to our own mind
Door way to enlightenment through the sexual longing
Doorway for another
Doorway to the intention for our life and our creative passion
Doorway to call back and reconstitute our creative power
Doorway to access information in the body
Doorway to awakening to the powers of the feminine
Doorway to creating a fertile space to plant ideas
Doorway to using sexuality for self hypnosis
Doorway to opening ourselves to the body as an antenna
Doorway to opening ourselves to the awareness of the body
Doorway to awakening dormant feelings
Door way to the second most creative state and subsequently to the most creative state
Doorway to the psyche of another if we pay attention
Doorway to accessing the energy for a creative endeavor
Door way to the mystical
Doorway to the captivity of our creative spirit 

Doorway to create life

Most are aware that sex is related to creating life and procreating the human species. However, sex can create life at any level of our being for it is also a life giving power. It does so through the feelings it creates and the energy generated in the experience of sex. The energy is capable of enthusing our entire being stimulating and bringing life into all aspects of our being at each and every level of our being.

Some discussion which address sexuality, creating life and the life giving power of sexuality are "Calling forth the creative spirit through sexuality," "The energetic children," "Energetic nature, metaphoric, symbolic and literal functions of sex," and "Sex is an experience of death."

Doorway to transformation

A corollary to sex being a doorway to create life sex can be the doorway to transformation of our existing life. Often transformation of an existing creation is much more difficult that creating a new creation. We all have many attachments to our current life and current way of being in the world and these attachments keep us bound to the past. Sexuality, because it is such a powerful way to take us out of mind and into what we feel, we can use it to break the bind of the past a recreate our life.

There are several different ways that sexuality can be used for transformation. The simplest and most widely use form of sexuality is celibacy where one simply avoids it. In this case the understanding that drives the choice of celibacy is that the time, attention and energy one would devote to sexuality can be used for creating a detachment from the physical to achieve a more spiritual state. A second way is to attempt to channel the sexual energy and it powerful emotional response into a spiritual manifestation through visualization, meditation, and other techniques through a focused attention and awareness. A third first is through the physical intimacy that sexuality is capable of creating if one does not focus solely on the sex. Sexuality is the door way to both physical intimacy and awakening feelings of the body. The fourth way to use sexuality as tool for awakening is to look deeply at why one feels sexual towards one person an not another. If one’s sexual drive was purely a mating response without any biological or enculturated and social preferences, any mate would do. Yet there are both biological and enculturated preferences. A fifth way of transformation we are capable of being free like the wind coming with no attachment and leaving with none. In this understanding, there is not a person on the face of the earth with whom you cannot passionately love. All that stands in the way of us passionately loving them is our own biases, judgments, opinions and preferences whether they biological or enculturated or something we hold onto that transcends any given lifetime.

Some discussion which address or are related to transformation are "Sexuality as a tool for transformation," "Creating a gentle phoenix and the issue of sex," "Creating a phoenix experience and the issue of sex," and "The flowing waters of life,"

Doorway to our creative power

Creative Power/creative power lies in feeling. Sexuality is one of the greatest experiences of feelings we can enter. It allows us to have some of the deepest feelings we may have and allows us to open ourselves to feeling. For most individuals if they are free to engage in sex, having sex feels good. Many have sex simply because it does feel good and offers and escape from the pain, mundane or other less that pleasurable aspects of life. However, few ever pay attention to why it feels good and how we choose our preferences. If one looks into the feelings of sexuality they will find at least three levels to the feelings. One is simply that it physically feels good and that feeling serves an important biological function to ensure the survivability of the species.

The second level of feeling is that sex is about being totally enthused with one’s creative life energy at every level of being and feeling and being in this flow of energy. In this regard, sex is about the heart and living the heart with a passion and enthusiasm for life and for living. When one is free to be in this flow, surrendering to the flow and feeling it throughout our being, we are at the door way to physical intimacy and we move to the third level of feeling. It is here one move past the sexuality to access the wisdom of the Source of Being and the wisdom of the universe. It is here we can readily claim our birthright and destiny as a being of unlimited creativity. If we are able to move past the sexuality we begin to see and know things that are otherwise unimaginable. It is a door way to the infinity of our being, our own Divinity and the Source of Life. It is only something that can be experienced.

Some discussion which address or are related to the creative power found in sexuality are "Creative powers of sexuality," "Exploring the feelings in sex," "Sexuality and the creative process" and "Sexuality in relations to creating - Why sexuality arises as an issue in creativity -an overview."

Doorway to wholeness of being

Sex causes us to look outward to get what we think will makes us complete, fulfilled and experience a wholeness within our being. However, pursuing sex actually keeps us from experiencing all aspects of ourselves and a wholeness within ourselves.

If we look inward and pull the string as to why we pursue the particular individuals we do, we will eventually find that within each of us is an inner masculine and inner feminine. If we look carefully enough we will see there is a marriage which occurs with this inner masculine and inner feminine. However, if the marriage does not occur with a mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine, we will never find the satisfaction we seek in life with any other external to ourselves. That is, we need to learn to do internally that which allows our inner masculine and inner feminine to both come to maturity.

To figure out what we need to do for our inner masculine and inner feminine to bring them to maturity, we can use our external sexual interest to figure out what they are. Knowing our inner world is reflected in the outer, we only need to look at what we are doing externally to know they are a reflection of our internal world and the relationship of our inner masculine and inner feminine.

The guiding principle we can use is to realize from a position of wholeness, we are whole and complete unto ourselves. We do not need any other to complete us. However, creation/Creation is not done alone. We need another to have the experiences we desire to have. Ideally we should not be seeking anything from another other than to share ourselves, experience the other and to share the journey of life. Wherever we are unable to just simply share but are seeking to get something tells us where our inner masculine or inner feminine has not matured. We only need to look at how we are trying to get what we desire to know if it is our inner masculine or inner feminine which must be addressed.

Doorway to physical intimacy

Physical intimacy with our body is essential if we are ever going to learn how to use the body as a vehicle for the human physical experience. Physical intimacy has little to do with sexuality as such other than the fact sexuality is part of the body and needs to be honor, respected and used just as any other part of the body. Although sexuality is closely related to physical intimacy the door way to it, when not understood sexuality usually ends up actually blocking physical intimacy in most cases and most individuals get stuck, trapped, divert by and/or addicted to the sexuality and never discover the importance of physical intimacy.

The feelings which arise within sex allows us to open the door to becoming intimate to what our body feels and how it feels. It is about getting intimate with feelings, the energy of the body and become mindful and aware of the judgments and thoughts we have. There is a great need for physical intimacy more than sexuality. Here physical intimacy is that closeness to the body that is present when a mother breast feeding their infant and/or holding their child when it is hurt and the child is free to process the pain.

Physical intimacy relative to sexuality is about being totally enthused with our creative life energy at every level of being and feeling and being in this flow of energy. When engaging in sex, the sex organs are only a part of our being that gets infused with our creative life energy. If and what the energy enthuses our being and we are free to be in this flow, surrendering to the flow and feeling it throughout our being, we are at the doorway to physical intimacy. In this physical intimacy we awaken the feelings of the body and the body wisdom. It is about become intimate at each and every part of our body and that cannot be done until our creative life energy is allowed to enthuse all parts of our body including the sex organs.

When one learns how to be physically intimacy with another and they are free to be physically intimate with us, there is a deep awakening that results. We can begin to see and know things that are otherwise unimaginable. It is a door way to the infinity of our being, our own Divinity and the Source of Life Itself. It is only something that can be experienced. If one can move past making sexuality the end objective and make the physical intimacy the objective, sexual intimacy causes something else to happen. It awakens the feelings of the body at its deepest levels and coupled with the calmness it is capable of creating at all levels of being will cause to surface the issues that are blocking the free flow of our creative life energy. Then, when the memories surface, we will be free to choose how they dissipate the energy locked in those memories. What we can experience is an expanded awareness brought on by the energy of the sexuality. What needs to be understood is we do not need to transform sexuality or the sexual energy. Rather we only need to move beyond the sexuality as the end point of sexual intimacy and look into the flow of energy and flow with the energy and see what it surfaces within us and the other.

Some discussion which address or are related to the sexuality and physical intimacy are "Sexuality is a doorway to intimacy" and "Intimacy, our creative spirit and sexuality."

Doorway to our body wisdom and intuitive guidance

Both our body wisdom and intuitive guidance arise from what we feeling within our being and our body. The access point for our body wisdom and intuition is a deep physical intimacy with the body and an awareness of what the body is sensing and perceiving. The feelings which arise within sex allows us to open the door to becoming intimate to what our body feels and how it feel. Being open to what and how our body and being feel opens the door to our body wisdom and intuitive guidance.

Additionally, sexual intercourse is about mixing energy and creating a new life. This is not only on the physical level but at every level of our being. The mixing of energy open us to feeling an awareness which expands both our body wisdom and intuitive guidance for we are carried past the limitation of our own being.

Some discussion which address or are related to our body wisdom and intuitive guidance are "Follow her lead," and "Sexuality and awakening body consciousness."

Doorway to an awareness which lies in feeling beyond sexuality

Sex is the doorway to a creative ability and creative power beyond the sex. The creative power and creative ability which is accessed beyond sex lies in three areas: the awareness which lies in the feelings, the exchange of energy between individuals, and directing the energy into a creative endeavor. Additionally, there are several discoveries to be made relative to sex. In fact, what many seek, and have been seeking all their life, lies beyond sexuality. But what they seek gives feelings of sexuality. To access what lies beyond sexuality, we need to pass through the doorway of sexuality and not become diverted by it.

Some discussion which address or are related to the awareness which lies in feelings beyond sexuality and moving past sexuality are "Deep feelings beyond sexuality," "Moving past the sex," "What moving past sexuality looks like," "Using the awareness of the body beyond sexuality," "Sexuality and becoming aware," and "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness."

Doorway to sexuality as a tool

Depending on how we focus our attention and awareness and what we seek in a sexual act and sexual relationship, sex and sexuality can be used as a for a variety of things. Some of the ways sexuality can be used as a tool are discussed in the topics, "Sex is a tool for creating life," "Sex as a tool for procreation," "Sex as a tool for recreation," "Sexuality - a tool for enlightenment about our own mind and about creation," "Sexuality as a creative tool," "Sexuality as a tool for awakening," "Sexuality is a doorway to intimacy," "Sexuality as a tool for transformation," "Sex as a tool for destroying life," "Sex as a weapon of control and manipulation." "Sexuality as a tool to become unaware and going to sleep," "A tool for enticement - sex sells," "Exploring the creative power of sexuality and as a creative tool and the bottom line on creative  sexuality," "Sexuality and becoming aware," "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness," and "Sexuality and the creative process."

Doorway to our own mind

There is not a person on the face of the earth with whom we cannot have a passionate love affair at each or any level of our being. All that stands in the way is our own mind. When we look at our sexual feelings about or around any individual, we can ask ourselves why we have the feelings we do and pull the string to find what lies at the root of their origin. As such, sex becomes a doorway to understanding our own mind. Topics which address or are related to sex being a doorway to our own mind are "All that stands in the way is our own mind " "The creativity perspective on the conscious and nonconscious aspect to sexuality," "Sexuality - a tool for enlightenment about our own mind and about creation," "The inner sexuality is reflected externally," "The issue of the inner masculine and inner feminine," "Journey of remembering," "Seven chakra questionnaire on sexuality," "Sexuality and becoming aware," "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness," and "Sexuality as a tool for awakening."

Door way to enlightenment through the sexual longing

Most have some desire or longing to procreate and mate to continue the human species. However, in addition to this desire to procreate there is another longing inherent within our being. It is the longing which results from the separation within the creative process within the origins of creation which gives rise to the observer - observed pair or the creator and its creation. This separation is the ultimate pain we face. However, it is this longing and the pain of this longing, especially longing of the heart, that propels us into very deep awakening to what lies in the heart. On this point, sexuality is an extremely important issue. As a result of the way the human mind characterizes what we experience, most experience this longing in their heart for another. Most see it as an individual of the opposite sex so the mental answer is to go and find a sexual partner. In most societies this means find a spouse and getting married. Or, if the feelings are also time to a creative endeavor we will experience this longing as a muse. Additionally, spiritual practices have even been developed around the use of sexuality to assist in moving from seeking a beloved, that sexual and physical partner, and raising it to a spiritual dimension to access the Beloved, that ultimate Love. In some ways sexuality seems to have been created to exasperate the pain of longing of the heart. In exploring the nature of our longing and the variety of ways we can experience, sex because a doorway to enlightenment about ourselves and the nature of Creation.

Some discussion which address or are related sex being a doorway to enlightenment through the sexual longing are "Discussion and Thoughts from a Creativity Perspective on Tantric Practices," "Sexuality - a tool for enlightenment about our own mind and about creation," "The human experience is a sexual experience," "Sexuality should be an expanding experience," "Mystical and spiritual literature on sexuality and creativity," "Origins of Tantra as viewed from the Creativity Perspective and Energy Consciousness Model," "Sexuality and becoming aware," and "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness,"

Doorway for another

Creation/creation is not done alone. The sexual experience is one such experience which ultimate clearly requires another to be fully experienced. However, Creation is predatory and well each will eat another and well be eaten by another at some level of our being. In many ways, we use the body of the other to see into our own mind and own heart and/or to step through the doorway provided by sex. In a reciprocal way, we become a vehicle for the other to access the doorway available through sex. All that is discussed in this topic on sex being a doorway becomes available to our partner. Whether or not the choose to step through the doorway is another question. But, in any case, all is made available to them. Discussion which related to us being the doorway for another and playing a role for the individual(s) in our life are "Consciousness awakens consciousness," "Origins of Creation," and "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality."

Doorway to the intention for our life and our creative passion

Sex is about creating life. In the feeling of sex, there is an awareness in what we feel and what we need to do with our life. It lies in a deep feeling beyond sexuality and the types and kinds of feelings we have around sexuality. It should be clear as to why what we need to do in our life is related to feelings of sex and sexuality. After all, what we need to do in our life is about creating our life. It is only natural that some of the feelings about creating the life we need to live will have overtones of sexuality. Any sexual experience can call them forth into our awareness. If we are not preoccupied by the sex, we can recognize them and use them to guide our life. When people get pulled toward sex but can’t seem find satisfaction in sex, it is probably the awareness for their life that lies in the deep feelings that is trying to pull them past sex. Sex stands at the doorway as the beast at the gate to the awareness that allows us to know the intention for our life. The issue is not necessarily to have sex or engage in sex. It is about to engage the beast at the gate and to understand the feelings of sex and discern exactly from where the feeling are arising.

Some discussion which address or are related to sex being a doorway to the intention for our life and our creative passion are "Finding the passion of the heart through feelings of sexuality," "Our creative passion and sexuality," "Sexuality and the intention for our life," and "Sexuality and the longing of the heart."

Doorway to call back and reconstitute our creative power

Calling back our creative power can also be seen as calling forth our creative spirit from the cage of our own making. It is about becoming aware of where we do and don’t have freedom of movement in our life. Sexuality allow us to look at freedom in two ways. One way is to see where we are not free to move as we engage in sex. The other is to look and where the energy released is not free to flow or how it is being channeled.

Sexuality is about creating life and what gives life and can put us in closer contact with the Source of our being. The reason for this is when we are intimately involved sexually with another human being, we are naturally drawn closer to the individual and to the Source of our being. One way we can look at this is that other person is another part of ourselves and only a reflection of our own inner journey and desire to find the Divine within and reunite with the Source of our being. By becoming more intimate with them, we become more intimate with the both ourselves and the way the Source expresses Itself. Additionally, in merging with another, a part of each is annihilated and that annihilated energy is the Source of Creation to create a new life at some level of our being. How large an experience of the Source we have depends on how much we allow ourselves to be annihilated. The greater freedom we have to annihilate ourselves and flow with the energy that is released, the greater the experience of the Source we will have. As this energy flow within us, we can then look to see how it flows and where it is free and not free to flow. We can then look to each of the limits and barriers we experience to see if they do or do not serve us and replace those that do not serve us.

Some discussion which address or are related to sexuality and calling back and reconstituting our creative power are "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications," "The "baggage" around sex and sexuality." "How sexuality impacts our creativity without engaging in sex," "Calling forth our creative spirit and the issue of sexuality," "Sex as a tool for destroying life," "Sex as a weapon of control and manipulation." "Sexuality as a tool to become unaware and going to sleep," and "Some observations on the correct conditions."

Doorway to access information in the body

Each experience we have is imprinted on or in the body. Our body is present with us in every experience we have in Physical Creation. It senses and feels the energy of each and every one of the experiences we have. They are maintained as body memories, body imprints and encoding of the past. These memories, imprints, encoding and the like are retrieval through body manipulation, experiencing similar external energies or being enthuses by energy within our being.

An experience of sexuality, if we are able to surrender to what we feel, is about being totally enthused with our creative life energy at every level of being and feeling and being in this flow of energy. When engaging in sex, the sex organs are only a part of our being that gets infused with our creative life energy. If and what the energy enthuses our being and we are free to be in this flow, surrendering to the flow and feeling it throughout our being, we are at the doorway to accessing these memories, imprints and encodings. Some of this information surfaces in the form of awaken the feelings of the body and the body wisdom. Exactly how these memories and feelings surface depends on the individual and the experience they have had. Some remember abuse of the past and causes too much pain and fear to arise to be free to flow with the energy. Others feel like a balloon which is going to explode with all that is being released.

Accessing these memories, imprints and encodings is about become intimate at each and every part of our body. This cannot be done until our creative life energy is allowed to enthuse all parts of our body. The experience of physical sex is one of the fastest ways to enthuse our body with our creative life energy. Some discussion which address or are related to accessing information in the body are "Exploring the feelings in sex," "Sexuality and becoming aware," and "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness"

Doorway to awakening to the powers of the feminine

Sexuality is one of the greatest experiences of feelings we can enter. It allows us to have some of the deepest feelings we may have and allows us to open ourselves to feeling. Additionally the energy which gives rise to those feelings is capable of enthusing our entire being stimulating and bringing life into all aspects of our being. If we can align with this energy and learn to work with it, we will be awakening to the creative power of the feminine. The feminine is what which nurtures and sustains any creation/Creation and is discussed in the topic, "Feminine Creative Power."

Doorway to creating a fertile space to plant ideas

A properly focused clear intention combined with a childlike play sexuality within a relaxed and calmness of being and a passionate desire to manifest the held intention creates some of the most fertile conditions possible for catalyzing the creation and manifestation of what we desire. This aspect of sexual is discussed in the topics "Creative conditions of sexuality," and "Dream meditation vision on sexuality."

Doorway to using sexuality for self hypnosis

A corollary to sex being a doorway to creating a fertile space to plant ideas is that it can be a doorway for self hypnosis. Normally we think of needing another to hypnotize us. Hypnosis can occur when we allow ourselves to go to a relaxed and calm state of being and the allow a suggestion by the hypnotist to be implanted in our psyche. If we watch an hypnotist carefully, we can see the process carried out before our eyes. If we are at a county fair or the like where souvenir copies of the performance are available, we will find the recording leaves out the relaxation exercises and the hypnotic suggests. The reason for this is if we play the tape at home and do what is suggested, the record can hypnotize us. In many ways the same basic process is used in a guided meditation to access information in our nonconscious mind. However, rather than the use and implant a suggestion, a request for information is made to surface what is desired.

A sexual experience can be a very relaxed and calming experience. We can find a serenity at each and every level of being. With a very clear intention and passionate desire in our mind when we engage in sex especially if the sexual experience is somehow related to what we desire to manifest, we plant that thought in very fertile ground and create a catalyzing memory to go with it. If however, rather than having a clear intention for what we desire to create, we are just focused on one though or another, during the sexual experience, whether we realize it or not, in essence we hypnotize ourselves about that thought. In this regard, what we are thinking about during our sexual experience has a great impact on our life much more than it would if we were thinking about it and not engaged in sex.

Alternatively rather than saying we are hypnotized through the sexual experience we can also say that the focus creates a powerful focus and memory related to than on which we were thinking about. But, however we look at it, we put more energy into the thoughts we are thinking about during sex than thinking those same thoughts not coupled with the sexual experience. This aspect of sexuality is probably best discussed in the topic "Dream meditation vision on sexuality."

Doorway to opening ourselves to the body as an antenna

Our body is always sensing and experiencing the energy of the environment in which we find ourselves. Our body continually relays that information to the brain but as a human, we filter most of it out so we can have the experience of being human. If we were aware of all that we can sense, we would not perceive the separation it takes to live as a human. Since the sexual experience allows us to have some of the deepest feelings we may have we can use it to open ourselves to feeling as the energy which gives rise to those feelings enthuses our entire being stimulating and bringing life into all aspects of our being. In having that life brought to all aspects of our being, we stand at the doorway to see what our body is truly capable of perceiving. It takes only a minor shift of the focus of our attention and awareness to begin to see and use the body as an antenna. By shifting our focus we can tune ourselves to sense any particular aspect of creation. However, we will need to do our own experiment to know and understand the depth and breadth of what we can perceive and how sensitive we are and to what we are sensitive.

Some discussions which address or are related the topic of sexuality and our body as an antenna are discussed in "The body as an antenna," "Deep creative undercurrents and the pull of sexuality" and "Exploring the feelings in sex."

Doorway to opening ourselves to the awareness of the body

There is a powerful awareness and a profound wisdom and understanding about who and what we are, our birthright, what we incarnated to do, about the nature of Creation and ourselves, the creative powers/Creative Powers of Creation, and the source/Source of Creation locked within our body. They lie in deep feelings beyond sexuality so we do have to face the types and kinds of feelings that do arise in sexuality. It is accessible only through the depth of our feelings when we are open to feeling the at very depth of our being simultaneously at each and every level of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. It is closely associated with body wisdom, an awareness which lies in feeling and the intention for our life. But it is more about the body memories and the awareness in the feeling which have been imprinted into the body and feeling the flow of where and following the flow back to the source. Since the sexual experience allows us to have some of the deepest feelings we may have we can use it to open ourselves to feeling as the energy which gives rise to those feelings enthuses our entire being stimulating and bringing life into all aspects of our being we only need to focus our attention and awareness into and onto the body and its feelings. Then follow the feelings back to their source.

Some discussions which address or are related the topic of the awareness of the body are "Exploring the feelings in sex," "Using the awareness of the body beyond sexuality," "Sexuality and awakening body consciousness," "Sexuality and becoming aware," "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness," and "Sexuality as a tool for awakening."

Doorway to awakening dormant feelings

Sexuality is one of the greatest experiences of feelings we can enter and it can create life at any level of our being for it is also a life giving power. It does so through the feelings it creates and the energy generated in the experience of sex. The energy is capable of enthusing our entire being stimulating and bringing life into all aspects of our being at each and every level of our being. If we are open to feeling, the sexual experience can take across a broad range of feelings and into very deep feeling and awaken long dormant feelings and bring live back into them. However, in awakening these dormant feelings we can expect to the need to face the pain of the past as to why those feeling when dormant. Nevertheless, the he life giving energy of sexuality has a way of creating a flow of energy capable of flushing out of our being that which does not serve life. It has a way of awakening and bring the waters of life to dead, dormant or inactive part of our being.

Some discussions which address or are related the topic of awakening dormant feelings are "Sexuality as a tool for awakening," "Exploring the feelings in sex," "Sexuality should be an expanding experience," "Sexuality and becoming aware," and "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness."

Door way to the second most creative state
and subsequently to the most creative state

Sexuality is the second most creative state we can enter and will probably be the most creative state most will enter in their life. It can used consciously or nonconsciously. If it is not used consciously, it will be used nonconsciously. We cannot escape it for The human experience is a sexual experience. We don’t have to physically have sex to use sex and sexuality creatively. However, engaging in sex opens the door for all the creative aspects of sexuality to come into play. The discussion "Second most creative state of being," addresses this topic and the topic on sexuality it relates to our creative is found in the Password Protected Area topic "Discussion topics on creativity and sexuality."

Doorway to the psyche of another if we pay attention

Physically sex is about mixing genes to ensure the continuation of the species. However, there is a mixing of energy on each and every level of our being. If we are aware, we can know things about another as a result of our sexual exchange. However we need to focus our attention and awareness to do so. A related discussion is found in the topic, "Energetic nature, metaphoric, symbolic and literal functions of sex."

Doorway to accessing the energy for a creative endeavor

Any creative endeavor is ultimately about a flow of energy. It is about the flow of energy which will give rise, or is giving rise, to the experiences we are having and the creation we desire to experience. The energy arises from the creative tension between two opposites. These two opposites can be experienced as the tension between a masculine and feminine and experienced as sexual feelings. In becoming aware of the feeling of the flow of energy and following it, we will access all the energy we need to manifest what we desire. When this feeling is a sexual feeling we need to stay focused on the feeling and not the sex. Otherwise, we will become distracted and pulled off course by the sex.

Some discussions which address or are related the topic of sexuality and accessing the energy for a creative endeavor are discussed in the topics "The creative act is an experience of sexuality - and you may even feel sexual," "Energetic nature, metaphoric, symbolic and literal functions of sex," "Energy generation to create through human sexuality," "Sexual desire and creative tension ," "The use of sex in creativity is about creating a seed condition and/or a flow of energy," "Social issues of sex and our creativity," and "Sex - the metaphysical equivalent of nuclear energy."

Door way to the mystical

Sex is ultimately about procreating the species. But it is also about creating life. The energy which flows through our being to procreate life also enthuses our entire being and creates life within our being. This flow of energy flows from the source of our being and ultimately the Source of Creation. If we follow back along the flow to its origins toward the Source and experience the ultimate mystical experience. In this regard, sexuality can be seen and experienced as the doorway to the mystical experience and an experience of the Source of Creation. However, we need to learn to move past the sex into the awareness which lies in the feelings beyond and encompassing sex.

Discerning the feeling which gives life and makes us feel alive found in sex can be used to move past the sex and access the intention for our life. Living the intention for our life and using the feeling which gives us life as an internal compass, we will align with the mystical path and give us all the mystical experiences one could desire to have.

Doorway to the captivity of our creative spirit

There are a variety of ways in which engaging in sexuality can cause us to rob ourselves of our creativity and/or bind our creative life energy. Quite simply, all of the ways for which sex can be a doorway described here there is the possibility of it binding our creative life energy/creative spirit if not performed in a way which serves us and those with whom we engage.

Issues related to sexuality causing our creative spirit to become captive in some way are discussed in the topics, "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications," "The "baggage" around sex and sexuality." "How sexuality impacts our creativity without engaging in sex," "Calling forth our creative spirit and the issue of sexuality," "Sex as a tool for destroying life," "Sex as a weapon of control and manipulation." "Sexuality as a tool to become unaware and going to sleep," and "Some observations on the correct conditions"

Does one have to use the door way
- does one have o enter or engage in sex

The question can be asked, "Do we have to enter into a sex and a sexual relationship?" The answer is that it all depend on us and what we desire to create and experience. We need to realize we each are unique and have incarnated for different reasons and we each have experiences we incarnated to have. Some of us have incarnated for certain types and kinds of experiences and they are of the deeply sensate type of experience including sexuality. Others have incarnated to live a more celibate life. Our challenge is we will need to discern our own truth as to whether or not it is something for us. The proverb statement "there is no one size fits all" is fully applicable here. We each have a unique path.

If we avoid sex out of fear and/or we have a fear of any type of sexuality no matter how small we will thwart the free expression of our creative spirit and we will not find what we seek. The fears we have when they arise in our creative endeavors must be faced and we must walk through them. Otherwise we will thwart our own efforts. Similarly, if we engage in sex without a clear intention to find our truth, and live our truth, we will again become lost. Actually to engage in sex in the honesty of our own heart to say, "I simply want to experience the pleasures of sex and the body," and not become attached there will be little impact on our journey. Doing so will probably do more to aid our journey than anything else we can do for we will be opening ourselves to feel at very deep levels.

The issue ultimately is not sex. The issue is what holds our creative spirit captive from being free to express itself in the way it needs to be expressed. An additional discussion is found in the topic, "A practical question -Do I have to engage in sex. "

Attempting to use the doorway

To use sexuality and not be captured or diverted by it, each of us need to become physically intimate with our bodies and very clear in our intention and have pulled the string  as to why we have the intention we do and reason for engaging in sex. Additionally, it is recommend the intention is set to understand sexuality. Or, at least understand it relative to why it arise when we pursues and particular types and kinds of creative endeavor. We need to understand that the sexual feelings which arise around a creative endeavor are not necessarily about sex but the flow of energy. We can engage in sex if we choose, but we need to be very mindful and awareness so as to not become distracted by or lost as a result of, the sex. If we find ourselves desiring to make passionate love, we need to look at the passion and ask, "From where do these feeling arise? Why this person and not another?" What is causing me to desire to make passionate love?" In asking and answering these question it is less likely we will become distracted by the sex. In the end the goal for our sexual experience should be an expanding experience which moves us and our partner toward the flowering and blossoming of our being.

The issue around sexuality is the need to be totally free to play with the body and feeling all aspects of the body including sexuality but not become captured or bound in any way. We each need a safe and secure space to be free to do our own experiments and play to find out what serves and doesn’t serve us. We need to break the rules we impose on ourselves when we placed our creative spirit in the cage of our own making as to what is and is not permitted for us to feel. We each need a safe and secure space to free our creative spirit and to regain our ability to be in spontaneous and innocent childlike play and to return to the most creative state of being.

Related topics
Summary points on sexuality and creativity
Sexuality can be the language of reconstitution
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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