A Discussion on The Essence of All That Is


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The Universe is composed of, or permeated by, what can best be describe as energy consciousness. This energy consciousness exists in a duality similar to the wave-particle duality we see in physics. For those not familiar with the wave-particular duality of energy, it simply says, energy can be expresses as a wave, an undefined and unbounded form extending to infinity or a particle, localized within a defines shape, depending on how the observer has chosen to observe the energy. For example, you can create experiments, which are a defined a precise way to make an observation, were an electron with mass acts as a wave with no mass and where photons with no mass acts as a particle with mass.

So too with this energy consciousness. Depending on how consciousness chooses to observe, it will experience the energy consciousness as energy (and mass) or as consciousness. In this and subsequent discussion on energy and consciousness, Consciousness with a capital “C” is used to represent that consciousness of all that is, or the sum total of all consciousness in what ever form consciousness may take. Similarly, the phrase All That Is with a capital “A,” “T” and “I,” represents the sum total of all the energy consciousness that exists. Although All That Is encompasses all consciousness and Consciousness, the phrase All That Is emphasizes the energy consciousness aspect of the Consciousness. The Consciousness of All That Is, if it is aware and awake, can be interpreted as the Cosmic Consciousness.

The implication that energy and consciousness are one and the same thing is that reality will mold itself to whatever consciousness intends or hold as an intention. The flow of energy into a given form, can be experienced as life. In this regard, there are many forms of life that humans could experience but do not fall into what humans normally see as alive. As consciousness, there is only awareness and no flow of energy, it exists only as a witness to what is. Yet, there is nothing to observe unless there is movement and a flow of energy to give rise to that movement. Hence, energy and consciousness are integrally connected such that one really doesn’t exist without the other. Although we can conceive of one existing without the other, each is necessary for the other. For example, consciousness needs the flow of energy to become aware of itself and its environment There must be some movement to make the observation. Energy needs consciousness to cause a new movement. Otherwise, energy will continue undisturbed in whatever flow does or doesn’t exists.

As consciousness expands or contracts itself by either redefining itself or focusing itself, energy flows into that new awareness or focus of attention. Since the energy can form itself into any give form selected by consciousness, energy consciousness whether as energy or as consciousness is inherently creative. This creative life energy of energy consciousness goes where consciousness focuses its attention and awareness. Whatever consciousness focuses on grows analogously like a seed, growing from within the ground below in the unseen world, into a tree or plant above into the world of manifestation. The source of life, the source of energy, is focused consciousness. Similarly, if consciousness takes its focus off something, it will begin to wither as a branch that has be cut from its source. There may be an existing form that remains but it will have no life in it. Over time, that branch withers, dies, and decays away capable to be broken off by the wind to fall away to dissolve and return from where it came.

Focused consciousness is experienced as intention. It is the intention behind the thoughts and actions of consciousness that is responsible for creation/Creation. Although the thoughts and actions of consciousness within a given environment may give a particular shape and form to the intention that is held, it is the intention that is the cause of what manifests. Intentions can be held at a conscious and/or subconscious level. There is no real difference between the power of the conscious mind and nonconscious mind to create. The only difference is the nonconscious is automatic and preprogrammed whereas the conscious mind is subject to change based on how consciousness chooses. We become conscious creators by who we choose to focus our conscious mind.

From a creativity perspective, we can consider the conscious and nonconscious creating as functionally the same in their ability to mold energy and create new forms of creation. If consciousness is intently focused, the energy of energy consciousness will “accumulate” or condense itself into a form based on how the consciousness of the energy is focused. In a way analogous to water vapor of the atmosphere coming together under the correct environmental conditions to form a cloud and subsequently condensing into rain, ice or snow, so too does energy consciousness. Under the right environmental conditions (by how consciousness thinks), the energy of energy consciousness will coalesce into a manifestation of that thinking, The longer the thinking continues in the way it does, the energy “thickens” to a greater and greater degree. If it is held sufficiently long, it will solidify into matter.

There are three analogies which are helpful in understanding how it is possible that energy consciousness forms into a physical creation or experience within physical Creation. They are the “Water Vapor Analogy for manifestation of a thought,” “Freezing water analogy of energy consciousness manifestation” and “Creating an Illusionary Form - the Vibrating String,”

In each of these analogies, it is the intention held by consciousness that defines the boundaries for the shape of the experience or material creation that forms. For example, in the freezing water analogy, the particular intention that is held acts as the boundaries that contain the body of water. In the vibrating string analogy the particular intention acts as the point between which the sting vibrates. If consciousness changes its intention, both the shape of the body of water and size of the envelop of the vibrating string will change. If consciousness keeps changing its intention never enough energy accumulates to produce a given solid form. Similarly, if consciousness continues to hold an intention, the form becomes very solid and difficult to dissolve back into its essence.

This energy consciousness can be experienced as energy, as consciousness, or as energy consciousness depending on the environment and how and what consciousness chooses to observe in that environment. For all practical purposes, all the laws of physics applicable to energy apply equally to energy consciousness for they are the same but they may look differently only because experience of consciousness is not perceived the same way as the experience of energy. As energy, energy consciousness essentially functions the same way as the energy and mass we experience every day. It exists in three forms (1) energy in motion or the energy is flowing into a new form or arrangement; (2) stored energy or energy in a form that is readily capable of moving into flow with minimal effort; and (3) mass or energy “frozen” or solidified into a fixed arrangement. For the most part, mass and energy remain separate phenomenon and are perceived as separate phenomenon. However under particular conditions, one form of energy can be converted to the other and under different condition one can be perceived and act like the other.

Similarly to energy, consciousness also exists in three analogous forms. The three forms of consciousness can best be described as (1) conscious consciousness, (2) subconscious consciousness and (3) dormant and/or unconsciousness consciousness. Conscious consciousness consists of those aspects of which consciousness is aware. It is analogous to the energy in motion. It is the aspect of consciousness that is responsible for us consciously causing or directing the flow of energy into form. Subconscious consciousness are those aspects consciousness of which consciousness is unaware but readily govern its creation and they are “relatively” easy to surface. It is that aspect of nonconscious that can readily be made conscious. Dormant consciousness or unconsciousness consciousness reflects those aspects deep within the nonconscious of consciousness that are extremely difficult to surface. It is analogous to mass and very difficult to make consciousness. But under the appropriate conditions it is readily transformed. Hence this third type of consciousness is called dormant consciousness since it is like a tree that goes dormant in winter. But it is also called the unconscious and lies deep within the subconscious below that which is easily retrievable. Although the dormant or unconscious consciousness seems to have no life, as soon as the conditions are correct, it awakens. While the consciousness is dormant, there is little it can do until it reawakens. For all practical matters, you can consider the dormant consciousness as the very deep subconscious and that is difficult to access and awaken except under special conditions.

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