How we create with energy consciousness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One aspect or property of energy consciousness is that the moment consciousness becomes awake and aware of itself either consciously or nonconsciously, it separates into an observer and an observed. It separates into consciousness, the one observing and/or feeling, and the energy, the form observed and experienced. These two are inseparable. One is the flip side of the other.

The role of consciousness in the creative process is to become the cause. The flow and form energy assumes is a result of consciousness observing. Consciousness does not have to be aware that it is observing. The way consciousness focuses its attention and awareness consciously or nonconsciously causes energy to flow to create an experience that on which consciousness focuses within the environment in which consciousness finds itself. Consciousness observing create a manifested energy in some particular form, a creation.

Energy flow causes consciousness to awaken and eventually become aware. Without a flow of energy, there is nothing to observe. Any flow of energy give consciousness the opportunity to awake to the observation and experience that can be had as a result of that flow. As the energy flows, consciousness can observe the flow or manipulate the flow. As it does so, it learns more and more about who it is and what it is capable of doing and creating.

Consciousness causes the energy to manifest and the energy is what gives consciousness the way to become more and more aware. Stagnation will cause consciousness to go to sleep and become unaware. It is much like strength in our muscles. If we don’t use it, we lose it.

We are never removed from the oneness of energy consciousness. What we experience is only a matter if we identify with the consciousness aspect of the observation, the energy aspect of what is created or both simultaneously as that detached witness fully engaged in what we are doing knowing that we are both as the observer and the one who created the experience.

Consciousness cannot become aware of being awake unless there is movement. If nothing every changes, we would have no idea if we were constantly awake or we went to sleep and awoke. Asleep and awake mean nothing unless there is some movement. The first step in consciousness becoming aware is to realize it is awake, that is, it perceives something changed.

If we wish we can look at becoming awake as a displacement or movement off a center point. We can see ourselves starting a some point. As long as we are at this point, nothing changes. Then, move slightly to the right or left, forward or backward. Because we have moved, we can now compare ourselves to the starting point and to where we are now. That comparison creates an observer, us, the one observing, and the displacement we observe, that is, the creation and/or an experience.

In reality, we do the same thing all the time. We as consciousness experience an analogous displacement from some starting point (whatever we choose as a reference or which has been given to us) as seeing ourselves in some world having an experience. Most Societies seem to encourage us to choose our birth as this starting point. If we identify with the consciousness, we are always comparing one moment to the next to see who and what we are and defining ourselves based on what we experience.

When we identify with the energy, we the experience this displacement as life unfolding flowing from our starting point to the experience we have. If we identify with the energy, the experience we are having, we only experience the moment and the flow of energy unfolding giving rise to the experience. In this state we have no awareness to compare one moment to the next.

As a detached witness surrendering to the flow of energy, we are aware that if we choose to compare, we change the flow. The question then becomes, how big of a world do we experience when we become aware. If we have little awareness and we become a detached witness, we will see little manifested energy beyond our own life and what we choose only seems to impact our life. If we have a very large awareness and become the detached witness, we will see an interconnectedness that spans all of creation. Here we are aware that what we choose has an impact in the entire created form of Creation we are experiencing.

When we step into this larger awareness, it become obvious that there is much to reality beyond our individual body and experiences that we have. We are capable of experiencing parts, if not all, of this reality if we create sufficient awareness. It is here that we begins to realize there is a Consciousness that is observing the Creation of which we are only a part. Yet we can see that each point of consciousness and/or each fragment or piece of energy is an individualized and independent point of consciousness capable of expanding, or having the potential to expand its awareness to encompass all of reality and all that is. We see and experience that all is interconnected yet independent.

There are several analogies that can help to understand the essence of this phenomenon and how it is possible. Although each analogy has it limitations, each helps in a different way to see through the complexity of how Creation manifests in the experiences we have. They are found in the topic “Analogies for Understanding the Individualized Points of Consciousness."

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