How we can experience energy consciousness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The first thing to realize is that we don’t experience energy consciousness as such. We experience the energy of energy consciousness or the consciousness of energy consciousness. It is like have something with a front and back. We can only look at one side at a time. Similarly, only in looking at the front or the back and experiencing each respectively can we understand the whole. What needs to be remembered here is that we are energy consciousness experience itself. All we can do is dance between energy and consciousness.

Ways to experience energy consciousness

Energy consciousness can be experienced several different ways that seem to lie at different ends of a duality, or maybe better said, at opposite ends of a spectrum. Here the duality refers to an extreme polarity where the ends are separate where as the concept of a spectrum implies the existence of gradations from one extreme end to the other.

One duality or spectrum in which it can be experienced is that energy consciousness can either be experienced in oneness or as separation. The other duality is that we can experience in what is best described as being awake or asleep In the energy consciousness model, asleep and aware are viewed as two facets of the same property of consciousness. Any facet of consciousness has a sleep and awake cycle.

Here awake refers to perceiving as oppose to asleep were perceiving lies dormant and unavailable. As used here, sleep is not limited to nocturnal sleep we do each night. Rather, sleep refers to the analogous phenomenon of nocturnal sleep but at each and every level of our being. We can be spiritually, mentally, emotionally and/or physically asleep and in any combination. To be asleep is to not perceive with the level of being that is asleep. In the same way there are sleepwalkers who wonder around at night while their conscious mind is asleep, we an be spiritual, mental, emotional and/or physical sleepwalkers. Similarly, we can perceive ourselves as having conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind and/or awareness and each of these can be awake and/or asleep.

When awake, we can be aware or unaware. When asleep, we can be aware or unaware. When we are aware we recognize things happening. We perceive and/or feel the experience of the moment. We can do this when we are awake or asleep. When awake, we perceive our awareness through the mind and what we perceive. When we are asleep, we perceive our awareness through feeling and what we seem to sense.

When awake, we can see, feel and experience consciously. For example, we consciously allow our eyes to follow the flight of a bird and enjoy its beauty. When we are awake but unaware, our eyes follow the bird but we are not aware we are looking at the bird. When we are awake, we can experience through our nonconscious by knowing something but not knowing exactly what we know. For example, we know something in a situation has changed but we are not sure exactly what has changed.

When asleep, we can be aware in that we still see, feel and experience but we do it through feeling. For example, when we are asleep but aware, we respond through feeling to a touch or sensation and/or knowing something but we don’t know we know. To know but not know that we know is reflected in the experience of saying to ourselves, “Now how did I know that?” realizing we had no way of knowing what we know including that we nevertheless do know. There are many things of which we are aware but we are do not know that we know. To see what we know that we don’t know that we know, we need to focus our attention and awareness on what we know and then observe very carefully. In doing so, we will being to see we know thing that our mind knows it has know way of knowing. Yet, we know.

When we are asleep and unaware, we are, in essence, the consciousness equivalent of energy that has been converted to mass.

Being aware refers to consciousness realizing existence.. When we are awake to our existence, we can experience our existence in wholeness with, or in separate from, what surrounds us. The illusion of mind and the illusion of Creation exists for the awareness to experience itself as separate from its surroundings. Otherwise, we will see the oneness of Creation for what it is.

Being aware is the recognition of “I am.” It is to recognize it whether recognized by consciousness consciously as a thought and understanding or subconsciously within the realization that “This foot is somehow a part of me where as that tree is not.” It needs to be noted here that any recognition of “I am” whether, consciously or subconsciously, has the possibility of creating separation as opposed to oneness. From a creativity perspective, the understanding that needs to be eventually gained is how “I am” creates limits and boundaries without ever consciously becoming aware of what it limits and boundaries it creates. It is the limits and boundaries that consciousness imposes on itself which gives rise to creation/Creation and the creation/Creation we experience. The issue then becomes how to become consciously aware of “I am” but either have no limits and boundaries causing separation, being consciously aware of our limits and boundaries for the purposes of experiencing a given creation/Creation, or, expand our limits and boundaries to encompass all of Creation.

On this note, once consciousness awaken to the understanding of “I am” to find itself, it can become fearful and terrified that it can die and lose itself and become nothing. Within this thinking, consciousness desperately tried to avoid the loss of its identity. Yet it never realizes it has always been. It just has not been aware of itself or its own consciousness and there will always be cycles of going to sleep and awakening.

To experience the oneness of energy consciousness, probably the only true experience open to a human as a human of being in wholeness with out separation is when we are a fetus in the embryonic fluid within our mother’s womb. Unfortunately most of us are asleep during this experience. However, there are a few who were awake and aware who can remember such an experience. But we can always feel such an experience and do have the awareness of what such an experience feels like. The next closes approximation to this state is probably being in an isolation/sensory depravation tank and have forgotten who we are and how we defined ourselves. While in a human body, to experience energy consciousness as oneness and to be awake and aware is to surrender to the flow of energy within our being while being a detached witness knowing that we are only experiencing our own creation by how we choose to observe.

To experience the duality of energy consciousness we experience the separation of energy and consciousness. It is to view from the perspective of energy or as consciousness. Experiencing the duality of energy consciousness is the normal way we experience energy consciousness. Our bodies are designed to give us such an experience. To experience the consciousness aspect of energy consciousness, we only need to live totally from our perception of reality and who we think we are because of the experiences we have had. It is to live in the perception “I am this, I am not that.” Consciousness divides, segments and separates and it does this through the property of consciousness we call mind. To experience the energy of energy consciousness, we simply become so totally immersed in what we are doing and what is happening that we have no awareness of anything else other than what we are doing in that moment. That is, to be out of mind and totally absorbed and lost in that which is happening.

Whether we realize it or not, we each have lived in all of these views. It is only that we tend to localize ourselves in one view more often than another. Most individuals have localized in the view as consciousness and who they think they are. As we work with the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, the difference in what we can experience in these views will become a little more clear and we can learn to dance and larn to readily shift between the experiences we wish to have and into the view the serves us and assists us in creating a life worth living.

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