The essential understanding


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Our truth is carried by, and expressed by, what is best called a creative spirit which lies within each of us. IIt is energy consciousness manifested and can be experienced as a consciousness in the form of a creative spirit or as energy felt as a flow of creative life energy. It flows from the source/Source of creation/Creation and contains the truth of our being. It is the source of our being and our creative ability and creative power. It is what give us life and a passion for life and for living. This creative spirit desires to be free to freely express itself and creatively play. Its natural state of being is play. Only in the free expression of this creative spirit is our truth revealed and it is expressed as our creative passion.

If this creative spirit is not free to consciously create and/or create what it incarnated to create, it will create nonconsciously. When it creates nonconsciously it gives rise to many of the conditions we would rather not experience in life - such as unpleasant people, accident, illness, disease, misfortune and the like that challenge our creativity and push us to take a deeper look at life. It is in understanding this creative spirit and becoming intimate with it that we open the door to a direct experience of the true depth and breadth of our creative power and to the Source of Creation for this creative spirit arises, and flows directly from, the Source. It is never removed from the Source. Our mind only creates an illusion that it is separate from Source of Creation.

In freely playing and expressing itself our creative spirit expresses the truth of our being. Yet, we each need to become the truth of our being for this creative spirit to freely express itself. The truth of our being and this creative spirit are one and the same. They are just different expressions of the same essence of our being.

The creative spirit within our being is a life giving spirit and has the wisdom unto itself to create life. It is not separate from us but is th essence what give us life. It is our essence. Normally it operates at the nonconscious level because mind is to preoccupied with itself and what it thinks and believes to know of its existence and its needs. Yet this creative spirit is what sustains us. It is related to the spirit or religion and spirituality but it is significantly different.

Our creative spirit has incarnated into a physical body to have certain types and kinds of experiences. It will give us the life and energy to create these experiences. If these experiences are important enough, the creative spirit will hold us accountable to experiencing them in spite of mind and what mind wants and how it has been enculturated.

We each have an internal compass which can guide us to the experiences we incarnated to have if we allow it to do so. But we have to choose to follow its lead. It expresses in what we feel as we create the experiences we have in life. Most of us will have to explore exactly how it leads for it leads through feelings, not what mind thinks. We will need to do our own experiments to know exactly how it desires to express itself.

We will have to calibrate our internal compass and begin to use it to guide our life and our creativity. To use our internal compass, we will need to be open to feeling to become proficient at discerning the subtle feeling we feel. Most of us lose the ability to discern the subtle feelings of the internal compass early in life when we lose our ability to creatively play and freely express itself. In this regard, becoming our truth is about regaining our ability to freely creatively play.

We need to regain the feeling found with creative play. Need to be able to be free to explore with no limits and boundaries as we did as a very young child before mind stepped in and imposed itself. We need to be free to be able to explore all the options. This includes the freedom to play and explore options in our creative imagination, the freedom to bring those ideas into a real or symbolic physical experience, and the freedom to explore what physical activities excite us and provide us will a fulness of being and an inner satisfaction that never runs dry.

Truth in labeling - a safety warning

Modern society encourages that there be truth in all labeling and/or a hazards identification on all products so that the user can be aware of any hazards or side effects to any products that are used. The logic behind this practice is so that each individual can determine their own level of safety and the risk that they will accept in life and what they will accept in the use of the product. In knowing the hazards, the individual can also then determine what compensatory measures they may wish to put into place to prevent or mitigate whatever it is they fear may, or could, possible happen. However in many cases, what is safe for me may not be safe for you, and only you can determine the level and environment of safety that you need to experience life.

First and foremost, it needs to be understood in exploring the depth and breadth of our creativity, what we experience will depend on the intention we hold and what we desire to create with and in our life. The recommendation made here to set the intention to understand the truth of our own being, if not live that truth in the world, and seek to create a life worth living that serve us and who we have come to understand we are. The topic “Truth in labeling - Stepping into the journey of exploring the depth and breadth of our creativity” address the topics related to truth in labeling issues related to the journey.

The next step
Paths to accessing our unlimited creativity

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