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 Results of a soul retrieval  


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2010 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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At the start of the writing which eventually evolved into the various web files of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material there was the awareness of a conscious path reflected in the discussion topic, "The conscious (elective) journey into creativity" and that of a nonconscious path reflected in the topic, "The subconscious journey into creativity." These discussion also refer to a professional path reflective of the decisions and choices made by the author as to how he thought he needed to live life. Then there is discussion of a mystical path which was active as a deep undercurrent influencing or pulling him to explore creativity and reflective of the intention for his life. Yet the full meaning of the sets of parallel paths were not understood. Their existence was recognized but not what they meant or even exactly what was their relationship.

What is interesting is that the author experienced the Ultimate Accident followed by an outward soul retrieval ritual about twelve weeks later almost ten years before he started to write and described the two journeys into creativity and the two paths to his life. Yet, the existence of parallel paths were reflected in the Ultimate Accident and soul retrieval. Only at the completion of the writing almost fourteen years after the Ultimate Accident did the soul retrieval make sense as to what the soul retrieval was really addressing. As seen in the discussion of the soul retrieval below, the results of the soul retrieval was more of an overview of the creative process in which the author was engaging and which we all ultimately engage that a traditional soul retrieval.

Curiously, the mystical path to our life was not see for what it was until the writing was completed. It was in trying to explain to others the importance of the mystical path in our life and to our life and using his own life as an example to show how the mystical path influences us and our entire life that it became clear what the soul retrieval represented.

What is interesting about the mystical path and how it works is that the author never arrived at an understanding of the mystical world intellectually. Rather, both the awareness of the existence of a mystical realm and how the mystical functioned in life arose as an awareness without support from the logical, deductive mind. Although the dance between the mystical path and the enculturated path was clearly indicated in the soul retrieval and at the time he started to move from an exploration of creativity in the workplace into the exploration of our inherent creativity, his mind could not see it for what it was. Nor could he see many of the experiences he had in life as mystical.

The realization about the mystical path to our life really only solidified in trying to explain it to another. In trying to explain it, the author realized in all of his reading of exploration of religious, spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical literature there were really no good discussion on the mystical path to our life. There are discussion about life purpose, destiny, karma, and other concepts which indicate there is something for us to do in life and/or have some type of destiny. But, the concept of a mystical path running parallel to the life we think we need to live or as an undercurrent to that life was not present. Or, at least, he did not found such a discussion in the information and the people to which he had access. In this realization, the decision was made to post the results of his soul retrieval for each of us have two such paths to our life as discussed in his soul retrieval. Only in time did the author come to see the real goal in life is to either live life where these two paths merge into one or they are brought together as close as possible if not spiraling every closer into a merged path. This merging of the two paths can also be seen as entwining and merging the dance of the heart and the mind reflected in the two views of creation. Or, it can be seen as the merging and marriage of the inner masculine and the inner feminine to create their offspring reflected in the gift we incarnated to give. How we see these two paths and experience them all depends on the perspective we choose to hold.

As discussed in the topic "An outward soul retrieval," In hindsight, and only after the exploration of the creative process, was it clear that the shamanic soul retrieval the author underwent is not what retrieved his soul. Rather it was only a reflection of the inner transformation which had already occurred in the Ultimate Accident and unfolding in the world. At the time of the Ultimate Accident is was not clear to the author how our inner world is reflected in the outer. Yet, he created the conditions for the Ultimate Accident by seeking to create that space to release the heart of another of the burden they carried. In acting to free that heart, he experience a profound inner transformation and an inner awareness about the Source of Creation and the existence of the creative spirit within each heart. Almost immediately that transformation resulted in a series of external events which lead to a soul retrieval such that author’s conscious mind could embrace the fact there was a profound awareness, understanding and a new aspect awakening and unfolding within him.

On this point and with the awareness that our inner world is reflected in the outer, we need to look at our external world and ask ourselves what is occurring within that is reflected externally. What is our external experiences really saying about what we desire to create and experience? We then need to ask if it is our enculturation and programming in life which is creating our experiences or is our mystical path driving what we experience as an unseen undercurrent to our life.

It is interesting to note based on his enculturation, undergoing a soul retrieval was the last thing the author ever expected to ever undergo and something in which he would participate. Although the author was nonconsciously doing much in his life at this time to call back his creative power, he had no context for doing such a thing as attempting to consciously calling back his creative power in something like a soul retrieval. His culture and society did not have the concept or the understanding for the need for calling back our creative power. It was an idea foreign to his enculturation. Yet, calling back his creative power arose as a normal course of events in how the author’s mystical path unfolded and appear to be more of a time released capsule in his life. That is, at a particular point in his life, an aspect of his being awakened and the awareness arose to begin to call back his creative power. All that was required was the author to follow the deep feeling within his heart as to what cause him to experience and fullness of life.

In hindsight, as stated in the topic, "An outward soul retrieval," a shamanic soul retrieval was ultimately unnecessary. However, there was the need of some outward sign to which the author’s mind could point and understand he had called back his creative power in some way. Given what the author understood at the time, a soul retrieval was probably the most logical way and most appropriate way to proceed to call back this creative power. It was just that he did not have the conscious awareness to call it back consciously yet it was being called back through his mystical path and the deep feelings and compassion he had to free the heart of another. On this point it needs to be realized, we cannot give what we do not have. He had to free his heart to free that of any other - hence the Ultimate Accident which freed his heart so that he could create the space for another.

Why the need for a soul retrieval

From the creativity perspective and holding our creativity sacred, a soul retrieval is really about calling back our creative power from where we have consciously or nonconsciously given it away. In a traditional soul retrieval we us a shaman and their ability to see into the unseen world to do the primary work for us. Traditionally, we need a shaman because it is something we are not aware of how to do ourselves. However, it is something we can do ourselves if we know how to go about doing it. The question is, "How do we access the awareness and understanding that is necessary to do our own soul retrieval?" Hopefully, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material will provides some, if not all, of these answers.

Calling back our creative power is something each of us need to undergo consciously or nonconsciously at some time, in some way, one way or another if we are going to access the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity, experience the infinity of our being, stumble into the Ultimate Accident, establish a deep mystical relationship with the unseen, and similar experiences. The reason for this is it is the nature of physical Creation to rob and steal our creative power such that we develop a victim consciousness and appear at the mercy of forces well beyond our control. The experiences of Physical Creation have a way of scattering and fragmenting our creative life energy and continually diverting the focus of our attention and awareness from a single point focus to create what we desire and/or cause us to place our creative spirit in a cage of our own making to protect ourselves from what we experience. Of course there are events and situation in which we play a role and we seem powerless as a result of the role we play. However, we are not victims and are only participating in experiences to which we have agreed at some level of our being. In order to see this truth we have to call back a sufficient amount of our creative power to begin to see and understand how we create our experiences by how and what we think and believe and the choices we make.

Since we each are unique, what works for one to call back their creative power may not work for another. Some thoughts as to how to go about calling back our creative power are found in the topics, "Calling back our creative power," and "Becoming our truth,"

Events leading to the soul retrieval and the soul retrieval

The events leading to the soul retrieval are discussed in the topic "Recovery of a creative spirit - a soul retrieval." In actually, these events were the author’s soul retrieval. In this regard, the author’s outward soul retrieval performed by the shamanic healer was not a soul retrieval in the traditional sense.

In a traditional soul retrieval normally the shaman goes into the unseen realms to retrieve or reawakens an aspect of being lost by, or which has become separated from, the individual as a result of some type and kind of traumatic experience or equivalently traumatic experience. No matter what description the shaman gives, the shaman is using their psychic ability to go into the individuals energy pattern and find where the individual has bound or locked an aspect of their creative spirit. The shaman can then use their experience to release or unblock the energy by what they do or have the individual do.

To understand this process, we need to understand in the oneness of Creation, we can make an inner change and have it reflected in the outer. Or, as in the actions of a rainmaker or discussed in the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono technique, another can make the changes within themselves and create the space for changes to occur in our life. In this regard, it doesn’t really matter what the shaman reports or believes about what happen nor does what the individual undergoes in the soul retrieval process. The energy of the process of calling aback, retrieving, or awakening that which was lost or went dormant is the same. It is only mind’s interpretation based on the experiences it has had that determines what it thinks and believes about what occurs.

For example, in the author’s case, on meeting the author, the healer described the author’s heart chakra being twisted closed as one would twist a plastic bag after an traumatic type experience in a creek valley in his childhood. As a result, the healer expected to go into the unseen realms to revisit an experience the author had in his past in the creek valley and retrieve or call back the aspect of the author which remained bound in the experience. Exactly how this is done other than what is stated above is beyond the scope of this discussion. In many ways, the whole reason for the existence of Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material is to explain why it is necessary to call back our creative power or retrieve our creative spirit, how it is possible and how to go about doing it. In this regard, the author’s soul retrieval was more than a traditional soul retrieval but more about the overall journey of returning to the Source in seeking to accessing our inherent creativity.

However, as discussed below, the authors’ soul retrieval was surprisingly something different. It is for the surprising differences, the details of the soul retrieval has been move to the Password Protected Area.

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