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Mysticism is the belief and practice that truths about the unknown and unseen elements of Creation may be directly apprehended by intuition and/or meditation. Mysticism as typically defined is characterized as a belief that through love, in particular, a spiritual love, a man or woman can achieve a direct and immediate consciousness of God, Divine Truth or whatever you may call it, without the use of reason or any of the ordinary senses. The mystic is one who obtains such understanding and experience through love. The question which can be asked is, "Exactly what is this love that the mystic uses to access the Divine?" If it were readily available, we would not be creating mystics a dime a dozen? But we don’t. The question becomes, "What exactly is this love that allows us to experience that direct and immediate consciousness of the Source of Creation?" The love of the mystic The answer is quite surprising. We cannot give what we do not have. The love that is require is simply to sufficiently love oneself as the beautiful creation that we are. It is to give to our true needs which allows for the growth, unfoldment and maturity of what lies within our heart, our creative spirit, for it is a creative life energy which desires to be expressed in the world. Then give that love to another. Create the space and become a creative shape shifter to give that other what they truly need and not what our mind wants to give and to create the safe and secure space for their creative spirit to freely unfold - without any expectation of return. To truly love is to give exactly what the situation calls to give unconditionally no matter what it is and leave the result to destiny. What is often called for to give is nothing that mind is capable of understanding or able to identify. It must come totally from one’s intuitive guidance and body wisdom completely outside of mind and totally from the heart. We cannot give what we do not have. Unless we do the inner work first and learn to truly love and give unconditionally to our true needs and become the creation that we are and each and every level of our being, we cannot give such love to another. In understanding our true needs we will not seek to take from the other what only we can give ourselves. We need to learn what comes from within and what comes from without as to our true needs. Without this understanding, we will never give the freedom and safe space that is required for the other to find and access their truth. The mystical path The mystical path is an inherent path in our life. If followed, it allows us to access truths about the unknown and unseen elements of Creation directly apprehended by the experiences we have on that path. The mystical path is about surrender. It is to be out of mind and follow a feeling. It is to follow the feeling which give us life. As we love ourselves sufficient to nourish at every level of our being our true needs, not what mind wants, we find an infinite reservoir of life and are full of life. We are so full of life we can only give that life away. Although the mystical path was always a big influence in the author’s life, discovery and understanding the mystical path was actually an unexpected observation made in studying creativity, our creative power and creative ability, Creation/creation and the basic process of how we create. It was unexpected since, from the author’s enculturation and the teachings of the world in which he grew up, creativity and mysticism were totally unrelated. Mysticism was seen to lie in the realm of religion and spirituality. Creativity seemed to lie in the arts and sciences and had nothing to do with religion and spirituality. However, as our inherent creativity was explored, it became clear the concept of inherent creativity was more profound than anything reported in the literature or otherwise. It was observed in the exploration of our inherent creativity, we each individually are part of several larger creative processes that governs our lives. It was observed unless we become aware of these larger process, there will always seem to be an unseen influence acting as a deep undercurrent on what we are trying to create. The two primary process of which we need to be aware are reflected in two stories we can tell about our life. Each of our lives are like the honey bee. If we ask a honey bee what its life is all about, the view of the bee is "I gather nectar from the flowers to make honey for the hive and to be able to live." However, there is a deeper view. The bee gathers nectar as stated but unseen by the bee, it also fertilizes the flowers. Fertilizing the flowers allows for fruit of the flower to be produced. The story as told from the view of the honey bee and the mind tells as what mind thinks the life of the honey bee is about. The real story of the honey bee and what really happens is what the life of the honey bee causes to happen because it has lived its life. We each have two paths we can take in life. The two paths give rise to the two stories of our life One path is our our enculturated path. It is the path our society wants us to follow and determined by our mind. It is the path typically seen on our resume and is often synonymous with the professional path we take in life. However, it is more than the resume or the professional path. It is more than just relating our work experience for we add all the different aspects of our life. It is what we would capture if we draw a life map or simply tell the story of our life. The enculturated path give rise to the story our mind tells about our life. This story is very much biased by what mind thinks and believes. The other path is our mystical path. It is related to what we have really been doing in and with our life that transcends what our mind understands based on the enculturation we have received and what we have been told about life and how Creation works. For most, this mystical path acts as an undercurrent to our life and seemingly pulls us along a predetermined path. This inner deeper meaning to our lives cannot be seen unless we become a detached witness, stand back from our life, and look very carefully beyond the outer meaning that our mind thinks it knows what our life is about. It bubbles up into our enculturated path and tries to break through but more often than not we continue along our enculturate path seeing what bubbles up as an aberration in our life. It is called a mystical path because it tends to be rather mysterious and arising as an unseen influence in our life. The mystical path will away have a feeling of being in the unknown. It will take us past the limits and boundaries of our mind. It will ask us to things our mind would prefer not to do. We cannot expect money from the mystical path as with a professional path in life. However, one can find a deep inner satisfaction in life unobtainable on any other path. We can expect synchronicity in life and we need to learn to "read" the synchronicity which comes our way. The mystical path is reflective of the intention for our life and the experiences we incarnated to have. There is something we are here to do but our mind does not necessarily see it. Rather, mind will do everything and anything to remain in control and think it knows what our life is all about. Here lies the issue of mind: Mind looks to live the way it thinks we need to live rather than surrendering to become the deeper meaning to our life. Mind only knows the past. Mind if finite. It will characterize what it sees based on what we think and believe. The freedom of the heart characteristic of the mystical path is usually frightening to most. The freedom which we ultimately seek is frightening to the mind. Mind does not know how to deal with true freedom. Mind is afraid it will lose control and/or die. Mind acts based on what it thinks and believes based on the experiences it has had in the past. We need to change what we think and believe about ourselves and life to live what role we incarnated to play. Accessing and living the deeper meaning to our life is the mystical path available to each of us. It is not a spiritual or religious path and cannot be accessed by what we think is spiritual, religious or any spiritual or religious practice for whatever we think is spiritual or religious is of the mind. The two paths to our life simply reflect the two views of creation - the view from the mind and what we think and the view from the heart and what we feel. The path of the mind or the path of enculturation is to do what our mind thinks our life is about and mind determines what we do and experience in life. The path of the heart or the mystical path addresses the reason we are here. We, of course, have the options of surrendering to what is asks of us by the mystical path or we can simply live our life based on what mind thinks we need to do. The question is do we stay in the story mind tells or do we allow ourselves to transcend what our mind knows and understand to see the deeper meaning to our live. In essence these two paths lie on a spectrum. At one end is we totally live according to what mind thinks. At the other end is we totally living according to this deeper meaning to our life. We each need to spend some time in each to be able to discern one from the other. The challenge is to learn to dance between the two views to both live and survive in the world and yet achieve this deeper meaning to our life. The problem we all faces is that our mind tried to control our life rather than allowing us to surrender to the deeper meaning of our life or even share control in a dance. The doorway to the mystical path is feeling. It is only access through feeling and it starts with feeling of learning to nourish our true needs at each and every level of our being. Feeling takes us into the realm of intimacy with the body and what the body feels for the body is an antenna and energy detector. Feeling also takes us to address how and why we shut down our ability to feel the depth and breadth of Creation and place our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. We know this path through a particular type and kind of feeling. We need to understand, each intention we hold gives rise to flow of energy and a particular feeling. Each creation we experience has a particular flow of energy and a particular feeling. The feeling which gives us life and makes us feel alive with life is the unfoldment of the intention for our life and it is feeling which allows us to align with the mystical path for our life. However, to do this we need to be both open to feeling at each and every level of our being and have calibrated our internal compass in order to follow the feeling when we recognize it. There are two key feelings we can follow to access and live the mystical path. One is the feeling of what gives life, a fullness of life and a desire to engage life and leads to the intention for our life and an inner satisfaction which never runs dry. The other is a feeling of fullness of being that, if followed, can lead to an experience of the expansion of our being and an experience of infinity of our being or the Source of Creation depending on our perspective. To move from the path of the mind to the path of the heart to access these feelings a gentle phoenix is available if we are willing to do the inner work. The mystical path is a process governed by the intention for our life. This mystical path, although similar for each of us, is unique to each of us. Our mystical path is our own individual process. The mystical process of which I am a part is not the same one in which you are a part. They are coordinated and integrated where appropriate and when necessary, but they are each are essentially independent of each other. As such, what I need to understand about how I create my reality will be conceptually that same as what you need to know. But, practically, within the details, what I need to do will be different than you. This may be difficult to understand but it is nevertheless true. This is why it is so hard to find predictability between individuals. The illusive nature of the mystical path In many ways looking at the mystical path for our life is like piecing together the pieces of a jig saw puzzle. The pieces of the puzzle are scattered throughout our life in the experiences we are drawn to have. They do not come to us in sequence that we recognize and we need to look to fit the pieces together as they come to us. They form a weave and a pattern but we must be aware of its existence and look to see it. To see it we must detach from what we experience, expect and desire to stand back and look at the pieces. What is interesting about the mystical path discussed here is and how it works is that the author never arrived at an understanding of the mystical path intellectually. In fact, the dance between the mystical path and the enculturated path was clearly indicated in the soul retrieval he elected to undergo at the time he started the exploration of our inherent creativity. However, his mind could not see it for what it was. Rather, the seed for understanding came through an awareness after reading a story within a story (and probably coupled with years of nonconscious preparation). The story was a book about a man’s spiritual quest in Turkey. In the story the man was on a spiritual quest visiting a particular teacher. When the man arrived, the teacher was helping a lady living in residence who could be said to have been disturbed by the experiences she had in life. Part of her therapy, if it can be called therapy, was to unravel a ball of string which in essence was a big knot. As described by the book, the ball of string seemed to mesmerize the lady. As the man told of his quest he would described the appearance of this lady from time to time as she crossed his path. What was interesting about her story was that when she had completed unraveling the ball of string, she returned to a state of normalcy. The question was of course, "Did unraveling the ball of string in deep contemplation heal her condition or was it a synchronicity relative to he healing?" It was after reading this story within the story, this author understood the mystical path. But it still took some time for the author to understand how the mystical path was interweaving our lives and the need to bring the mystical path and enculturated path into alignment. The goal being to either make the paths one and the same or entwine them tightly like two strands of DNA but in an ever converging spiral toward oneness. As described in the paragraph above, probably the best way to understand the mystical path is to read the life or story of someone who came into alignment with their mystical path simply by learning to following it in life in some way. This does not mean the story teller intellectually understood what they were following, but they nevertheless found someway to follow it. For example, in following the mystical path, the author did two things. One was the author followed a particular feeling from as early as he can remember. It was a feeling which he initially called "fun" as a child. It was to look to do in life that which gave him a particular feeling he called "fun." However, later in life he discovered the feeling to be in a fullness of being, a fullness of life, or a feeling of growing and expansion of his being. It was a feeling of growing beyond himself. The second thing the author did was state very clear questions to Creation as to what he would like to know. Although not initially realized he came to find he possessed an inherent desire to "pull the string" and understand "why?"- why this as opposed to something else. Of course there is it corresponding cousin, "how?"- how does it work. Some would say he simply never lost his childlike inquisitiveness to discover and explore himself and the Creation he was experiencing. Throughout his life beginning as early as about age ten he asked a series of what he thought were rhetorical questions of the Universe at different times in he life. Surprising they were all answered. In time he was no longer was surprised but expected answers. In hind sight, the questions where the intention for his life and his mystical path breaking through to get what it needed to fulfill what he came to do. On this point it needs to be emphasized, the power of our deeply held intentions and desires about life cannot be underestimated and there is an intention and/or a deep desire that is governing our life. Deeply held intention will not necessary unfold in the way we expect nor will they unfold when we expect. However, they will unfold when the correct environment is created for them to unfold and can be supported to some degree in one way or another by the environment. As for the feeling which guides us to our mystical path, it has been described various ways above. However, there are probably as many ways to describe it as individuals. It is a unique feeling within each of us which gives us life, causes us to feel alive, gives us a passion for life or to engage life or causes us to desire to create life or recreate the life we live. In addition to these ways of describing it, it has also been described by the following: fullness of being; a fullness of life; a blossoming or flowering of our being; a feeling of expansion; a feeling of moving toward an experience of, if not into, the infinity of our being; a feeling of freedom; being in wonderment and "Ah" at creation; and an inner satisfaction within our being which never runs dry no matter what is happening in our world. An example of the unfolding mystical path Since probably the best way to understand the mystical path is to read the life or story of someone who came into alignment with their mystical path simply by learning to following it in life in some way, it only makes sense to provided such a story. What is provided here is the best story known by the author - namely, his own story. The details of life events which pointed to a mystical are not covered here. They are addressed in the topic most appropriate for that life event or are hyperlinked, as appropriate. When viewed from the perspective that
is the belief and practice that truths about the unknown and
elements of Creation may be directly apprehended by
intuition and/or
it can be said the author has always been a
mystic. From
the earliest age he was aware of knowing certain things.
first mystical experience was at age three. But, he never fully
understood what he experienced until almost fifty years later
several years after his experience of the
Ultimate Accident. His
second mystical experience which gave insights into his life was
at age four. But, here again he never realize it for what is was.
Quite simply, he never had a context to understand those experiences
for what they really represented. It was only when he had the
minimum set of requisite experience did he see them for what
they were and gleaned from the information they carried.
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