There exists or existed


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It talking about Creation and how Creation unfolds, many individuals may think and/or prefer to used the past tense. Most of us think in a linear time. Creation is perceived to have come into existence at some point in time and flows though time. However, this perception exists only because we are a creation unfolding within an existing Creation.

We choose to use the present tense for this reality currently exists. All that has ever existed and will exists is enfolded in this present moment. The present moment has unfolded because of the choices made in the past and the future is enfolded in the choice we make now. We can revisit the past and revisit the choices we made to reshape the future. All that needs to be done is to step out of our attachment to the existing form as it exists. In this moment, the flow path from the past is not changing but the flow path into the future from this moment is. We have the choice as to how and where we will direct it. In the present moment, out side of time, we can explore any possibility we wish. What unfolds depends on what we chooses to hold and bring into physical Creation to manifest within the existing flow path.

It cannot be proven to you but you can prove it to yourself. To do so you only need to go into the depth of your own being to the Source of your being. In the realm of the Source you can then learn and know the truth of this reality. This is the “place” sought by many meditation traditions that exist beyond one’s concept of mind, out of mind. It can be said that this reality is recreated whenever consciousness/Consciousness desires to create and experience it.

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