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 Creativity perspective on insecurity, lack of confidence and trust 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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From a creativity perspective, insecurity and lack of confidence are two sides of the same issue. An individual is insecure because they lack the confidence to act and the lack of confidence to act makes one insecure. When one is insecure and/or lack confidence, they divert their energy from acting. If one looks deeply at any insecurity or lack of confidence, somewhere there is an issue of trust. One does not trust themselves and their judgment, their ability to learn and/or trust their external world to be supportive. Whenever one cannot trust, they erect a barrier to protect themselves. Again, it takes energy to maintain the barrier to avoid what one does not trust and/or hold them in separation from it.

Additionally, as we scatter and fragment our energy, we begin to lose our ability to keep focused on the "bigger picture of life" or that which individuals would call "that which is most important." Rather than having this larger focus, we worry about smaller and smaller details increasing our insecurity because we can’t possible make all these myriad of small details correct. What one finds is that the smaller the thing their attention is on, the greater their insecurity. Here again, all that worry continues to divert and scatter our energy and it is unavailable to useful creative efforts.

The issue of trust is discussed to much greater depth in the topic, "Trust in the creative process."

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Trust in the creative process

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