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 A tool for enticement - sex sells 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Sex as a tool for enticement can be simply stated a "sex sells" and it can be use to sell anything, including spiritual understanding and spiritual enlightenment.

As a tool for enticement, one never needs to enter a sexual relationship. Nor do they need to be involved in any sexual act. Rather, the suggestion of a sexual reward of some type is all that is used is used to entice us to do and/or act in some particular. Enticement in this manner can be a very powerful motivator. Sexuality as a tool of enticement can use sex to suggest we can, or will, obtain particular abilities, objects, attract individuals and the like. The traditional concept of "Winning the affection of a fair maiden" through some type and kind of fete are enticements. The need to accumulate a certain level of wealth before being allowed to marry is an enticement. An advertisement portraying a man surrounded by socially recognized beautiful women after buying a particular product is an enticement.

If we do not believe sex is such a strong tool for enticement on any subject, we only need to look at the world of advertising. We only need to look a what advertising has done to cause people to act in a certain way that is different from their past. That is, the advertisement in whatever form entices the individual to pursue something which will then create a new life or way of being for them that is better that what we have now.

Sex is a very strong drive in human beings. The strength of the drive may change over life, but it is nevertheless present in most individual throughout most of our life. Additionally, the experiences we have around it early in life have a tremendous influence on how we use it and respond to it in our life. Because it is such a strong influence throughout our life there are many ways that it can be use to influence and/or manipulated us. As such it can be a very effective tool of enticement.

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