Addressing Creative Step/Guideline 05

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Surrendering to the flow

Implementing Creative Step/Guideline #5

Creative Step/Guideline #5


Surrender to the creative process

Your intention

A way in which you will harness the ego

The Creative Power as you understand it

Awareness of flow of energy that is manifesting what you intend

A creation ritual/ceremony

Surrender to the flow

Follow your intuition

Creative Step/Guideline #5 (Top): After obtaining clarity of intent and choosing to harness the ego, turn your will and your life relative to your creative endeavor over to the care of this Creative Power as you understand it and surrender to the flow of energy that is manifesting what you intend to create. To surrender to the flow of energy and harness your ego, allow your intuition to guide your actions relative to what you desire to create.

Background (Top)

The intention you hold causes a flow of energy that flows along the path of least resistance. This flow of energy will eventually manifest in an experience of what you desire within the environment you find yourself if you hold your intention with unwavering faith and as a single point focus for your life. In many ways, the process is automatic. If you are going to manifest what you desire, you need to surrender to the flow of energy that will give rise to what you desire and trust the Creative Power of the Universe will carry you to manifest your desired creation. You must follow the lead of the flow of energy and not what you think. If the ego is not harnessed, it is here the ego will be instrumental in destroying your own creative endeavors. This is the main reason why we do so much of our creativity subconsciously. Our subconscious intentions are not disturbed by the continual distraction suffered by the conscious mind and what our ego wants. This is one reason why ritual and ceremony can a be so powerful in our creative endeavors by imprinting an intention into the subconscious mind.

What needs to be understood is the flow of energy you create has an internal and an external component. There are internal changes that will occur and external changes that will occur in response to this energy. But you should not allow yourself to become distracted by either component it creates. Rather, you need to keep a single point focus on the flow of energy and allow the changes to occur within and around you.

In any creative process, many of the changes we experience in a creative endeavor are readily understood or explainable by our mind. However, there are many things that our mind cannot anticipate and/or understand. The creative energy manifesting our creation will create an object or an experience within a given environment seemingly something out of nothing. That is, this creative energy and actions we take will create something we desire where something did not previous exist. Namely, the object or experience we desire. Often the phenomena which occur to create what we desire seemed to be controlled by force, principles or influences beyond our control. These phenomena can be of a variety of forms such as the chance meeting of a key individual, the sudden inspirational idea seemingly coming out of nowhere, or the sudden insight into something that did not previously makes any sense. All we can do is to be open and available to what comes to us. Once we start the creative process we must surrender to that process if expect the Creative Powers that govern the process to work as they need to work to get what we desire.

However, more often than not, we are impatient. Our time line is not the creative time line. The understanding of our mind which created the problem is not the understanding which we solve the problem. Yet we persist in wanting to do it our way rather than surrender to creative process that we ourselves freely initiate.

Surrender to the creative process (Top)

After obtaining clarity of intent and choosing to harness the ego, turn your will and your life relative to your creative endeavor over to the care of this Creative Power as you understand it

Turning your will and your life over to the care of the Creative Power as you understand it is no more that stepping out of mind and our attempt to control what is happening and allow the process we set in motion by our own intention and actions to flow to completion.

Some see turning our will and our life relative to our creative endeavor over to the care of this Creative Power as surrendering to God, one’s Higher Self or some Spirit Guide or Spirit Guides. Surrendering is seen as following the direction provided by this Creative Power in whatever way we understand It. However, from a creativity perspective, this is not quite correct. There are two important points here.

One point is the “Creative Power as you understand it.” You will have to experiment at some point to see what exactly you understand and believe about this Creative Power. Mind only knows what it has experienced. Most of us have experienced some type of enculturation about God, our Higher Self, and/or Spirit Guides long before we start to think about conscious creating. As such, most of what we understand about this Creative Power is enculturated into us and based on the experience and/or beliefs of others. It is not based on what we have directly experienced in our lives. We will have to give ourselves permission to explore our understanding of this Creative Power and to do our own experiment to understand how this Creative Power operates in our live. Few see the Creative Power as part of their own being and in fact, may things we attribute to a “higher” Consciousness is only part of a definable and understandable creative process in which we participate. Few realize there is a reasonably well defined creative process that almost runs automatically when left to itself. We simply need to surrender to the process. What needs to be done here is trust the process.

We need to remember what our mind presents to us is what we experienced based on what we think and believe and what we have been taught. What mind presents may not serve our creative needs and actually interfere with the creative process. To “properly” surrender to create what you desire to implement this step, you should have the follow information before your in some concrete form or way. A concrete form or way would be a written description, a model, a picture, a way of being or acting like a yogic practice, or something similar and appropriate to the item.

Your intention
(Top): Have a written statement or a “blueprint” (or its equivalent) of something you wish to build or construct in your life

A way in which you will harness the ego
(Top): Identify how you will transcend your ego. What will you do that will cause you to step beyond your past limits and boundaries of your belief structure that you ego has imposed on you.

The Creative Power as you understand it
(Top): Create or claim a prayer, story, ritual, or something similar that fully and adequately embraces how you currently see the Creative Power within and the Creative Power without. Remember you are unique. Whatever you use should address your uniqueness and the way you experience the Creative Powers within and without and as they relate to what you wish to create. It is not recommended you use something because you think it is good or wise. Use what directly serves your understanding. Take something that is written and modify it if you must. But in any case create what is unique to you. If something like a prayer, story, ritual or the like truly severs your understanding use it. But become aware of the subtle differences between you and its author/creator. Those subtle differences will make a huge impact as you move deeper and deeper into your creative power and ability. On this point, your perception of the Creative Powers within and without may be change depending on what you wish to create and there are no mistakes in a creative endeavor. You only learn what severs and doesn’t serve your creative needs. Some sample prayers, stories, rituals and the like are though “Sample Creativity Materials

Awareness of flow of energy that is manifesting what you intend
(Top): To the best of your ability, be able to describe to another how you will discern and know the feeling of the flow of energy that accompanies your intention. Describe the feeling to another. Or, describe what you are doing or need to do to have that feeling. Or, describe what you will use to know that feeling or keep in alignment with it.

A creation ritual/ceremony
(Top): In your own way, appropriate to what you feel, create a way to demonstrate to yourself and to others your commitment to this Creative Power and surrender to this Creative Power for your creative endeavor. Create a ritual that you do to witness to yourself and others. In the same way a knight would kneel before a king to show he would serve the king, you need to do something to demonstrate to yourself you will serve the intention you set. But what you do cannot be hollow. It must be backed by action, belief and passion.

Surrender to the flow (Top)

(And) Surrender to the flow of energy that is manifesting what you intend to create

Surrender to the flow of energy means to align with the feeling of the flow and whatever that flows brings into your life. You will need to be open to what you feel, have calibrated your internal compass and are learning to discern what you feel in any given moment.

Focus on, and become aware of, the feeling that goes with what you intend to create. Lock onto that feeling with your internal compass and make it a single point focus and/or meditation for your life. This point cannot be under emphasized. You must follow and align with the feeling. It is like a river flowing from the mountain to the sea. It will curve, bend and maybe even reverse direction. But as long as you are aligned with the flow, you will flow to the sea. If however, you focus on the external landscape, your direction in any moment may be wrong. If you lock onto an external focus, you will be lead astray.

For every decision you face, check the feel of the decision. Check to see if it is carrying you toward creating more of the feeling and/or greater intensity, or, is it neutral or taking you away toward some other feeling. A neutral choice appears to takes you neither toward or away from the feeling you desire and would appear to maintain the status quo as it is relative to what you desire to create. However, you may have sufficient numbed what you feel such that the feeling of the decision is below the threshold of numbness you created because of the past pain you may have experienced in life.

A single point focus is an extremely important concept in any creative endeavor and was discussed under the Creative Step/Guideline #2. If you are still unclear of what a single point focus means for your life is it recommended you study it and discuss the concept with others.

Follow your intuition (Top)

To surrender to the flow of energy and harness your ego, allow your intuition to guide your actions relative to what you desire to create.

Any journey starts with the first step you take and then is followed by the subsequent second step, and third and so on. To know where to step and how to step, ask your intuitive guidance. Ask your intuitive guidance, “What do I need to do, what do I need to become, to create what I desire - what is the next step and what does that next step look like or require me to do?” Honor the intuitive guidance you get with a suorephex - a surrogate or real physical experience.

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