A contribution of Albert Einstein to Physics and the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Einstein’s approach and assumptions
ntroduction of the concepts of Creative Relativity and individuate points of consciousness

Around 1905, at about age twenty-six, Albert Einstein provided the physic community with an explanation of the phenomenon of light propagation that shook the prevailing physics view. Einstein’s work focused on electromagnetic radiation and an explanation the negative results of what was called the Michelson experiment was constructed to measure the effects of what was called the “world ether” on the velocity of light caused by the light’s movement through the ether. Einstein’s explanation and understanding was one of the several catalysts which revolutionized physics and the understanding of the nature of the physical world.

Einstein’s thinking began with the wave nature of light or lectromagnetic radiation. Visible light as we see light is only a narrow portion of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. When the wave nature of light was established in the 1800’s, physicists explained light waves the way they explained water waves. Light waves were seen analogous to a ripple on a pond created when we drop a pebble into the pond. In the same way a pebble dropped in water pushed the water’s surface to create a wave, pushing or accelerating an electron was seen as creating a wave in the electromagnetic field which permeated the universe. By using this water wave analogy, physicists in the 1800’s had to contend with explaining and describing the medium, or the material equivalent to the water. There had to be some in which these electromagnetic waves would be carried and propagated

The answer at the time was a theorized medium known as the “light ether” or “world ether.” The existence of this material to propagate light meant that the planets and other celestial bodies would be affected by this material as they moved through space. An experiment, eventually known as the Michelson experiment, was constructed to measure the effects of this ether on the velocity of light caused by movement of light through the ether. The results of this experiment were negative and posed significant problems for explaining how light was propagated. Without a mediation in which the waves could propagate, there should be no electromagnetic radiation.

The negative results of this experiment were subsequently explained by Einstein in when he rejected the entire idea of a world ether and returned to the idea of completely empty space. It is to be noted that returning to an “old” idea is not antithetical to leaps of creative thought. Instead of trying to patch up and fix the accumulating difficulties with the “ether” concept, he rejected it outright. However, along with rejecting the notion of a world ether also went the concept of the existence of “absolute motion.” Absolute motion can be seen as the equivalent of absolute truth or as a reference standard to which all else can be compared. The concept of absolute motions was essentially foundation concept of the “world ether.”

The concept of “absolute motion” arose because the “world ether,” which theoretically permeated all of reality, would be a universal reference system for the motion of all material bodies through space. That is, any motion in any part of the either could be compared to the stationary ether. What Einstein basically said was that we could only talk about motion of one object relative to the motion of another object. He said that the basic laws of physics should be the same no matter what reference system was used in studying the laws of physics. Hence the name of theory, the “theory of relativity.”

This theory basically states that there is no such thing as absolute motion. There is only relative motion of one object in relationship to another object. This also means that it is impossible to detect the motion of one system relative to the motion of another system by performing some physical measurement in each system and then comparing the results expecting to see a difference representative of that relative motion. What this means is, a ball rolling across a table will look just the same whether the room in which the ball and the table are located is moving at a constant velocity or at rest.

As to light itself, since there was no “world ether” or medium to allow the vibrations, Einstein postulated there was an independent physical reality to the electromagnetic field that generated the photon. This meant the prevailing view that the electromagnetic field surrounding a electric charge or magnet represented a deformation in a universal medium extending in all directions gave way to the view that the field of the magnet and electric charge were now physical entities themselves and thinned out to zero at great distances away from the magnet or the charge. In the same way light was previously considered as a vibration inserted into the medium of the “world ether,” light was now considered as a lump, a quantum or a packet of energy of the vibrating electromagnetic field unto itself, moving freely through space and thinning out to zero at infinity. This meant that when the a charged particle was accelerated, the waves that rippled out in the electromagnetic field would be seen as independent packets of energy called quanta. These waves were pure energy. They acted like particles, but being pure energy, had no mass.

One key spin-off of this theory (ascribing an independent physical reality to a static and vibrating electromagnetic field) was that this packet or quantum of energy would contain a momentum and a mass reflective of the amount of energy it carried. This was subsequently demonstrated as true and that the energy of the particle was equal to the mass of the particle times the speed of light squared, the famous E=MC2. This realization was also the foundation of the understanding that vast amounts of energy could be released in the conversion of mass into energy, which subsequently lead to the nuclear reactor (a controlled energy release) and the nuclear bomb (a directed uncontrolled energy release). A nuclear accident would be an uncontrolled release of nuclear energy.

The implications of Einstein’s work on the material in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity technology is seen in two ways. One way it is applicable to creativity is to break a mind set, you must step out of the mind that created the problem. The second way Einstein’s work is applicable is that there are four insights that can be used to understanding how we create both our experiences and the reality of those experiences.

The four insights are as follows:

  • There is no absolute motion and no universal or absolute reference frame. Each photon, each packet of energy, is independent of another.

  • A photon, a packet of electromagnetic energy, is a physical reality and its electromagnetic field thins out to zero at great distances away from the center of the vibration or source or center of the energy.

  • The laws of physics are the same in any reference frame such that any two of these independent packets of energy will obey the same laws of physics since each could be considered an independent frame of reference.

  • Mass is one form of energy and can be converted to the another under the proper conditions.

These four insight by Einstein have profound implications within the Energy Consciousness Model for how we create our experience. Because energy and consciousness are seen as one and the same and only perceived differently, these four insights are directly translated into consciousness. As applied to consciousness, their implications have significantly impacts our creativity ability. The applications of these four insights to creativity are discussed in the topic “A Different Application if Enstein’s Assumptions.”

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