Although a single individual, such
as a
rainmaker can create a
safe and secure space for a creation to
unfold, there are a variety of reason why it is much easier for a
matched masculine and feminine pair. Not necessarily a male and
female pair. Rather, a matched masculine and feminine whether or not
that masculine is in a male or female and that feminine is in a
female or male. In understand the roles of the
whole and complete
masculine and the
whole and complete feminine being one can see how
creating a safe and secure space for a creation is easier with two
individuals. One to nurture and sustain and the other to protect and
defend the creation.
What is interesting here is when one works with individuals one does
not necessarily protect the creation that is unfolding from outside
predators or external hazards. Rather it is to protect the
individual from themselves and their past. It is to protect the flow
of the individual’s
creative life energy or
creative spirit that is
the essence of the individual which is forming the creation from the
mind of the individual.
It needs to be remember many individuals have not been able to live
the truth of their being. That is, they have not been able to live
in alignment with the flow of their
creative life energy or
creative spirit because of the pain of the past and/or expectations and
beliefs of the world in which it grew up. When an individual tries
to live the truth of their being, they will be aligning with the
flow of what they feel. In many ways what we feel goes against the
mind and what the mind wants and has been enculturated to believe.
Hence the individual will need to be protected from their own mind -
its biases, judgements and other beliefs about who and what it is
and what they should or should not be doing in and with their life.
In this regard, the
feminine of the matched pair nurtures the flow
of energy and calls forth the individual’s creative spirit to come
out and stay out. The
masculine of the match pair, literally and
figuratively defends what the individual feels form from what the
mind desires and what the mind expects, want and fears. On this
note, the mind can become quite dramatic and defensive as it fights
to protect and defend what it thinks.
Also, to create and hold the space for someone to become who and
what they are when they have spent the better part of a lifetime
confined in a shell not of their own making, we can expect some
“explosive” type behavior when all the constrains are removed from
confining their creativity. By explosive behavior we do not
necessary mean anger but it can be. It is just as sudden and
dramatic release of a passionate energy, the release of their
creative passion. It needs to be recognized that the term
“explosive” in no way means to imply bad or harmful. Rather it is
just the recognition that there is always a weak spot in the armor
or the vessel that was being used to contain the individuals
creative life energy. That is where the energy is first going to
burst forth. Exactly what it looks like for an individual will be
unique to that individual. For some it is anger. For others it is
sexuality. For others it is some almost obsessive creative task such
a writing, drawing, or making something. Some are overcome with a
deep sadness, remorse or grief at what has not been acted upon.
Still for others there is just euphoria and joy.
In any case, the energy must be allowed to flow. If it is stopped or
one attempts to control it, one risk allowing the patterns of the
past to remain in tack - and, maybe worse yet, reinforced and
strengthened. If the energy is allowed to freely flow it will drain
the bound energy from the old patterns and the feelings of being.
Usually the initial flow of energy will be very strong. It is much
like tapping a virgin underground oil reserve to create that
“gusher.” In a sense the their creative system is flushed clear. The
sensation and accompanying feelings of release and the associated
freedom can then be remembered. That memory can be used as the
initial calibration for the
internal compass. The releases flow of
energy is a way for the individual to know when they are flowing in
freedom with their
creative life energy.
What needs to be realizes is that initial release pattern will
always flow in such a way to optimize its alignment with the
intention for our life and what we
incarnated to do in the physical world for we will be outside of the
control of mind in that initial rush of energy. How long one remains
outside the mind depends on the individual. In time mind will regain
control and the feeling of the flow will change as mind redirects
the flow into its desires.
It some ways it is like freeing a ice jam in a river. The water is
blocked and one is not attempting to divert the water into a
different direction. Rather one is trying to free the water to flow
in accordance with the flow path of the river. So too with our
creative life energy. When in a
safe and secure space, the energy
within our being will flow in alignment with, or move to flow in
alignment with, the original
intention for our life. We only need to
become aware of the direction of that flow and the feel of that
In knowing the history of the individual, the particular story they
tell, and what previous activities in life made them feel alive and
life worth living, we can anticipate where the energy is
blocked will surface. Exactly how it express itself may be a little
harder to determine and it is here creating the space most resembles
the buddy system.
The buddy system is use by individuals when they move into what
could be dangerous or unexpected situations. It is much like that
used by fighter pilots or fire fighters where they work in pairs.
Each individual helps to protect the other. One individual normally
goes in to do whatever work needs to be done while the other stands
guard watching and being observant for any unexpected occurrences.
For example, in creating the
safe and secure space for an individual
to become who they are one might be exploring the nature of why the
individual lost their ability to be in spontaneous and innocent
childlike play of discovery and exploration. As the masculine
individual is thrusting forward probing as to the nature of why one
no longer can play, the individual may suddenly remember how they
were abused by an individual in a very masculine thrusting,
controlling or demanding way. It may have been a male abusing a
child, a mother spanking a child to control them or a male or female
bully projecting their macho image on the individual. In doesn’t
matter what the memory may be. Rather than the individual probing
themselves, the masculine act of probing may be all that is needed
for the memory to surface. Immediately the individual’s mind will
become defense and protect itself form the one probing. Here the one
probing becomes the occasion for all of that past hurt and pain to
surface. The one probing is not the cause but the occasion.
Nevertheless the individual will move to protect themselves from the
one probing. It is here the other individual of the pair, the
feminine who is nurturing the individual can step in divert the mind
so that it does not remain in a defensive position. In dong so, one
can continue to explore how the energy is block and what needs to be
done to set it free rather than becoming diverted by a response
pattern of the past.
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A whole and complete masculine aspect of being
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