A whole and complete feminine being


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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A whole and complete feminine aspect of being is one who has been able to freely develop and unfold true to their feminine nature. They have done the internal work to remove the separations within their being and are able to hold the space for another individual to unfold according to the individual’s unique nature rather than according to any expectation they, the one holding the space, may have. This whole and complete feminine being is fully capable of nurturing and sustaining another under their care out of abundance in the way the other needs to be nourished and sustained as opposed to nurturing either out of lack or obligation.

More importantly the feminine being has a fully developed mature inner masculine aspect that allows them to become that thrusting and protecting aspect whenever necessary and to crate whatever is needed to nurture and sustain the being under their care. They are comfortable in either the masculine and feminine role and freely dance between the two.

On this note, one who has been born masculine and/or raised as a masculine entity will need to become this feminine nurturing and sustaining being to develop his wholeness. In the way a woman carries a child and spends many years of her life devoted to that infant, one who is dominantly masculine for whatever reason in whatever part of their being will need to surrender themselves [totally stepping out of the masculine ego identity] to become this nurturing and sustaining femininity entity. They will need to care for some form of child or offspring, physical or otherwise, to become whole and completer both in their femininity and in the wholeness of their being. Yet this surrendering and nurturing is not something one an choose to do with mind. Rather, the universe will bring to the masculine the child that need to be nourished and sustained. They will be given the opportunity to choose out of love to nurture and sustain the child that has been given to them. The mind cannot chose the child, the mind will be required to surrendering out of a love that transcends who and what it think it is and is capable of doing.

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