The relation of the masculine and feminine in creating a safe and secure space


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It was stated in the discussion “A safe and secure space”: For example, in many ways, this safe and secure space is the space that would be created for a child or the offspring of a  perfectly matched creatively whole and complete feminine being and a whole and complete masculine being. In this space, since the masculine and feminine being are whole and complete unto themselves, they would have no preconceived ideas and expectation as to what their offspring should become or do in the world. The offspring would be free to discover and explore their true nature and unfold according to its own unique nature whatever it looks like.

It is to be noted that in the above the terms “creation,” “feminine being,” and “masculine being” were used other than child, female/mother and male/father. Additionally the terms “whole and complete,” and “perfectly matched” were used as the modifiers for the masculine and feminine being. These generic terms are used intentionally for the safe and secure space discussed here is applicable to any creation and is something that is needed for each creation. Additionally, any creation in existence is the offspring of a joined masculine and feminine aspect of being for it is the joining of the masculine and feminine which gives rise to the flow of energy which unfolds as the creation. The profoundness of this understanding and the depth and breath of its implications will not be seen or understood in reading these words. It will only come in time as you consciousness exercise your creative ability to create the experiences that you have.

This last paragraph is one reason why it is very inappropriate to think of the Creator of Creation as either a masculine or feminine being for any creation only arise from the polarity of the masculine and feminine opposites. Creation does not occur without both. The beauty of Creation is that it arose our of a wholeness of being and is sustained by the dance between that masculine and feminine aspects of being.

What needs to be understood is Creation as we know it is only the external reflection of the internal dance of the masculine and feminine aspect within the Creator. We are an aspect of that dance and is why we cannot deny our masculinity or our femininity.

There are two concepts that are needed to understand how this process works. One is that everything permeates everything else and every created entity is within a cycle of manifesting into and out of creation as a created form. As such within any created form there are cycles within cycles.

The second thing is that all that is masculine and thrusting forward to create is only the manifestation of the masculine aspect of the Creator desiring to create and this masculine aspect of the Creator lies in both males and females. All that exists in form is feminine and creating a fertile space for Creation to occur and that nurtures and sustains Creation. Creation is only the manifestation of the feminine aspect of the Creation nurturing and sustaining creation Itself. This feminine aspect of the Creator also lies in both males and females.

Because both the masculine and feminine aspect of the Creation lies in both males and females, it is essential that we come to an understanding and a wholeness within our being of our masculinity and our femininity but there will not necessary be an equal balance of the masculine and feminine. Rather we need to understand what it means and to become whole in our masculinity and understand and become whole within our femininity and than allow the two wholes to joint. It is the offspring of the two that we will become and manifest in the world. Until we become whole in both our masculinity and our femininity we will not manifest what we incarnated to do and satisfy the intention for our life.

It needs to be realized and emphasized that just as an offspring of a male and female is a male or a female, the offspring of the joining of our balance masculinity and femininity will have either a masculine or a feminine “flavor’ so to speak. Remember, Creation is only the result of the dance of the polarity of the masculine and feminine and we are Creation. We will always have the polarity and we need to surrender to that polarity if we are going to be the instruments of Creation that we are. To think otherwise is ego.

On this note of polarity it has to be emphasized this does not mean a male is macho/manly according to what mind thinks it means to be masculine and/or we have been enculturated to believe. It does not mean to be female is to be a servant of the masculine, what mind thinks it means to be feminine and/or what we have been enculturated to believe. To know what masculine and feminine really means and what each means for us, we will have to surrender to our creative life energy and follow the lead of our intuition and body wisdom to find out. Since we are all unique individuals and we each have a different blend of masculine and feminine each of us will perceive our masculinity and femininity slightly different and they will not be what our mind can conceive and/or thinks.

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A safe and secure space
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