Returning to the source/Source through the feminine


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Returning to the source/Source through the feminine
The issue
The situation we face
Using the feminine aspect of Creation to access the Source
We are always connected
Surrender to the flow
Become a nurturing presence
Transcending mind is a creative endeavor
Pursue a “not doing” practice

The goal in using the feminine aspect of Creation
Why a mother nurturing her child does not work

As discussed in the topics “Returning to the Source” and “The Creative/Creation process” all truly creative endeavors cause one or more aspects of our being to return to the Source of Creation. This occurs whenever the existing form dissolves back into the “stuff” of creation/Creation to form into the new for all creation/Creation rises from the same material of creation/Creation. Additionally there is a flow of creative life energy which sustains us that flows from the Source of Creation. We can never be removed from that flow. We experience it as our creative spirit and the energy that animates our life. The more we align with the flow of energy giving rise to our desired creation, the more we move into, or toward, the Source. The more we align with the desires of our creative spirit and surrender to the flow of energy within our being, the more we align with the Source. We can use these fact to return to the Source through the feminine aspect of Creation.

On this point it is interesting to note that if we look, we will see many spiritual traditions encourage their leaders, their teachers and their disciples/followers to surrender to “God’s” will as defined by the tradition and/or nurture and care for others. There is a reason for this surrender and caring for others and it is based on using the feminine aspect of Creation.

The issue (Top)

There issue we face is how do we access and release our inherent unlimited creativity. If we are always connected to the Source of Creation, why can we not consciously access that connection and use the creative power and creative ability available to us through the Source to create what we desire. The answer is we can, and do, but not in the way our minds think and perceive the situation.

The situation we face (Top)

The topics “The Problem of Mind and the Experience of the Source of Creation - the Trap of Mind,” and how the individualized consciousness arises as presented in the “Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective,” provides the basis as to why we will not have a conscious experience of the Source of Creation while we are in the ego identity of mind and/or believing we can be in our individuated consciousness. It is an illusion of mind to believe we can see through the awareness of All That Is with our individual consciousness. It is like trying to put infinity into a box. How and why our individuated consciousness arose is discussed in the “Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective.” It is our experience of our individual consciousness that allows us to experience Creation as we do. To step out of our individual consciousness into the Source in conscious awareness is a different experience of Creation and will not allow us to experience Creation as we know it in the form we currently experience it.

Although we cannot consciously experience the Source of Creation with our individuated consciousness, we can know the experience of the Source through feeling. What we feel is determined by how we focus our mind. There is no individuation of feeling as there is an individuation of consciousness. There are different flows of energy which we can feel and discern but we do not individualize feelings or what we feel. The issue is we interpret what we feel as an individualized consciousness differently than as the consciousness awareness of the Source of Creation. That is the purpose of individualized consciousness.

What needs to be understood, when and if we are in the conscious awareness of the Source, we will feel what It feels. That includes the profound loneliness, love and desire to share as what caused and fueled Creation to come into existence. It is these feeling that sustain Creation. It is these feelings that fuel Consciousness to seek a playmate and someone with whom to share Itself and Who and What It is. Although we will be unable to use our mind as we know it to characterize and understand what we experience, we can feel that profound loneliness, love and desire to share. In fact, the awareness of this feeling is often a residual after experiencing the Source of Creation.

What needs to be understood that what we feel is based on how we have, or have not, focused our attention and awareness. When we are out of mind, we do not perceive the limits, boundaries and barriers of mind. Rather, we become open to feeling any and all flows and currents of energy. In feeling we are open to the infinity of Creation. When we focus our attention and awareness into the flow from the Source for any creation we can open ourselves and cause ourselves to feel the deepest undercurrent of Creation. Namely, we can feel the Source of Creation and the flow of energy which gives rise to Creation.

We may never be able to consciously communicate and/or express what we feel, we nevertheless can feel the Source. We will know and be aware of what we feel. Some can only perceive a profound wonderment and “Ah.” Others experience and feel a profound sadness. Others experience and feel the pain of loneliness. Still others experience and feel a profound love and desire to share. We may even find ourselves oscillating in and out each of these feelings.

What these feelings represent is the flow of energy which caused Creation to occur and continues to fuel Creation at its deepest levels. The story of the five men set out to explore the mystical realm effectively addresses what happens when we have an experience of the Source. One dies, one goes crazy, one becomes an atheist, one a mystic and the other blinded to many aspects of life. What exactly happens to us is unknown but we will not be the same as a result of the experience.

What needs to be understood is that to feel and surrender to the flow of energy that fuels a creation is to be present to, and in, the feminine aspect of creation. When we surrender and nurture a creation, we move into, or align with, the feminine aspect of Creation.

When we are out of mind, we open ourselves up to experiencing the Source. Although we are in contact with the Source of Creation all the time and can never be removed from it, our awareness as an individuated consciousness keeps us from consciously experiencing it by design. In may ways that is the whole purpose of Creation. That is, to create a vehicle to step out of the awareness that gives rise to Creation for the purpose of experiencing Creation. However, we can and do stumble into an experience of the Source of Creation in consciousness awareness. This phenomenon is called the Ultimate Accident. The question is, “When we do stumble into the Source of Creation where is the focus of our attention and awareness and is it directed in such a was we can being to understand what we experienced.”

What is not realized by many is that we can increase the probably of the Ultimate Accident and a conscious experience of the Source of Creation occurring. We do so in two ways and can increase the probability even greater when we combine the two ways together.

Using the feminine aspect of Creation to access the Source (Top)

There are several things that can be used to increase the probably of having the Ultimate Accident and have an experience of the Source of Creation is conscious awareness.

We are always connected
(Top): We are always connected to the Source of Creation and can never be removed from it. Our mind simply stands in the way of seeing, feeling and experiencing the Source for what it is. If we can step out of mind and yet retain conscious awareness, we have the possibility of consciously experiencing our direct connection with the Source. Experiencing the Source in this fashion is limited by us as a creation. What needs to be understood here is we will experience the Source but only experience the Source as it has been limited to manifest us as a creation. To experience the Source in its fulness we need to move beyond ourselves as a creation. We have to move past ourselves and it is not as difficult as we would first suspect. To being the process, we need to learn to become a detached witness.

Surrender to the flow
(Top): The energy that flows to manifest and sustain any creation or creative endeavor flows from the Source of Creation. By surrendering and aligning with the flow of energy manifest or sustaining a creation we move into alignment with the Source. Here again, the nature of mind does not allow us to consciously experience the Source for what it is but we can consciously feel it. In aligning with the feel of the flow, we align with the Source and the creative power and creative ability available within that unfolding creation. Again, our experience of the Source will be limited by the creation which is unfolding.

Become a nurturing presence
(Top): To become the nurturing presence for a creation is to move directly into the flow of energy from the Source and to become the source for that manifesting creation. The only difference here between the source and the Source is determined by the magnitude of the creative endeavor and where we have focus our attention and awareness.

Transcending mind is a creative endeavor
(Top): If our creative endeavor is determined by the mind and the ego, we will remain bound in the view of the source and never access the depth and breadth of our creative power and creative ability available to us. The greater the creation to which we can align, the greater the experience we can have of the Source. The key here is to explore a creating a creation which transcends our mind and ego. Attempting to create what mind considers impossible or highly improbably would be such an endeavor.

Pursue a “not doing” practice
(Top): If we think we can experience the Source of Creation with our mind as we know it and understand it, we will keep ourselves out of the experience of the Source. We are an infinite creative being. We need to have an infinite number of experiences for mind to have a sufficient minimum set of experience to fully and consciously understand and consciously experience the infinity of the Source. Not impossible, but it just takes a long time to gain that set of infinite experience. It is the path on which we all travel for Creation is about creating, forgetting, and remembering. The more we can step out of mind as in a not doing practice the more we move into creating that minimum set of experience.

The goal in using the feminine aspect of Creation (Top)

The goal is to step out of mind and surrender to the flow of energy and to nurture a creation much bigger than our mind can conceive. That is, the creation itself takes us past the limits and barriers of our mind. In stepping out of mind and surrendering to the flow and nurture the creation as required, we allow the flow of energy to carry us into the Source.

But there two caveats here. One is that our experience of the Source will always be limited to the experience of the Source as determined by the flow of energy to which we align and that flow, in turn, is determined by the creation that it is flowing to manifest. That is, the creation limits the experience of the Source we can have. It is imperative that we find a creative endeavor what will be of a large enough magnitude to create a flow of energy sufficient to experience the magnitude of the Source.

The second caveat is that if we do not come up with the idea of what we desire to create ourselves but listen to another, we will be surrendering to the mind of another and we will not have ownership of what we create. This, in turn, limits what we can give to the creative endeavor. It keeps us bound in a way that does not allow us to be fully open to the experience we have for there is a part of ourselves will be protecting and unable to commit to the effort. This “holding back’ is inherent in the way the inner masculine and inner feminine work. Having ownership of what we create is important to catalyze and stimulate the feminine aspect of our being to create, in particular, our inner feminine such that she nurtures her creation. We do this by choosing something we consider impossible for us to do, not what another thinks is impossible.

The feminine aspect of Creation is more than willing to give to her creation. However, she can be very effectively harnessed to give her nurturing energy to another. But in being harnessed, no matter how noble an idea the creation may be, she will not give everything she has to give unless she truly believes in what she in being asked to create. To truly believe in something as discussed here goes beyond what our mind believes. It is what is true to our inner masculine and our inner feminine and both our inner masculine and inner feminine are able to unfold true to themselves and mature into that mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine. It is about being true to who and what we are in every way.

The dilemma: But there is a dilemma here. How do we choose what to create that which is true our inner masculine and inner feminine to sufficiently excite each of them to grow to maturity and yet create something that is outside the limits and boundaries of our mind. Most often we have not done the inner work to know what would satisfy our inner masculine and inner feminine. But then, even if we did do the work and did know, to know what satisfies them is to be in mind. To create from that perspective is to create from within the limits of mind and that, in turn, limits the experience of the Source.

Being the cause: There is a second issue that goes with creating something we choose to create. When we choose to make something happen, we become the cause. To become the cause is to become the source of whatever happens. However, here again, for us to choose what we create, we are in mind and we will be limited by the limits and barriers of our mind as to what we experience in the Source. Yet although we are the source of what we create, we cannot have a full experience of the Source for what we choose limits the energy which flows. But we must choose for in choosing we become the source of whatever it is we create and literally stand at the doorway to the Source. All we need to do is somehow get out of mind and will be in an experience of the Source although that experience will be limited by the size of our creation.

The answer as to what to create: The answer as to what to create yet satisfy the seeming dilemma is as follows. It is to know there are no mistakes in any creative endeavor. There may be what seems to be false starts but we are only gaining the minimum set of experiences to know exactly what to do. Although we may not know at the start of our effort what the inner masculine and inner feminine will need to mature, we start with what we know. As we learn what serves and doesn’t serve our inner masculine and inner feminine, we iterate the process to move toward what does. When we see the offspring of what the marriage of our inner masculine and inner feminine and what it desires to create we can choose

As we see the truth within our own being, we need to ask, “What does the world need to be and what do I wish to experience in the world such that my inner truth is free to unfold true to itself in the world and that I see and experience a world that provides an inner satisfaction my inner truth?” We then need to ask our intuitive guidance, “How do I create such a world, what do I need to do?” Then act on the intuition guidance we get to create it. We cannot look to any other to act for us. We need to act knowing that we are the creator of the experiences we have and the reality we experience. By choose to recreate the world based on our what will allow the truth of our being to be free to unfold true to itself, we choose a task that is seemingly impossible. That is for one single individual to recreate the world.

In doing this, we do several things. One is that honor our inner truth and our own inner masculine and inner feminine. The second is we choose to create something that will honor our inner feminine and create the space for her to give all she has and something that the inner masculine can get excited about. The third is that in choosing what to create, we become the creator, the cause, the source of what is created. Fourth, in choosing to recreate the world, we are choosing something that is will be beyond the limits and barriers of our mind. Fifth, in asking our intuitive guidance what to do and honoring the guidance we get, we step out of mind, we surrender to the flow of the energy we create, and we move to nurture the creation. In doing so we step into the feminine aspect of creation and create the greatest probably of experiencing the Ultimate Accident.

If in addition we ask our intuitive guidance, “How do I recreate this world in a gentle as fashion as possible but as quickly as possible such that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor?” It will show us the way if we are willing to follow it even it appears and feels painful. If it is painful it is only the pain of birthing. If we explore pain and the pain that arise, we can explore the origins of that pain and make our journey less painful.

Why a mother nurturing her child does not work (Top)

It is said when we move into the feminine aspect of Creation to nurture an offspring we can increase the probably of the Ultimate Accident. One question that arises is why do not more mothers experience the Ultimate Accident when they nurse and care for their child. The issue is they nursing their child and the fact that the child is their child keeps them in the individuated consciousness as to what their role is as a mother. Similarly, for a woman to nurse and care for another’s child, she is still identifies with the biological role of the mother as determined by what it means to be human. The “trick” here is for the female to nurse a creation that is not natural to her being or her role. That carries her outside what it means to be human as a woman.

Related topics
The Problem of Mind and the Experience of the Source of Creation - the Trap of Mind
Returning to the Source
Ultimate Accident
Tapping and sustaining the Source

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