Is There A Need To Explore The Past?


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Whenever one beings a meditative practice and/or one explores their inner world it is inevitable that something from the past will surface to be faced. Of course, if something surfaces and stands in the way of what we you desire to create, we will have to face it and deal with whatever it is requiring us to do. The past does, and will, interfere with whatever we desire to create. The only question is, “How will it interfere?”

Sometime the past will interfere in very big and profound ways and other times it will seem to have no relevance. The questions is, “Is there a need to explore the past and if so, how much?” Dealing with what surfaces as it surfaces is one thing but is there the need to explore beyond what surfaces spontaneously.

Whether we are willing to accept it or not, and/or believe it or not, we live in a cause-effect world. There is a cause (“why this and not that?”) to everything we experience (an effect) and the cause always lies in the past. There are many schools of thought on the past and its importance. They range on one extreme from the view that none of the past matters and one is fully capable of creating whatever they desire in the moment. In this view, the past is “water under the bridge” and one only needs to become fully aware of what exists here and now. Hence in every moment the need for mindfulness and awareness.

The other extreme is the past is of tremendous importance almost to the point that all is predestined. In this view we need to go back and examine and explore all facets of our past at every level to understand how we became who we think we are. If we do not understand how we become who we think we are we cannot change the past ,or at least understand currents the past is causing. If we do not understand the currents in our lives we are condemned to relive the past again and again. We will simply continue forever and ever on a proverbial wheel of karma. Only when we recognize that we are stuck in a cycle is there any hope of breaking the cycle. In many ways both views are wrong and both are correct.

Ideally we should find true freedom and become like the wind, free and unattached. Coming with nothing and leaving with nothing. However, humans, although like the wind in that we are the result of a flow of energy, we are not the wind. We are who we are. We are the effect of some prior cause and flowing from somewhere to somewhere. Although we are an infinite energy much like the wind, we are conscious and have a free will. That free will allows us to choose one direction over another. We are not stuck and we are not condemned to flow according to a given flow path. We can change the path, whole or in part, simply by how we choose to exercise our free will. We are fully capable of binding and locking our energy into fixed flow patterns by holding memories of the past and preferences for one way over another. Or, we are free to let go of the past and be like the wind simply flowing from one point to another neither of which is good or bad.

Rather than looking negatively at these aspects (we are within an existing flow pattern determined by the past), we need to look at them positively. That is we have the power to release the past and change the flow. To do this, it needs to be understood that what we experience, no matter what it is, is caused by something prior to the experience we have. What we experience is the effect of some cause.

It is hard to accept that the cause ultimately is what we think and believe and the choices we have made because of what we think and believe. It is hard to accept because we seem to have such little control over the external world. However, unless we realize that we are experiencing the effect of the cause of our own thinking, we continue in the same cause effect chain. This is not necessarily bad if we are enjoying what we experience and are creating a life worth living. However, if what we experience no longer serves us, we need to change the cause or create a new cause. We do that by understanding the past and understanding why we have come to think and believe the way we do.

What we need to realize is that the work or performance of an actor, musician or artist in the moment is the sum total of all their practice lessons and past performances. That is, each of those past lessons and/or performances are contributing to the totality of the individual’s performance or work. In the same way we are the sum total of all who we have been. In any one moment each of us are only performing based on all we have learned and experienced. We literally are the past manifested. All that we carry from the past, whether that be past lives or any other past experience, are only the gifts and/or liabilities that assist us in what we need to do in the present moment.

Alternatively said, we have practiced a part in the past and now it is time for our performance based on those past experiences. If we are not performing to the satisfaction we desire, we may need to go back and understand either 1) what we did not properly learn from our past experiences or 2) what needs to be relearned in a different, more effective manner because, in may ways, we and the world we experience has evolved. What was learned in the past is not longer applicable or it is at least different in some way from what we needed to know in the past.

It cannot be understated that we are our past manifested. The cause of who and what we are now is the past we have experienced and how we have interpreted that past. We only need to return to the past when it does not allow us to go grow and expand the understanding of exactly who and what you are. We only need to go back when it does not allow us to create the reality and experiences that we consciously choose and serve us in the way we wish to be served. If we do need to return to the past, we will need to understand there will be work that needs to be done.

Sometime what needs to be addressed surfaces spontaneously and comes after us. More often than not, some unknown factor keeps interfering with what we desire to create. Often the work of exploring the past is like digging a mine into the deepest regions of our subconscious to extract the gem we seek and bring it back to the surface. Most probably, but not necessarily, the work is in the form of a pain to be faced and experienced, Yet it is only the pain that has cause some type of separation within your being that will have to be rejoined so you can return to a wholeness of being.

Our past, in part, is only the story we tell. There is a real part and an imaginary part to any experience we have. The story we tell may, or may not, reflect events as they happened. However, it really doesn’t matter what story we tell for it is rare that we can, or will be able to, express all sides to an event in our life.

The point is rather that the story you tell should be told in a way that empowers you to create the experiences that severs you in a way that is most beneficial for the being that we think and believe we are. We are free to tell whatever story we wish. We only need to understand if our story allows us to grow and expand, discovering and exploring the true depth and breath of our own being. Or, does the story we tell confines us and limits us to a cage of our own making. That is, a cage of what we think and believe as opposed to that truth of what is. Each of us are free to live in a cage or fly and soar in an unlimited sky. The choice is, was, and always will be, ours to make.

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