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 Electromagnetic waves and the esoteric 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In many esoteric text, there is talk about a "vibration rate" and many believe that "higher" energy or a greater vibration rate is some how more spiritual or more powerful than a lower vibration. Similarly, the "lower" energy or lower vibration rate is seen as not a good if not evil. There. Also, in the chakra system some are of the belief the energy associated with the seventh chakra of the crown of the head is "higher" and more spiritual than the energy associated with the first chakra or base chakra of the groin area.

However, the study of energy as it exists in Creation does not support such conclusions and such judgment are simply that, judgments and opinions of the mind and nothing more. What needs to be understood is that traditionally any experience that was not rational or seemingly rational to the mind was referred to some type of religious teacher, healer or spiritual teacher for they were seen as somehow knowledgeable of the unseen worlds and that which could not be explained by the rational mind. Although modern society has move away from sole reliance on religious teachers as authorities of the unseen realms, many still consider the unseen aspects of reality, especially one’s internal world as something more akin to religious or spiritual world. Additionally, until physicists started to play with unseen energy of the external world in the form of the electromagnetic spectrum and the nuclear world and psychologist and psychiatrist started to deal with the unseen inner world, all our symbols, language and the like for the unseen inner and outer realms of existence were religious. Hence, any time someone has an experience of the unseen realms whether it was inner or outer, it was seen as some type and kind of religious experience.

Now with a more complete, yet incomplete understanding, of the unseen inner and outer worlds it is clear there is greater energy in a higher vibration than a lower vibration. However, the fact on has a higher frequency of vibration or greater energy says nothing about one being better or worse than a lower frequency. It all depends on what one desires to create and experience. High frequencies can be just as damaging if not more damaging to certain systems that lower vibration.

To say a higher vibration is better than a lower vibration is like saying the energy in the transformer outside our house is not the same as the energy in the wires of our house. The issue is they have different characteristics and can do different things. The question is what is it you are trying to create. The key is to what one desires to create and then access that appropriate energy.

It needs to be realized that certain energies within a given environment are not conducive or useful for creating certain types and kinds of effect. Where as other energies are extremely useful. This issue is not whether one energy is better than another. It is what energy is best for what one desires to create. In the oneness of Creation there is no spirit or physical. There is just what is as it is. Nothing is any better or any worse than anything else. The question is, "Given the environment in which we find ourselves, including our body, and what we think and believe at this point in time, what experience serve us and what experiences don’t?’

What needs to be understood is that electromagnetic spectrum is an infinite spectrum of energy and covers the complete range of energy. In the electromagnetic spectrum, each vibration is exactly the same except for one property. That one property is the frequency of vibration. It is different for each point on the spectrum. That difference in turn makes the vibration have a different shape within the same set of bounds. Yet each point or each frequency follows the same rules.

In many ways the electromagnetic spectrum is a very good analogy for what is described in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective. In the electromagnetic spectrum, each frequency of the spectrum operates just like any other point. Between any two points on the spectrum, there is an infinite number of points between an infinite number of point on either side. Those point that are near each other are seen to be the same or similar. The more the two points move away from each other, the more they are seen as different. Two points that are greatly removed from each other will look totally different, yet each is operating the same way following the same rules. In a similar way, each point in creation is an aspect of the whole and operates the same way as every other point and each follows the same rule. But because each point is a unique aspect of the whole, it will be seen as reacting differently in any give creation/Creation. In may ways we each are a frequency a unique aspect of an infinite spectrum of consciousness. We each represent a unique view of Creation. It is similar to every other but only different. Without us, Creation is incomplete and we have the choice of seeing ourselves separate and removed from the whole or as an aspect of the whole of which the whole is incomplete without us.

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