Addressing Creative Step/Guideline #15

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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Become a light unto oneself

Implementing Creative Step/Guideline #15

Creative Step/Guideline #15


Becoming a light unto yourself

Creation is not done alone but with another

Shine forth in the truth of your own being

Access and live the magic of Creation

Creative Step/Guideline #15 (Top): Become a light unto yourself. Know and live the truth that Creation/creation, whether experienced internally or externally, is not done alone but can only be experienced with, and through, another in some way. Know that living creation with another in no way requires you to compromise the truth of your own being to shine forth. Creation is magical enough to allow each of us to live true to the truth of our own being and yet allow the other to remain free to do the same.

Background (Top)

This step is about being and living your truth in the world. Here you take responsibility for the creation you experience. You know each person who enters your life is only there to give you the experiences you desired to have as asked to have at some level of your being

It is to know no one can cause you to be happy or sad. That is a choice you make as to how you choose to respond to what occurs in your life. It is to take responsibility for what you create and experience and why you create what you do. It is to live life in a way that others can learn from you how to access and step into their own creative powers. It is to know and be able to act on the knowledge that we can create something out of a seemingly “no-thing-ness” where something that did not previously exist now exists. It is to understand we need to create the conditions within our being first and allow that inner state of being to grow outward much like a seed germinating below ground only to grow and unfold above ground to produce the fruit that is desired.

Becoming a light unto yourself (Top)

Become a light unto yourself.

Here you live your truth in the world and stop denying what you know and what arise from within your being. It is to know when the world does not allow you to live your truth for whatever reason, you need to step into your creative power to find a way to express that truth. You do not let the world limit you. Rather you use the world to catapult you into deeper and more expansive creative endeavors. It is to not blame the world or anyone external to you. It is to see them as only the way you challenge your own creativity and creative spirit to create something that better severs who and what you think you are.

Creation is not done alone but with another (Top)

Know and live the truth that Creation/creation, whether experienced internally or externally, is not done alone but can only be experienced with, and through, another in some way.

Here one realizes that the person in front of them and the world they experience is only what you yourself have created for the experienced you desired to have at some level of your being. It is to realize that the people or situations they experience do not sever you, you do not look for the other to change. Rather, you go within and ask, “What do I need to do, what do I need to become so that I experience... [whatever changes and new creation they desire to experience]?” You then act on the insight you are given knowing that as you change the people and world around you will change.

Shine forth in the truth of your own being (Top)

Know that living creation with another in no way requires you to compromise the truth of your own being to shine forth.

This is the something that is not usually taught to us. It is something we have to learn. But we need to know our truth first and then become sufficiently creative to create what we desire. To do this one must hold their creativity sacred and find that alternative way to live. It is to look into the world of infinite possibilities to find that way that will allows us to create what we desires within the environment in which we find ourselves without compromising the free unfoldment of our creative sprit.

Access and live the magic of Creation (Top)

Creation is magical enough to allow each of us to live true to the truth of our own being and yet allow the other to remain free to do the same.

This is a truth that few ever experience. This truth is not experienced not because it des not exist. Rather, one has never learned how to see and experience the magic of Creation to know this is entirely possible.

Decide what you would like to create with your life or have achieved by the end of your life. You may want to write your own eulogy if you have not done so that covers what you would like to have accomplished in, and with, your life. Develop and perform a creation “ritual” or meta-theater symbolizing what you will create to instill a memory within your being that will catalyze you on your journey of creation.

Ask your intuitive guidance, “What do I need to become, what do I need to do, what does it look like that I do to transform my existing world into one that supports and sustains my desired intention?” Then, honor the intuitive guidance with a suorephex.

Ask the universe/set the intention that “As I change and I am seen different and experienced differently by others who have known me, those who do not like what they see and experience are gently lead to where they are safe and secure.”

Know that all is within you and you have the strength, power and ability within your own being to deal with whatever comes along. In a way appropriate to the symbol and what it represents, feel free to dispense and discard all the symbols that you have collected if so lead..

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