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Our creation ritual


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Before we can have a beginning, we must first have an ending to whatever we are experiencing. In the same way a dark night precedes a bright day, or we must move the furniture out of a room before we bring new furniture into the room, there is the needed destruction and dissolution of the existing creation we are experience. The creation process requires a sacrifice of some aspect of our inner and outer world to give us the creation we desire. The creation ritual is a way to assist the creation process and allow for an easier dissolution of the existing creation/Creation. The creation ritual can be a single ritual or a series of rituals as appropriate to what we desire to create.

The creation rituals should address what we think and feel appropriate to break free of the past and release a sufficient portion of our creative spirit to give us the energy, passion and intuitive insights to create what we desire. It should be our ritual for it is about claiming and calling back our creative power. We can use the help, assistance, lessons learned, guidance and the like of another but it must be about our personal attempt to claiming and stepping into our inherent creative power.

The intent of the creation ritual ultimately is about uncovering and discovering our truth about a given situation and the way we are living in the world to have created it. The creation ritual should help us to establish our relationship with the creative power of creation/Creation a way that allows our creative spirit to become free and we are able to hold our creativity sacred. It should allows us to call back our creative power from within the existing situation and enables us grow and unfold into or towards the infinity of our being.

The first and most important aspect to create a creation ritual is to have a very clear intention for what it is that we wish to manifest. This includes pulling the string on our intention to know what is the motivation behind the intention we hold. The second thing is decide if we are going to exert the will and determination to manifest what we intend. Ultimately, we must desire the manifestation of our intention more than we desire your existing world. Ideally we must want our creation like a drowning person gasps for air. The creation ritual is a tool to help us to access such passion.

The power of the ritual relative to our creative ability is to act in full accordance and alignment with the beliefs, attitudes and emotions we have that relate to the powers and principles of creation. Or, in other words, when our creative beliefs and actions, literally or symbolically, are in alignment. It has been observed that the most powerful set of beliefs, attitudes and emotions we can have are ones that are fully integrated and coherent across all aspects of our being. Additionally, they are equally valid internally and externally to the individual and equally valid spiritually, mental, emotionally and physically. In this regard, the power of the creative ritual is to check the alignment of our beliefs in the aspect of the creation we desire to manifest.

One aspect of the creation ritual should be that it is a symbolic ritual of the new life we desire to experience. In the creation ritual the focus is on the life we wish to experience after the transition. The creation ritual is a blueprint or prototype of what we desire to create. That is, we act out in symbolic form what they will create. One of the easier ways to continually create and recreate our reality is to design a blueprint and prototype the blueprint that allows for us to recreate our existing reality into a new reality. The creation ritual used in this way allows us to get a feel for what we desire to create and what works and doesn’t work. That feel is then used as our internal compass to manifest what we desire. The more our prototype accurately reflects what we are going to do, that is, the symbolism in our ritual accurately reflects the reality we wish to create, the more we can get a feel for our creation.

In this case, the creation ritual is the ritual and/or metatheater we create which represents the transformation from our current life to our the new life we desire to live and what the new life looks like. Although our mind does not know what we will experience in the creative endeavor we undertake, the creation ritual us a symbolic prototype of the transition we think we will take and what our new life will be like. The rituals allows us to open ourselves to the needed changes which will occur and we can "play out" the needed sacrifices we will need to make as perceived by our mind. Although what we think we will face is not necessarily what will be faced, the creation ritual allows our conscious and nonconscious mind become open to the needed changes as they arise.

The creation ritual allows us to go into our creative imagination  and use the process of complex integration to explore options and then bring the results of those options back into the real word. The creation ritual allows us to explore options as to how to go about addressing the top and bottom of the box or the cage in which we have place our creativity and to explore the inner and outer creative powers/Creative Powers and both the God within and the God without however we uniquely we may perceive God within and God without. Here a very important note needs to be made. In becoming a creator to create our creation rituals we can talk creator to Creator. When we are creating we have the best access to talk as equals. An engineer talks differently to another engineer than a lay person. A doctor talks differently to another doctor than to a lay person. We can expect the same of the creator/Creator however we see the creator/Creator. The creator/Creator will talk to us as a creator/Creator when we are creating.

Whatever ritual we create it should allow for two things. One is that it catalyzes us or stimulates us to create what we desire to create. It should create a catalyzing memory such that having done the ritual we are forever catalyzed by the memory of that ritual to create what we desire. The second things is whatever we do should be done playfully with the specific intention of returning to a state of childlike play. Whatever is done should allow the door to remain open to become spontaneous and innocent in improvising the ritual as appropriate and we should be totally free to move through that door into the creative play. Most importantly the ritual should allow us to move spontaneous and innocently into whatever arises from the past where our creative play was thwarted or where we created a response pattern to life that causes us to place our creativity into a cage of our own making. The ritual needs to give us the opportunity to become lost in the play and lost in whatever arises as opposed to being a strict ritual or strict ceremony. The "spirit" of the ceremony is more important than the form.

Although there are many things which can be done, the creation ritual should serve to primary purposes. One is to access the highest levels of our being for internal guidance about what we desire to create that is unfettered and unbiased by the past. It needs to allow us to access the highest levels of our being and of creation/Creation as we understand the "higher" powers of creation/Creation whether it be God or other entities. Here creating something like an appropriate opening prayer and invocation personal to our understanding can be quite helpful. The opening prayer should be some type and kind of statement as to how we see our relationship to the creative powers/Creative Powers of creation/Creation and how we see ourselves working with that creative power/Creative Power as a co-creator/Co-creator.

The ritual should be a specific attempt to establish contact with the creative power/Creative Power of creation/Creation which some would call God and to get God’s support for what we want to do and are attempting to create. In acting to gain that support we will be able to feel within our being if we have been pure in our request and if what we have requested in accepted. If we have a feeling of doubt in any way, then we must investigate from were and why does that doubt arises. Often it is that we do not consider ourselves worthy of being able to bluntly ask for such support for our actions. In becoming a creator, the ritual should help to established a personal relationship with the creative powers of Creation. The relationship should being with the opening prayer we create.

The second purpose is that for whatever w wish to create the creation ritual symbolized and is designed around the birth and life of our creation to get a feel for what works and doesn’t work. The more our creation ritual acts as a prototype accurately reflecting what we are going to do (at least perceived by mind), that is, the symbolism in your ritual accurately reflects the reality you wish to create, the more we can get a feel for our creation and what will need to dissolve in our existing life.

In creating a creation ritual where we will be changing our life we need to understand that it is unusual that someone will support our efforts for there are inner and outer changes that will occur. Many do not what their life to change because of what we create. It cannot be expected that any other will consciously act to give us the space to free our creative spirit to create our desired creation. We will have to take that space in a loving way. That is, in a way that the our true needs and the true needs of another are meet as much as possible. In this regard, we may be creating our own initiation in addressing what we feel we need to experience to break free. Here again, the feeling of freedom within our being will tell us if we are proceeding correctly.

Whatever we wish to create can be symbolized and a ritual designed around the birth and life of our creation. We can also choose the death of our current creation if we wish for the moment of death lays the seed for the next creation. Look at the ritual as building an energetic prototype. The more our prototype accurately reflects what we are going to do, that is, the symbolism in our ritual accurately reflects the reality we wish to create, the more we can get a feel for our desired creation.

What we choose to do and say and the symbolism in our creation ritual can be anything we wish it to be. It can also be designed by another. The only requirement is that it meets our intention to the maximum extent possible realizing if what we do does not feel right, do something else and continue to iterate the process until we have a whole sequence of events that feels correct. We do not have to redo the whole ritual only the part that does not feel correct. We only need to address the parts that don’t fit or seem to flow. If we are reasonably good at following our intuitive guidance and we set the intention to create ritual to symbolize what we desire to create, we will find that the entire process from start to finish (including any iteration) will most probably be symbolic of the journey we encounter in manifesting the creation we intend to bring into form.

Consulting your inner wisdom - the scout for your creation

To create a ritual as a symbolism or as a prototype for what we wish to create consulting our inner wisdom, our body wisdom and intuitive guidance, are the most powerful tools and advice we can employ. Our body wisdom and power of intuitive guidance knows quite well what type and kind of environments will serve us. In a way that is similar to the way we can feel someone’s anger or annoyance or the warmth of their love, our body wisdom can feel what type and kind of environment will work best for us and it does quite will at understanding and communicating with symbols. It communicates to us through symbols and does quite will at understanding the symbols our mind can identify.

However, our conscious mind does not always understand why a particular symbol "feels" correct. But our body wisdom is in intimate contact with our nonconscious and it knows exactly how and why that symbol has been chosen. It knows more about our nonconscious processes than our conscious mind. How it chooses to use that symbol presented by our intuitive guidance in the world is then simply to compare the information of our body wisdom and ask the body wisdom to look at the energy flow path as it filters through the current world to the one we are creating using the realm of the nonconscious. It will tell we what that terrain looks like for the path we have chosen. In this regard, we can look at our body wisdom going before us in time the way a scout surveys the land in which we are choosing to travel. As a scout, our body wisdom and intuitive guidance, will come back and tell what our chosen direction will feel and look like if we travel it. Our conscious mind decides if it is pleasant or not. We then have the free will to change it according to what we choose to experience. However, it needs to be noted that the fact our consciousness mind does not see the path as pleasant does not mean the path is not the correct path to take.

Getting started

A ritual can be performed for any intention we have if we allow our intuitive guidance to develop the ritual. In doing so, we will be able to understand if what we intend is consistent with our thinking and beliefs and/or the intention for our life by how and what we feel as you perform the ritual.

The topic, "Becoming a co-creator - the classroom, the laboratory and prototyping the process," and "The overall creation ritual process," provide a perspective on the process one will experience.

The exercise "A creation experiment exercise" can be used to getting started in creating rituals and/or in creating our creation ritual

The discussion topics related to creating rituals beginning with the topic, "Sequence of actions in creating rituals," "Background to the Seven Chakra Questionnaire for rituals" and the questionnaire entitled, "The Seven Chakra Questionnaire for rituals" may be help in creating a creation ritual.

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