What is creation/Creation


The Creativity Perspective on creation/Creation

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

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What is creation/Creation
The Creativity Perspective on creation/Creation
Creation - an invitation to a dance
What is creation/Creation?
Understanding creation

The Creativity Perspective on creation/Creation (Top)

 The question “What is creation/Creation?” is actually three questions rolled into one question. One is “what is creation (small “ca”)?” A second is “What is Creation (capital “C”)?” The third is “What is the relationship between creation and Creation such that the concept of creation is written with a small “c” and a large “C” when creation and Creation seem to be so different?” The question is stated as it is stated for all three questions are ultimate one and the same.

Creation - an invitation to a dance (Top)

To be in creation/Creation and/or creating is to have an invitation to a dance. The question is how do we do the dance to which we are invited.

The nature of Creation is a dance between energy and consciousness Creation is an endless ebb and flow of energy into and out of an infinite and multidimensional form which is experienced by consciousness as going sleep and awakening. It is a dance between seeming opposites  that can be done in a variety of ways at a variety of levels. It is a dance between awakening and going to sleep. It is a dance between losing oneself and finding oneself. It is a dance between remembering and forgetting. 

To become a conscious creator is to accept the an invitation to a dance and you are free to choose  the dance that is done and how it is done.

What is creation/Creation? (Top)

As said above, creation/Creation is an endless ebb and flow of energy into and out of an infinite and multidimensional from which is experienced by consciousness as going to sleep and awakening. Creation/creation is the experience of consciousness of an expression and unfoldment of a flow of energy as directed by what consciousness thinks and believes within a given environment and observed by consciousness using a particular view of Creation. 
Physical Creation as experienced by human beings is the experience by our individuated consciousness of an expression and unfoldment of a flow of our creative life energy in Physical Creation, also experienced as our creative spirit,  as directed by what our conscious thinks and believes within a particular given physical environment which we call planet earth at a given time and place and experienced by our consciousness as see through the experiences of a particular human body.

As a human being, we are experiencing a creation within a creation. It is a result of this fact that we seem to be so limited in what we can create. Yet, in reality, there is nothing we cannot create if we access the proper level of creation. However, must of us stay well within the confines of the collective and what it means to be human for this time and place. The real issue we face is that our consciousness has intentionally block certain aspects of our creativity by binding the flow of our creative life energy so  as to have an experience of physical Creation and it will not readily let go of the desired experience of being human.

As discussed in “The Rain - River Analogy for the Creation/creation Process” for us as human, physical Creation is the dissipation of our creative life energy in a physical experience. To have a physical experience we consciously experience only half of the creation process. There is a seen and an unseen portion. The part of this creation process that we experience as an awake consciousness we experiences as our life or as an experience in life. But our life is only part of a larger process. Our life is only where the energy manifests physical and then flows through a physical experience until the energy dissipates in the experience. But there is also an unseen portion. The role of the unseen portion is where we create the conditions for the physical experience that we have. That is, we create the conditions to localize our energy in physical Creation. When the energy is dissipated, the experience is finished and what exists, whether it be an object or an experience, seems to die. Yet, the energy is only returned to an non localized form to be recast into the next creation. Whether the consciousness that develops as a result of the experience that is had returns to a non localized form is another question. Physical death does not end the experience of consciousness. Consciousness does not die. It only changes the experience consciousness has. The question is, “What does the consciousness perceive itself to be? for whatever consciousness perceives itself to be biases what it sees and experiences.

Understanding creation (Top)

The first thing to understand about creation is that energy is not physical. It is what gives rise to the physical. To work with energy at any level is to work with the unseen. Our experiences of the physical world give us the impression is that energy is of the physical world and something else exist in the unseen world. We access energy sources, like oil, coal, gas, sunlight and the like and use it to power motors and machines to do work for us. We use it to make things happen. We think it is of the physical world and something that is physical. However, the reverse is true. Energy is of the unseen world and something else exists in the physical. What exists in the physical is the experience of energy and the experience of energy localized into a fixed and rigid form. It is when energy becomes fixed that we have a creation to experience.

The important point here is to understand that energy, or rather a flow of energy, is what gives rise to creation/Creation and animates creation. Without a flow of energy there is no creation to experience. Technically creation/Creation is not energy. Creation/creation is the experience of the flow or movement of energy thorough a fixed arrangement of energy. As such, as we adjust and/or change the flow of energy, we experience a different creation/Creation.

Consciousness awaken as a result of a flow of energy. The problem for the consciousness that awakens is that it perceives itself to be whatever is experienced as a result of the flow of energy. Rather than seeing itself as an awareness perceiving a flow of energy within a given environment, it perceive itself to be the flow as defined by the environment.

To understand more fully what creation/Creation is, it is recommend, you explore the physics of creation/Creation. Following the Bohr Approach, we look to nature to understand and see what nature reveals about creation/Creation and the creative process. This means to take nature at face value without all our opinions, judgments and preferences about what we see and experienced.  It is to step out of mind and learn to be with what is, as it is.  Nature is what is and that is the way it is. There are many physics phenomenon and/or experiences in the physical world that can be used to help understand how consciousness creates its experiences and the reality it experiences. Many such phenomenon are discussed as they relate to a particular aspect of the creation process.

The recommendation made here is that you being your exploration of creation/Creation by starting with exploring the creative/creation process.

Recommended next step
The creative/creation process

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The nature of Creation

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