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 The inner sexuality is reflected externally 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Whether we are male or female, other than creating a biological offspring we have no need of another to be whole and complete. We each have an inner masculine and inner feminine. When the inner masculine and inner feminine are properly balanced and both are allowed to come to maturity, we do not need an external masculine or an external feminine to make us feel complete. Relative to any external relationship, we should share from a wholeness within our being. The external relationship should be the offspring of our inner masculine and inner feminine which is seeking to share itself at all levels of being with another and not an wounded inner masculine or inner feminine seeking externally what is lacking internally. Rather, we seek an external masculine and/or external feminine to share life and expanding beyond who and what we find ourselves to be. When we are complete, we are looking for a playmate and someone with whom to share the life we have found.

This is very important because our experiences with our inner masculine and inner feminine can impact our the outer expression of our sexuality. That is, the lacks and wants of our inner masculine and/or inner feminine can spill over into our external relationships. Similarly, our experience with our sexuality either directly by our own experiences or what has been transmitted to us by our early care givers and those in our lives or society then affects the inner masculine and inner feminine. That in turn, subsequently affects our inner creative powers generated through the inner masculine and inner feminine.

What needs to be emphasized here is that whether we are male or female, if we are seeking an external feminine or external masculine presence to complement us in some way, what we seek is only reflected of how our inner masculine or inner feminine is undeveloped. We need to remember, our inner world is reflected in the outer. The masculine or feminine aspect we seek externally is only a reflection of a lack of what our inner masculine or inner feminine could not provide. The lack of development and maturity of the inner masculine and inner feminine will be reflected externally. That is. we seek externally what we are not getting internally and in doing so we look in the wrong place for what we seek. If we are going to find that inner satisfaction in life which never runs dry, we must first do the inner work to resolve whatever is undeveloped. Otherwise we will always be looking in the wrong direction for what we seek.

What this means is that we need to look carefully at what we seek externally. We need to see what we seek externally to look inside as to what is giving rise to what is being sought externally. Then we look to pull the string as to what internal condition is given rise to what is not sought internally. When this is uncovered, we need to address the fix internally first before we seek another externally.

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