Why Explore One’s True Nature With Meditation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Two questions can be asked about exploring one’s true nature. One is “Why would one want to explore their true nature? Why do we have to explore it? Do we not live it just by being? The second is “Why use meditation to explore that nature?” The answer to these question lie in the nature of what it means to be human

The nature of being human - our true nature

It is true we do live our true nature just by being. However, we cannot claim our birthright as a conscious creator of our experiences until we get some awareness as to the origins of our thoughts and where they are leading us. Our thoughts are basic to how we create our experiences. To have thoughts is the nature of the human being. Thoughts are natural to a human being as leaves are to a tree. You could say it is our thought and ability to think that sets apart from other mammals. To suppress thought is to go against our nature. However, to be ruled by our thoughts without understanding their origins and why we think the way we do we lose creative control over our life. In many ways our mind is like a garden. Without understanding what we are growing in our mind, our minds become an unruly jungle of overgrowth and intertwined vegetation. When this occurs, only the hardiest thoughts natural to the environment in which we live are able to survive.

This last comment is a very important realization, that is, the environment in which you live encourages certain types and kinds of thinking. You are lead and controlled by that thinking unless you become aware of the thoughts you have and why you have them. To create the reality of your choice, you must eventually go into mind, clear the field from all the unwanted brush and vegetation and plant the thoughts that you desire to have expressed, manifested and fulfilled in your life.

Now whenever you do any meditation, you are going to be faced with thoughts and you will need to decide what you are going to do with the thoughts you get. There are a variety of different philosophies and techniques on the subject, which takes us back to the question, “Why are you meditating?” Additionally, If you are going to create your own reality, ultimately, you will have to use the techniques that work for you.

Why explore one’s true nature?

The simple answer to the question, “Why explore one’s true nature,” is to access an internal bliss and joy that never runs dry no matter what is happening in your external world and that you can carry everywhere with you wherever you go. This simple answer is what most seek in life.

The not so simple answer is to claim one’s birthright as a being of unlimited creativity to create the experiences of their choice. It is to become a conscious creator. Our true nature is the source of our creative power and creative ability. It is the nature of the human being to have thoughts. It is the nature of the human being to act on those thoughts. Our creativity lies in the thoughts we have and those that we choose to act upon. To suppress our thoughts is to go against our nature.

However, what most fail to understand, even if they obtain such a state of inner bliss through meditation is that they are ultimately the creators of that state. It is the situation the early mystics faced described in “The Origins and occasion for creating Meditation Concepts and Principles for Creativity.” Unless one understands how they have created the state they experience, they will be unable to consciously create that state or consciously create any state of being any where and when ever they go. Rather, they will have developed a habit based on their practice and it is that habit that they take wherever they go. In the end they never really learn how they are creating their experience.

The goal, if there is one, is to be able to live in alignment with your true nature at every level of your being wherever you are and whatever you are doing, doing what you are called to do within the truth of your own being for the situation at hand. In doing so, you will create the space for others to be true to themselves and not deny their truth or their true nature.

Why use meditation?

Meditation can helps us to create mindfulness and an awareness of our thought. Meditation when used to suppress our thoughts is to go against our nature. To suppress our thoughts is an attempt to be other than who and what we are. Rather, we need to learn to use and harness our thoughts. Meditation used to become mindful of our thoughts help us to become aware of what thoughts serve our deepest most needs. These thoughts helps to create the space to allows our creative spirit to grown and unfold true to itself. This form of meditation allows us to manifest the intention for our life and what we incarnated to do.

To know what thoughts serve our deepest needs we will have become aware of the feel of the thoughts we have. In actually we already feel them. Unfortunately, for us, because life tends to have its pains, we tend to suppress what we feel and raise the threshold above the subtle feelings each thought carries that can guide us to the free expression of our truth. With these thresholds in place, we do not feel the thought but function on the programming we have been given and/or what we have come to think and believe. As a result, most of the thoughts that we have are not really our thoughts. To become aware of our thoughts, those that come from our true nature, we have to being to understand our truth and what arises form within us and our true nature.

Our true nature is expressed in feelings. Our true nature is that of a creative spirit which is equally viewed as a flow of energy. It is something that is felt. It is not something that is thought. We can feel our true nature and what serves our true nature. But to do so we must become aware of what we think and what we feel for our mind processes both. It is our mind which determines that on what we focus, the thought or the feeling. How to focus on our own truth is discussed in the file “Focusing on our own truth

For the creative spirit within our being to truly express itself creatively there must be a marriage at the deepest levels of our being. A marriage between the inner masculine and the inner feminine. The inner feminine must nurture the truth within ourselves so that the inner masculine can thrust out into the world to express that truth true to ourselves. That marriage results in what has been called the charisma - wonderful gifts, talents and wisdom, and a passion to express those talents that arise from the depth of the individual not normally experienced unless one’s truth is accessed and expressed. In learning to become mindful and aware of our thoughts we can see which arise from the truth of our being. That awareness in turn allows us to nurture our truth and create this marriage.

Meditation and the mindfulness and awareness it helps to create, provides a way to manage our thought and explore our nature. Meditation is one way to do this but not the only way. In many ways what meditation really provides is the discipline to sit and watch the thought as opposed to creating the awareness of thoughts. If we are already disciplined, to is not difficult to focus that discipline into becoming mindful and aware.

In realizing it is our nature to think thoughts, the question is, “Do the thoughts we have come from the truth of our being or do they come from the programming we have received and/or what we have come to believe about life?” We each carry an awareness about who and what we are and what we are here in physical Creation to do. It lies deep within our subconscious. It is normally not something we consciously access. All we can normally do is feel it. Unless we are open to our subtle feelings we will miss the feeling that direct us toward the expression of our truth.

It is to be notes here that it is said a marriage needs to occur between the inner masculine and inner feminine to allow our creative spirit to freely express itself and our charisma. It is also said that free expression includes the passion to express our truth in the world. Many will interpret the feelings that go with this process sexually and the desire to express oneself sexually in the world. That is a man will look for a external nurturing feminine presence to do what the inner feminine must do. Similarly the female will look for a external masculine presence to do what the inner masculine must do. Since there is an energy flowing outward to express the truth of our being, many will interpret the expression of this passion something to be met sexually.

In this regard, sexuality can be very enlightening as to the truth of our being. Sexuality has the ability to open us to our feelings. The opening of feelings coupled with the ability to be mindful and aware that one can gain in meditation is one of the quickest ways to access the truth of our being. How we are pushed to express ourselves externally through sexuality will tell us something about what needs to be occurring internally with our inner masculine and inner feminine and what inner needs are not being met.

However, as a result of the mixing of energy that occurs in sexuality at the energetic level, to attempt to use sexuality for the purpose of accessing the truth within our being can be difficult. The mixing of energy causes clarity to be lost. The recommendation is to developed a clear insight as to one’s truth nature before engaging in sexuality. The ability of sexuality to open us to our feelings and gain access to the truth of our being is noted here even if it is not recommended as a vehicle for such purposes because it is such a powerful creative tool. If one is at least aware of what occurs energetically in sexuality, they can begin to see glimmers of their internal needs even if finding the truth of their being is complicated by sexuality. Those glimmers can be quite useful if one becomes aware of their presence.

The complexity of sexuality and mixing of one’s energy with another is one reason why celibacy is often recommended when one enters a path to explore their true nature. It is not because celibacy is necessary. Rather it is because sexuality is not understood as the creative tool that it is. But celibacy is not the solution. It also needs to be noted here that because sexuality is part of our being, to know the truth of our being, it is something each of us will eventually have to explore. How we do so is an issue each of us will have to face and the way we do it will be unique to ourselves. The recommendation made here is that before you start to explore sexuality you have some idea of the truth of your being so you don’t get lost in the exploration. The creative aspects of sexuality and some items that may be of help you in the area of sexuality are discussed on the web site Creative Sexuality and not addressed here.

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