Subconscious journey into creativity


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2005 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It is stated that the author took a conscious journey into creativity to explore organization creativity as a result of issues he was finding in the workplace. However there was also an subconscious journey that was in progress for most of the author’s life although it was not realized as such. The author was not really aware such a journey existed and was directing his life. As stated there was a conscious professional path and a subconscious mystical path. But there was also a subconscious journey of exploration.

The unconscious journey began many years ago with a love for play and a love for understanding about how the universe works. The play was reflected in the author looking for things to do in life that he considered “fun.” That is, he found an inner joy and satisfaction with what he was experiencing. When something in life no longer provided an inner satisfaction, the author work look to do something else that did. In essence although he was unaware of the concept of the internal compass at the time he was consciously using it to guide his life. The subconscious journey into creativity was initially focused on how the universe worked and evolved into exploring creativity. It actually started as a child with his incessant questioning. It was his incessant “why? - why this and not something else?” Those question in turn lead to the exploration of how we create our experience subconsciously until it was married with the conscious journey to create the conditions for the Ultimate Accident.

The subconscious journey is about inner questions and the approaches taken by the author to answer these questions. There are a variety of questions asked at different ages. It is hoped that the reader sees two things in this subconscious journey. One is that their own inner questions are an asset and guide them on a similar journey. They are in fact guiding them to where they need to be in life to manifest the intention for their life if they move in response to those inner questions. Second, although everyone’s journey is unique, they are not really that different. We all struggle in our own way with internal fears and daemons. Although the inner fears and daemons may differ from person to person, we all struggle with them in some form. They keep us from doing what we need to in life.

The essential question that needs to be asked to understand the subconscious journey is, what inner thoughts, ideas, questions or concepts we hold onto over the years in spite of our inner turmoil, fears and daemons that arise around our questioning. It is these inner question that are the ones that really direct our life. Although life may have intervened over the years, it can be seen in the types and kinds of question there was an inner focus that was maintained and continues to maintain an overall consistent course and direction for the author’s life. This inner focus on an idea, question, or concept is like a seed that is planted and slowly grows and unfolds as life’s circumstances allow it to unfold. It is much the way a seed unfolds into a plant whose growth is in response to, and determined, by the environmental conditions in which it finds itself.

Each of us have a subconscious creative journey. We each in our own way will need to to tell our inner story. That is to look at those questions, ideas and concepts we have kept secret yet have influences our life. In looking at them we can being to identify the common threads that are weaving our life.

For the author, the thread that wove through his life were his questions. He continually kept asking questions in some form or another since early in his life. In many ways if you look at the answers he eventually received and how they were received, this questioning could be considered his spiritual, or rather more appropriately said, his mystical practice. Throughout his life there were the forever annoying questions characteristic of a young child that has always remained. What is most intriguing about reviewing the circumstances that put the author on this journey and made this information available is, that it was the result of holding a series of very clear intentions constant over time. That is, desiring the answers to the questions he asked.

The questions that were asked were more than questions. They were actually intentions. They were intentions in the sense that what the author desires was not an answer to the questions as such. Rather, he desired to understand why the question existed in the first place. The answer he received needed to address why should there even be the need to ask the question. The intention which lied behind the questions was to uncover the understanding.

In looking at their inner thoughts, ideas, questions one can begin to find what has been the true focus of their lives. They can then choose to actively and consciously engage that focus if they have not done so. If one looks carefully, those inner questions, thoughts and ideas most probably all center around why they were meant to live and the intention for their life. It is the premise of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material that each of us does have purpose or intention for our life and we can consciously align with, and set the intention to live, that purpose - we only need to choose to do so.

So where did the questioning really start? In looking back over his life he came to understand that it all seems to have really started at a very early age with a young child setting an initial, clear intentionality. It started as a child wondering why he had to go to school and could not just stay home and play for play, creative play, is what he incarnated to do.

The first conscious question came around the age of about the age of eight as described in “An Inherent Mystic” and took on the order of thirty five years to answer and understand. Looking West at a brilliant sunset, the child asked, “Why don’t people live every day the way they say they want to live at church on Sunday?” To the child, it was a mystery. It puzzled the author as a young child as to why people did not do what they said they wanted to do. Why were people not walking their talk? The author had personally never seen or experienced his life as compartmented. It was only one life, only one way of living. He did not understand the "separateness" he was seeing in people’s lives. Even as a child he felt a very strong dichotomy between what people said they want to do and what they did. Why did they say one thing and then live another? Something was amiss and it intrigued the author for years.

As the author grew he began to question what he was being taught. Over the years he struggled to stay involved and interested in a school system that just did not excite him, except in very rare instances. He saw there were things that lasted and things that did not last. He saw that knowledge was the same in this regard. Some knowledge is only for a time and place. Other knowledge transcends time and place. He desired to learn that knowledge which lasted. At age sixteen he stated the intention he only wanted to learn that which lasts. His intention was that he wanted to learn and remember only those things that he can carry from place to place. He did not want to have to learn things that were so unique to a particular situation or so esoteric that the information couldn’t be used elsewhere. That desire influenced every job he took and everything he did in life. He always look to find a way to do things once and have them last. He disliked repeating the past in a new way.

Although he was not aware of it at the time, but that intention was an embarkation on a quest. It was a quest to understand how the universe works. Ever since that time, the author concentrated on principles and concepts - and disregarded the details of any particular way of doing something. His focus was on the process. He had to know what were the underlying principles at work governing the situation at hand. Naturally, he avoided as best he could, learning specific details of things and about things that I could not carry with me into new situations.

In looking at the way things operated, he always looked for the root cause. That desire, of course, gave his a very useful talent and ability when it came to safety and health inspection, accident investigation and emergency preparedness. However that same ability was a liability when we came to working with individuals where he sought to get at the root cause of the desire they had. Some took his questioning as attaching them personally. Yet he only desired to find out what was truly motivating them - early programming or something that would truly make them happy in, and with, life.

In setting this intention the author began a strong interest in reading. Not a passion, but he always carried one or more books with him wherever he went. He wanted to be ready to read if the opportunity presented itself. Initially he began to read everything he could get his hands on and that would not get him into trouble for reading. Being raised in a specific religious tradition, there were certain books he was not supposed to read. Initially he read only those books approved by the “authorities.” But he was not getting the answers. He then turned to anything that could be supported by science. But that didn’t answer his questions either so he began to read almost anything. Obviously, over the years he changed his attitude drastically. As he began reading anything he wanted to read that action was actually a significant shift. In doing so, he was striking out on my own. However, it took many years before that occurred. Ultimately, he read from a variety of disciplines, sources and traditions. Anything that might provide understanding as to how the universe operated.

His questioning never ended. He never thought much about his questions until he discovered that they seemed to simultaneously intrigue but sometimes trouble his college professors. One day he and his chemistry professor were talking. The chemistry professor said, “Do you want to know what your questions remind me of?” The author, some what intrigued, of course asked for the professor to continue. The professor said, “It is like you are in a rowboat surrounded by six battleships. You pull out a cannon and sink all six battleships.” Puzzled, the author asked the professor, “But where did I get the cannon if I am in a row boat?” ‘That,” exclaimed the professor, “Is what you question are like - they seem to come out of no where” To the author, his questions always seemed straightforward and logical. He never realized he was look at things so differently. But he just never understood how differently he view things. It was this different way of seeing and viewing Creation that prompted a visit to a psychologist who recommended the author consider writing a book because of what he was perceiving.

As he moved on in life, he continues to ask his questions. Many of the question were to himself. Yet they represented the focus of his attention and awareness on what he was looking to create. During the 1973 Arab Israeli War he was stuck by a very odd occurrence. There were Jews praying for the defeat of Arabs and there were Arabs praying for the defeat of the Jews. Yet there were Christians praying that Christ would come back and throw both the Arabs and Jew out of Jerusalem and set up Christ’s Kingdom on Earth. All three groups were praying to the same God of Abraham. The author wondered, “How did the God of Abraham look at such prayers and to whom would He show His favor and how?”

In contemplating this issue further, the author wondered about the fact that so many individuals were willing go to war for what they believe. Many could even provided experiences which demonstrated their beliefs were true. Yet often these beliefs contradicted each other. So the author wondered, “Is there a way to view Creation such that whatever one believes is true, they can create an experience of that belief to support its truth?” At that time, the author asked this question more as a rhetorical question not expecting to get an answer. Yet it lied in is psyche as a clear intention to look for and find such a view.

In looking at how passionately individual’s held their beliefs, there was one rule the author seemed to follow. The one rule that the author used throughout his journey was the assumption that all information is true if properly understood in context. In this regard, he disregarded nothing. He considered everything a piece of the puzzle. He doesn’t know exactly where he got that attitude, but it seemed to be a necessary assumption if he was going to find a way to view the Universe where whatever someone believes is true they can create an experience of it. His logic was that since something existed, a thought, opinion, event, or a perceived event, and it could be written about or talked about it could not be denied. So it must somehow all fit together with all other information. The quest was, “How does it all fit together?”

As a professional, the author was trained to trust the experience of colleagues in what they believed they saw and reported as true in journal articles and professional reports. The fact he had personally not experienced certain things does not mean they were untrue. In fact, from a professional standpoint, relying on the experience of others to broaden one’s personal understanding is an unquestioned accepted methodology - that is what journal publication is all about. In looking at the experience of others, the author felt, “Why can’t we trust the reports of others as true, especially if they are personal experiences? Do people really lie about what happens to them or what they perceive happens to them?” Is it possible they have experiences such that the only way they can be explained is what others would say appears to be a wild imagination or science fiction? It is rather difficult to subject personal experiences to peer review. Yet in may ways, personal experience is more valid than quoting a theory or repackaging unproved theories or assumptions about what one experienced. The question became, “How does one get the personal experience of reality such that one knows it as true because they experience it, as opposed to only believing it is true because someone said it was true?” That question ultimately lead the author to the Ultimate Accident.

In hindsight, what ultimately lead the author to the Ultimate Accident and the author’s subconscious journey into creativity was the answers to his questions guided throughout his life by his desire to play. It was a particular type and kind of play that produced a feeling of deep inner satisfaction. Or, alternatively said, to do those things that provided a fulness of being and a desire to live life and engage life. It was a creative play.

Other than when he was forced to compromise his play for the sake of the job or some other imposed requirement - like the military draft - he chose jobs and activities that he thought were fun and where he could expand in knowledge about the universe. Even in the military, he found ways to find those activities that would keep expanding his knowledge of the universe. Consequently, much of his career had been in and out of training and human development. What better place than human development to understand how the universe operates.

In doing so, he came to a reasonable understanding of what motivates the individual, how they learn and how one can reveal and rekindle that inner spark that allows for the self-motivation, creativity and enthusiasm for the task at hand. But is was not until the Ultimate Accident that he really saw what motivates people. To release the self motivation and creativity he came to understand that much of the work revolves around changing belief systems and understanding what kind of limits the belief system imposes on the individual that keeps their creative spirit bound. Additionally these belief systems can bind the individual in pain and suffering, and, at times, motivate the individual into self defeating attitudes about life.

Overtime, the author read many different types and kinds of books looking for a way to view Creation that seemed to correspond to what he intuitively knew and felt. In time, to his surprise, the author found such away to view Creation. What he learned from the author Max Freedom Long about the Hawaiian Huna tradition gave him a starting point from which to merge his understanding with a practical approach. He began to work with setting clear intention for the intended purpose of moving toward creating a life that corresponded more to what he intuitively knew.

During the subconscious journey it frequently gave indications of going conscious. It is said the conscious journey into creativity stated with looking at organization creativity for the workplace. However, over the years, while watching people in the work place lose enthusiasm for their work, two questions were asked.

The first question was, “Why do so many people loose their creativity and enthusiasm for life by the time they reach middle age?” It was observed that very young children, in general, have great creativity and are very free to try new things. They engage life with an enthusiasm that becomes lost. Frequently it becomes lost as early as the teenage years, let alone by middle age. Where did the willingness to approach life in that childlike enthusiasm go? Was it sustainable and recoverable? Can we tap into it to use it to solve the myriad of problems facing people today? These and similar questions were all prompted by this question.

The second question was a little more complicated. It was, “Why were people choosing actions in life that were not in their long term best interest, when other more favorable options were available?” Spending a fair amount of professional time looking at accidents, it was clear accidents have precursors. Accidents do not just happen. There are cause and event relationships in any scenario that leads to the evens as they occur. The author was seeing many of the frustrations in life were caused by individual not choosing what was best for their own life. The author pondered, “Why didn’t people have the courage to live their heart’s desire?” Why do people routinely choose against what they preferred to do for the sake of someone else? Were people really that uncertain about what they wanted in life that they left so many decisions to others? Why were so many people unhappy? Where did their enthusiasm go?

In addition to these questions, there were many other questions that seemingly did not have good answers. For example, as he expanded the depth and breadth of his reading and looking at all the different religions that exist in the world there was seemingly a puzzle. Many of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell, its equivalent and/or in separation from the Source. Since there are many religions with this doctrine, and normally people do not belong to more than one religion, it would indicate that almost all the souls on earth would be going to hell or were in hell. Not an interesting prospect to say the least. Then there was the question as to how so many people could write so many books that seem to contradict each other’s experiences about life and how the universe works. The question was “Who had, or who was, experiencing truth and what exactly is it?”

The author never found anyone who seemed to be intentionally lying about their personal life experience. He met people who lied about life. But he did not find anyone how lied about what they believe about life or their experiences of life. They may have denied it or did not reveal what they really experienced. But they could not lie about the experience they had. The could not deny what they felt. They could suppress it or numb it, but not deny it. Although people filter their life experiences through what they believe and the attitudes that they carry about life, innocent as it may sound, the author had not found them knowingly realizing or understanding the disconnect they demonstrate between their attitudes and their actions.

The author continually pondered the question, “Is there a model for the universe that is broad enough to encompass everything that people say happens to them and that allows for each individual perception to be seen as true?” On this note, is seem to the author that everyone who is looking for understanding is looking as hard and as honestly as the next person. So how could one judge their actions and efforts as not being true and sincere if they arrived at different conclusions? It seemed most people were just using the standard that, if something was different from what they believed, then it was wrong. But the essential question was, “Was there a view of the universe that could encompass everyone’s view as true?”

What the author learned from the subconscious journey into exploring creativity began to merge with what he was learning from the conscious journey into creativity through organizational creativity. The two came together to help create the conditions for the Ultimate Accident . With an experience of the Ultimate Accident, a new phase of exploring creativity occurred for the author now saw the depth and breadth of our creativity. The author now looked at exploring how to create the space for the individual access and release their unlimited creativity.

The Next Step
A culmination in thinking and understanding

An Alternative step 
The recovery of a creative spirit - a soul retrieval

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