Sample Format-

Heart Meditation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following is material developed by the author to assist himself and/or others to step into their own creative power. You may find the following useful in your own creative endeavors. They are provided here only as a sample. Although you may like with you see and use it as it is, it is recommended you develop an equivalent in your own words and in the way that works to empower you. Use creating the equivalent of the following as an opportunity to step into your own creative powers. To do so, it is recommended you eat and digest what you think you want to use, then allow the insights to arise from your own being as to how you should use what is here, rewrite it or create your own equivalent.

This guided meditation is not about accessing love or to become more loving as such. Rather it is to learn to access and use the wisdom of what is symbolized in the heart and allowing it to lead our life.

Background on the heart meditation

The heart is the source of our creative life energy. What comes form the heart and what is symbolized in the heart is what sustains us. It provides our creative passion and provides the energy for whatever we choose to do. It is the figurative and literal source of the creative life energy flowing into our body. If our heart or some substitute, like a heart machine, is not pumping blood, the waters of life of our body, we will not live.

Our creative spirit which is symbolized in the heart has a wisdom unto it self. It is a life giving wisdom. It has a wisdom the conscious mind does not possess and cannot posses for what is symbolized in the heart existed before our conscious mind became aware of itself. There is a purpose for our life and our heart and the body we inhabit was created in response to that intention. If what we do in our life is in accord with that purpose, we concentrate our creative power and creative abilities. We do not scatter and fragments our creative efforts. If however, we are choosing to go against our life purpose, we will fragment and scatter our energy. We cause our energy to dissipate and render us unable to access the depth and breadth of our creativity. We may even divert sufficient energy such that we cannot create what we choose to create.

For any intention that we have for our life and/or anything we wish to manifest in the world, or for decisions that we need to make, it is recommended we develop an inner focus and look to what is symbolized in the heart for guidance. We can ask the heart for guidance two ways. One way, the more subconscious way, is to simply navigate from the heart allowing the feeling of the fulness of being to guide you in your actions and what you desire to create. The second way, a more conscious way, is to ask your heart for what direction you need to go to manifest the intention we desire or how we should make our decision(s). Both of these methods allow us the opportunity to align ourselves with what is sustaining our being. 
By consciously looking to the heart and asking it for guidance, we focus our attention on that organ as symbolic source of our creative life energy that is pumping creative energy into all that we manifest. To look to the heart for the next step in manifesting our intention we are actually doing three things.

  1. The first is that we love our intention and we are willing to tithe our time and energy to its manifestation through our focused awareness and attention on the heart as a meditation. .

  2. The second is that since the heart is pumping the creative life energy into the body, looking to the heart symbolic is to look to understand where we need to pump our creative life energy through our attention into what is we desire to manifest. On this note what we will find will be quite surprising. Often what we will find is that our heart will not tell us to do anything that seems to be related to actually manifesting our intention. At times we seem to be directed in a completely different direction. However in the end, we will see it has directed us in an optimum fashion. .

  3. The third thing we do is that by focusing on our heart and the creative life energy within our being and surrendering to its direction is as close as we can get to working with and surrendering to the Source of energy of the universe. It is the energy that flows from the Source that created and sustains our being that is flowing through our heart.

In using the heart as a focus for our intentions and to make decisions in our life, we will need to experiment and learn and use what works for us. In any case, we will need to get “out of mind” and what our mind believes to know we are effectively hearing the heart.

It needs to be noted and emphasized that the mind is a master at regaining control. It allows us to think we are acting on the guidance from the heart when the exact opposite is true. What experience has shown, even after years of practice, is that if we do not feel a little bit crazy in following our internal knowing and what our heart says, then we are probably not in the heart but have already allowed the mind to regain control. If you are not being urged from within our being to do the unexpected on a relatively routine basis, they we are probably living in, and from, our mind and not living from our heart.

Our heart always pushes us to the edge of, and often beyond, who we think we are and how we think the universe works. The energy of our heart knows no limits and no barriers. The flow of energy that we feel in our heart is the flow of our creative life energy that flows from the Source and that flow of energy is infinite in its capacity. The mind exists because of limits and barriers imposed on this energy.

If we are not pushing the edge of our limits and barriers we are in mind as opposed moving in the direction of “out of mind.” To be “out of mind” is to be beyond the limits and barriers imposed by the mind and what it thinks is true about us and the nature of reality.

To fully understand what is said here, we need to experience it. To do this, it is recommend you experiment a little at a time in your own way until you develop the confidence and feel for what following your heart really looks like. Calibrating your internal compass and learning to navigate from the heart will help you to move more and more into learning how to be out of mind.

Additionally, if we pursue an action from the mind, it will always leave us a little bit hollow when you achieve it. It does not fill us with an internal bliss and joy that seems indescribable and fully encompassing our entire being. This is not because there is anything wrong with mind and what it creates. Rather it is just there is something we incarnated to do and we are not fulfilled unto we do it.

When we pursue actions of the heart, we are fulfilled both in pursuing the action and in its achievement. In achievement, there is a lasting feeling that we know the only way to live is to learn to dance. It is learn the role and function of mind and the role and function of the heart and to dance. In learning to live through the heart we are continually reinforced to live more and more in the dance between heart and mind.

Preparing for the Heart Meditation

What is provided in the text of the transcript is guidance only. You are free to change and modify as you wish to help you manifest the intention for your life utilizing the life giving wisdom of the heart.

Identify what you wish to access or understand in this guided meditation and what you wish to ask your heart and what it has to tell you about your efforts. This meditation asks the heart for its opinion on what you wish to do. You can ask it what does the first step look like to achieving what you desire acting in order to act in alignment with the heart. It will answer you in a thought, sensation or image. You will then need to act on what you receive. What you receive from the heart may make you uncomfortable for the heart will always takes you beyond who you think you are and the limits and barriers you have established in your life.

To do this meditation, you may wish to replace sentences and words with words that better reflect your reason for going to your heart and/or more precisely represent exactly what you desire to ask the heart. You can do this exercise as a guided meditation or simply read the format and follow it the best you can by memory. The words used here are not really important. You simply need to relax yourself, focus on your heart and ask it whatever you desire and you will get a response to your request. If you prefer something more structured, you can always read the transcript while recording it on a tape and then play it back at your leisure.

The Heart Meditation

Relax and prepare yourself

  • Close your eyes and visualize a pool of water.

  • Imagine this pool of water is full of ripples emanating outward from a single point as if someone is dropping stones into the center of the pool

  • While visualizing this pool of water, focus on your breathing.

  • Allow yourself to feel your chest rising and falling.

  • As you feel your chest rising and falling, go back to the pond and realize the very fact that you breath you are causing ripples on the pond.

  • Synchronize your breathing with the ripples.

  • Each time you breath in, see a rock fall into the pond to case a ripple.

  • Each time you breath out, see the ripple expand outward and quietly dissipate to nothingness such that at the end of your breathing out, there is only a calm pond.

  • Become aware that between the time of completely exhaling and inhaling as the next stone begins to fall to cause another ripple, the pond is perfectly still like a sheet of glass.

  • Allow this process to continue - a ripple outward, a calmness, a ripple outward, a calmness, on and on and on.

  • Allow the calmness to permeate your being.

  • When you feel the calmness within your being imagine the pond is now your heart
    ∙ See each beat of the heart as a ripple going out into the world.

  • Know that each ripple that flows out from your heart is the manifestation of you being in physical creation.

  • You heart is like the hand that drops the stone into the water - each beat sustains you in creation as the creation that you are.

Inquiry of the heart:

  • As you focus on your heart simply say to yourself or think this thought “Heart, I ask you to show yourself to me - show me the form that you would like me to see and experience that best represent what you desire to communicate to me about your nature, my reason for incarnating, and what it is I currently desire to create.”

  • Allow whatever images, thoughts, or sensations to arise without any judgment of or by your mind. That is, don’t judge what you see or feel is in any way right or wrong or good or bad.

  • If nothing arises, just allow yourself to relax and wait trusting your heart, will reveal itself in a way that it wishes to be seen. Trust if it does not reveal itself now, it will reveal itself in a time and place of its own choosing.

  • Know that whenever it does reveal itself to you, you will recognized it when it does.

  • Since you have asked your heart trust it will honor your request.

  • Now ask your heart in whatever form it has presented itself to you or not presented itself as the case may be “Heart, what would you like to tell me about yourself, about me and about my life and what I currently desire to create.”

  • “What do I need to do to create what I desire?”

  • “What do I need to become to create what I desire?

  • "Is there anything that you need to me or what do you need to share in this moment about the past, present, or future?”

  • Allow any thoughts images or feelings to arise without judgment.

  • After you have received what your heart desired to share allow yourself to return to the awareness of your environment.

  • Record or make note of the results of your meditation.

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