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 Intimacy, our creative spirit and sexuality 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To fully experience our creative spirit, we will need to become intimate with it in every way in including how it express itself in and through our body. Our body is the vehicle we created to have the human physical experience. To know how to use our body, we will have to become intimate with our body and each aspect of our body. This includes the sexual aspects of our body and what we feel in our sexuality

To become intimate with something, we need to focus our attention and awareness on it. We need to study it and explore its features in detail. Intimacy results from a close study and familiarity with a matter. It is to explore the inner most nature or being of the object. It is to discover and understand what is essential and intrinsic to its nature and being. It is about revealing those things which cannot be share in public or even with a small group of individuals. It is about being free to express those things that are deeply personal and private. It is not about having an intellectual understanding about something. Rather it is to have gone into the experiential knowing and understanding of the most detailed parts and aspects.

Before moving on, it is appropriate to look at the previous paragraph and contemplate what it really means for us to become intimate with the body. We can being to look at intimacy with the body in exploring the following questions.

  • What does it mean to focus our attention and awareness on the body? Does this mean to stand naked before a mirror and look at it, or does it mean to focus on exactly what we are feeling in the body and where we feel it, or does it means something else?
  • What does it to study the body in detail?
  • What does it mean to explore its features in detail?
  • What does it mean to closely study and body and become familiar with it?
  • What are the inner most workings of our body? What does it mean to explore the inner most workings?
  • What is essential to the body?
  • What is intrinsic to the nature of the body?
  • How do we discover and explore what is essential to the body?
  • Is what is essential to our body essential to that of another?
  • How do we explore what is intrinsic to our body?
  • Is what is intrinsic to our body intrinsic to the body of another?
  • What is it about the body which cannot be shared in public or even in a small group?
  • Why can they be shared?
  • What is personal and private about our body?
  • Are we free to share what is personal and private about the body?

Relative to sexuality, as suggested in the definition of intimacy, in today’s world many feel that sexual intercourse is intimate and some feel it is the only place we have, or can, experienced intimacy. That is, sex is intrinsic and essential to our nature. But is something which cannot be shared in public and it is personal and private. Sexuality does make us vulnerable because we literally become fully exposed physically to our most private parts.

Many have mistaken the vulnerability felt around sexuality with intimacy. Intimacy will cause vulnerability but vulnerability does not cause intimacy. Actually, sexual intercourse can be some of the most shallow experiences we can have while being so vulnerable and, as such, the individual can be left extremely unfulfilled, if not confused, by the experience. Our body may feel the release of tension that comes with intercourse but our being is unfulfilled.

The way sexuality is marketed and used in today’s world seems to support the concept that most of the population have not had intimacy in sexuality but only a very exposed vulnerable psyche and release of physical sexual tension. If there were a large number of people who have had intimacy in sexuality, sexuality would not be handled in as cheaply a fashion as it is handled today. In general sexuality today is a commodity and the way it is handled today does interfere with deep intimate relationship in both same sex and differing sex relationship. As such, we will need to change our concepts on, and about, sexuality from the commonly held beliefs if we wish to become intimately familiar with our body and/or sexuality.

Sexuality is also one of, if not the primary sedatives we use to suppress our feelings of aloneness that come from separation of consciousness from Oneness. It is the illusion in sexuality of having a sexual partner that we seek to numb this aloneness. However, individuals fail to realize the aloneness stems from our ego consciousness being separated from oneness and not from separation from a sexual partner. Until we face our own ego, we will look for someone external to us to heal our separation which can only be addressed from within.

Deep intimacy is very much associated with aligning with the creative life energy/creative spirit that flows within our being and returning our consciousness to a state of oneness with this energy. When we are deeply intimate with ourselves we become aligned with the creative life energy/creative spirit within ourselves. Sexuality is the vehicle that is use to create life and sustain life. As such, we will feel increased sexuality when we are in touch with our creative life energy/creative spirit. We cannot not feel sexual when we are aligned with our being. It can be said that if we don’t feel sexual we are not in full alignment with our creative life energy/creative spirit.

This is why the Eastern literature talks about the Kundalini rising from the base of the spine up the spine and the Kundalini energy being so closely associated with sexual energy. For it is not until the sexual fully "kicks in" that we are in alignment. When the sexuality "kicks in" it means that our being want to create life and sustain life and give life to the universe in the way it has been given to us.

The point that is being missed by many is that if we deny the feelings of sexuality we deny the creative life energy/creative spirit that is within our being. To attempt to deny the sexual energy and transmute the energy is a denial of the energy that we are seeking. Now, how we choose to act on the sexual feelings we have is a different issue and not the subject here. But we cannot deny the energy. It comes from the essence of our being. Many traditions have an answer, but it is suggested here that if the sexuality is denied and or suppressed it is a denial and suppression of the creative life energy/creative spirit itself and that denial take quite a few other abilities with it. For example, we rob ourselves of our creative power.

If we become deeply intimate with another individual and are becoming fully aligning with the creative life energy/creative spirit within our being then it is most probable that we will feel a sexual attraction. Depending on the situation, it could be overpowering depending on how well connected we become to our being and our own energy within our being. In some situations the pull is so strong that we feel that we literally want to totally merge their being with ours and dissolve in oneness. But it needs to be noted that it is the merging of different forms that new creations are made. It is the way of the Universe.

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