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 The issue of the inner masculine and inner feminine 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Primary issue we face relative to sexuality is our inner world is  reflected  in our outer world and we have an inner masculine and inner feminine within our being. Having a mature inner masculine and a mature inner feminine creates an entirely different sexual experience externally that with an underdeveloped or immature inner masculine and/or an underdeveloped or immature inner feminine. The development of, or the lack of development of, our inner masculine and inner feminine has a great impact on our creative ability and creative power.

There are two things we need to realize. One is each aspect of creation can be a consciousness unto itself. As such, each aspect can separate itself into a masculine and feminine aspect. Any aspect of consciousness or any creative endeavor can be seen and experienced to contain an inner masculine aspect and an inner feminine aspect. This means that the feminine aspect or masculine aspect in any creative process can also have an inner masculine and an inner feminine. The exchange between this inner masculine and inner feminine can cause the outer masculine to be feminine and the out feminine to be masculine. Relative to human sexuality, the female, as the male, can act in a masculine or a feminine way. Similarly, the sex organs used accordingly in a thrusting way or a feminine nurturing and supportive way for the particular creative endeavor. How they are used is dependent on how and what we think and believe and most importantly, the relationship of our inner masculine to our inner feminine.

The second thing which need to be realized about the inner masculine and inner feminine is relative to human creativity is any creative endeavor can experience a masculine flavor or feminine flavor and have associates sexual feelings. Since the creative endeavor give rise to sexual feeling within us, we interpret these feeling based on our inner masculine and inner feminine and the relationship between our inner masculine and inner feminine. We reflect that relationship externally and respond in our creative endeavor based on that relationship.

Although we may not consider, or see, our external response as having a sexual flavor, it does. In any action we take, we either take a masculine thrusting response or we take a more nurturing feminine stance. What we do not realizes is that part of our choice is influenced by how our mind is interpreting the flow of energy for the experience we are having as either a nurturing or thrusting energy. We then overlay that feeling with the relationship of our inner masculine and inner feminine and reflect that response externally. If we pull the string to access the root cause as to why we response external to a give situation in a particular way, we may be very surprised to find it is a direct response of the how we have, or have not, properly nurtured our inner masculine or inner feminine. This is especially true in our response to any action take when sexuality is involved.

Additional discussion on this subject is found in the topic, "The inner sexuality is reflected externally."

Related topics
The inner masculine and mature inner masculine
The inner feminine and the mature inner feminine
The inner and outer dance
The inner sexuality is reflected externally
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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