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 Creating a phoenix experience and the issue of sex 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The phoenix experience is about transformation and recreating our life whole or in part. Because of the sacrifice of creation in the creative process and how the inner is reflected in the outer, we can expect a phoenix experience to one degree or another for any creative endeavor we undertake. There are two reason as to why sexuality will arises in any phoenix experience.

The first reason is that any creative endeavor as a result of the creative process can be experienced as a creative tension, if not a sexual tension, between the masculine and feminine aspects of creation/Creation. This sexual tension will be characterized and experienced by our mind as sexual feelings. The second reason is sex is about creating life. Since the phoenix experience is about transforming our life or recreating our life we can expect the feelings which arise to either be interpreted as sexual feeling or the feeling of creating life to cause sexual feelings to arise as part of creating life. As such, sex and our sexuality becomes the beast at the gate which stands in the way of creating what we desire.

Here we need to realizes we have a choice. We can either be free to engage the sex and move past the sex or attempt to avoid it and try and go around it. If the sexual experience is essential to what we desire to create in some way, avoiding or denying the sexual feelings will thwart our own creative efforts. If we act on the feeling and do not continue to align with the feelings but become distracted by the sex, again we will thwart our own creative efforts. If the sexual experience is not necessary for what we desire to create and we engage in sex, we will not be distracted if we remain aligned with the feelings. However, more often than not we become distracted by the sex. If we deny or avoid the feelings of sex when they arise even if the sex experience is not necessary for what we desire to create we will thwart our own creative effort in some way. This is why sexuality is like a beast at the gate. It is something to be faced, understood and passed through. If we avoid it or succumb to it we will be unable to create what we desire.

It is here we have need to become very clear on the feelings which correspond to giving us life. The key is discernment and coming to know and understand the sexual feeling we have and how and what our body feels within our whole body and being when we have sexual feelings. Experience has shown the sexual feeling which arise when sex is required for a creative endeavor is different from the sexual feelings which arise from a creative endeavor not requiring a sexual interaction. Both of these feelings are quite different than the feeling which arise from either a biological urge or and urge created by our mind to have sex. It also needs to be noted the feeling which arise from a biological urge are different than those created by our mind.

But, in any case, to distinguish between these feelings, we need to become very discerning about what we feel. This cannot be learned by avoiding or denying we have such feelings nor can it be learned without being intimate with the body and what it feels. How we choose to act on the feeling we have and learn how to discern what we feel is our choice. All we need to understand is that the fundamental issue of creating a phoenix experience and the issue of sex is that sex is about creating life. Some type of sexual feelings will arise when a new life needs to be created or the resurrection of life at some level of our being.

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