Becoming a creative mystic


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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As many have observed about their life or the lives of others, from time to time there is a seeming “magic” in life and in our creative endeavors. When such things are present they make an individual very fulfilled and satisfied in, and with, life. Yet, the “magic” doesn’t always seem to be available or available to everyone. Some seem to find it, others don’t. Nor is it present all the time. It seem to come and go and never remains. Many of us see it from time to time in ourselves or in the lives of others and all of have experienced it in one form or another in life.

One of the more simply ways we can experience this magic is that it is found in what we feel when we hold a new born infant and look into their eyes and marvel at the miracle of life itself. Many experience and/or feel a mystical connection although they may not describe it as such Within that feeling is an awareness that comes with a deep knowing and understanding about what magical and mystical life really is. It does not matter how logical and clinically or scientifically trained our mind may be. If we allow ourselves to feel and go into that feeling we will experience an awareness.

All that stands in the way of the experience of the awareness found in feeling is our mind. It is here lies the problem we all face. To consciously know and experience the magic and mystical for ourselves, we need to be “out of mind” and in what we feel That is, we need to be out of all that we think and believe and outside the limits and boundaries we impose if we wish to see and experience the truth of what is, as it is. To do so is to enter the world of the mystic. However, what mind comes to know in such an awareness if often unbelievable if not incomprehensible to the mind.

To move to access and release our unlimited creativity and live our truth expressed in our creative passion we cause ourselves to move into the realm of mysticism and the creative mystic. The approach discussed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material is not meant to create mystics. But living our creative passion will call us forth into experiences similar to what the mystical experiences. Similarly, a potential mystic accessing their creative passion could encourage them to undergo a journey further into their own heart and become who they were meant to be - a creative mystic, a co-creator of Creation with unlimited creativity. The main difference between an individual living their creative passion and a mystic is only one of focus. Living our creative passion forces us to be true to ourselves and become a conscious creator. Other than a natural mystic and a natural shaman , mystics usually enter the realm of mysticism based on the use of some tradition. That tradition holds them captive until they choose to break out into their own truth. Some mystics do, some don’t.

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