Accessing Our Animating Energy
Introductory discussion


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The energy that animates our life is a creative life energy. As we develop a single point focus by removing the distractions that normally occupy our mind, we may experience a rise of energy within our being and an expansion or feeling of fulness within our being that feels like life itself. Since each individual is unique, exactly what we experience may be different than another.

Traditionally, this experience has been described as a rising of energy from the base of the spine and has been called the kundalini or the kundalini experience. However what you experience is no more than our consciousness becoming aware of the true properties of our own animating energy that is sustaining your being without the distractions of mind.

If we meditate and our meditation practice has denied the body and/or the body sensations, this energy will probably be felt more like a heat within our body and our being. If we have not denied the body sensations, we will feel as though we are infused with an energy. This infusion of energy most probably will feel sexual for our entire body responds to the life force enthusing our body. This is especially true for the tissues and aspects of our being used to create life.

If we have developed a single point living meditation with our life we will probably experience this energy in addition to being infused within our whole body as a tremendous creative passion with unparalleled creative insights centered around the focus of our living meditation. We will become very creative in what we are attempting to accomplish.

If we have not developed an integrated single point living meditation that includes every aspect of our being we will not experience the full depth and breath of the properties of these creative life energy that animates and sustains our being. If we have been navigating from the heart and/or creating from what is symbolized in the heart, we will feel a fulness of being and/or an expansion of your being. It will most probably be accompanied with a tremendous passion that infuses every aspect of our being and pulls you enthusiastically to engage in life such that our life becomes a single point focus centered around our passion. Many find they have deep awareness as to what they need to do with their life and why they have incarnated.

In any case, whether your creative or meditation practice denies the body, integrate the body or is a living meditation, experiencing this flow of creative life energy without the distractions of mind will cause you to access what has traditionally been called psychic forces or abilities. You will probably being to access information, understanding and abilities not available to a distracted mind. As a minimum you will have new insights into Creation and your creative endeavors.

Next step in the overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles
Working with your creative life energy - tithing and sacrificing to your creation

Previous step
Two Worlds of Energy

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