Working With Our Creative Life Energy
Introductory discussion


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Access our creative power and creative ability is about learning how to consciously work with the flow of our creative life energy that is animating our being. We learn how to control it by learning to align with the flow and change the flow in response to what we desire to create.

Whether or not we explore the depth and breath of our creative power and creativity simply depends on how willing we are to surrender to the flow of our creative life energy and the intention which caused it to arise. That is, the intention for our life. Surrender to the flow is about using the fulness of being and what causes life to arise in us as an internal compass to guide us where it leads. It is to move from using that internal compass as an indicator as to whether or nor something is good for us to consciously rearranging our life to optimize the fulness of being in each moment. As we learn to manage this energy at whatever level we access our creative power we will find a corresponding change in our creative abilities to create the experiences of our choice.

There are several concepts that are helpful in the effort to learn to manage our creative life energy. To understand these concepts it is helpful to look at the energy that animates our life as a river. A river flows between a set of boundaries which we call river banks into the sea or ocean. The flow of the river rises and falls depending on the amount of precipitation that falls on the lands drained by the river as it flows to the sea. If the land is dry with little rain or snow, the river usually runs shallow. If there is abundant rainfall, the river runs fast, swift and deep. If the flow of the river is dammed for any reason, the water builds up and either bursts through the damming structure with great forces or it spills over in one of several different ways. It can spill over the blocking structure continuing the flow essentially as before along its original flow path. Or, it will spill over the banks and follow some new course to the sea. In all cases, the water flows into the sea only to be evaporated and returned to the river as rainfall or some other precipitation.

Our creative life energy is very much like this. We focus our attention and awareness to create the rainfall. In essence our focus concentrates our energy to flow into what we desire to create. If we flow with the flow of energy we create, we manifest what we desire in an experience the energy is dissipated to be used again. However, if we do not allow the energy to flow freely, we either do not create an experience of what we desire or we create something less than what was possible. Or, the energy becomes bound to finance thoughts and memories of regrets, animosities, dislikes, judgements and the like. It is vital that we learn to become aware of, and manage, our creative life energy and the thoughts and memories we finance.

The follow introductory discussion provide some ideas and thoughts as to how to learn to manage our creative life energy.

Working with our creative life energy topics
Tithing and sacrificing to your creation
Creation is a physical experience
A continuous flow of energy
Throttling the flow of your creative life energy
Obstacles to one’s creative efforts
Creating with the unseen world

Next step in the overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles
Tithing and sacrificing to your creation

Previous step
Accessing Your Animating Energy

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