The organization task as an occasion for fulfillment

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Relative to the concept expressed in Organizational Creativity of the need to nourish the creative spirit, what is not recognized is that the organization task assigned an individual may be the occasion for the fulfillment of the desires of this creative spirit. For some individuals the needs and tasks of the organization may be in direct alignment with the unfoldment of an individual’s creative spirit.

There is a concept that is not talked about much in the world today. It is the concept of the vocation. The traditional vocation is a call to, or fitness for, a certain career especially in a religious sense or work/profession for which one has a sense of special fitness. That it the individual seems born for a type of work or profession or they are called to the work or profession in the sense of having a calling. Here a calling is what would be described as (1) some unseen higher power calling an individual to attend to a particular task, assignment or occupation or (2) an individual experiences a vision as to something which needs to be done or accomplished in, or with, their life. The calling or vision may be spontaneous or it may result of taking a vision quest in search of a vision. In this regard, the organization or the task performed by the individual for an organization may be the fulfillment of their vocation.

One of the clear results of exploration of creativity in the workplace and the subsequent exploration of our inherent creativity is the existence of a creative spirit within each of us and that there is an intention for our life. The intention for our life is the composite of the experiences this creative spirit incarnated to have. We are lead to these experience by a feeling. It is the feeling which gives us life and gives us a passion for life and for living. We feel full of life and desire to engage life. It is what makes life exciting for us.

Relative to the intention for our life and the experiences our creative spirit incarnated to have there are organizational task which can give us many of those experiences. It may not be what the organization does as much as it is what we do in the organization. For example, we may have a passion to teach. There are many teaching type position in most organizations that could fulfill that experience. Then, of course, the organization mission and function may give us the experiences we desire and it is not so much what we do in the organization For example, our desired experiences maybe be to travel. Being one of a variety of crew members on a ocean going ship may be an acceptable occupation to have the experience of travel.

How well any organization or organizational task allows us to align with the intention for our life lies on a spectrum. At one end both the organizational mission and the organization task we do fulfill the intention for our life. In this case, we will large if not great passion for what we do. We will find that what we do is giving us life and making us feel alive. At the other end of the spectrum is an organizational mission and organization task is no where near close as to the experiences we incarnated to have. Unless we have some programming which makes what we do satisfy that programming, we will have little to no passion for what we do. Here we will find that job is in some way killing us. It is robbing us of the passion for life and doing what we incarnated to do. Unless we find some balance between such a job and what we do outside the job that allows us to live our passion we will find a part of ourselves dying and we could even end up with a accident, illness or disease because of the life being drained out of us.

From the organizational creativity perspective the goal would be to move towards both jobs and organizations that allow us to align with the intention for our life. The more we can do so the greater passion for life and for living we will have.

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The intention for our life

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