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 Sex is an experience of death 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The creative process requires the transformation of an existing form. There is a required sacrifice of both our inner and outer world of some type for any creative endeavor. Sex is about creating life. Any sexual experience is about creative life at some level of our being. Hence, there will be an experience of death in one way or another at some level of our being. Exactly what the death looks like and how we experience that death is another issue which depends on what we are attempting to create and the belief structure and subsequent perspective we hold.

One of the more easier ways to understand this death is the way a flower must die to become the fruit and a seed must to germinate and become the plant. In a similar way there is an a aspect of our being with dies in any sexual experience to give rise to the life that is created.

Here note need to be made. The manifestation of any creation is the feminine aspect of creation. The feminine is what nourishes and sustains a creation. Both the feminine goddesses Kali of Indian mysticism and Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess, are seen as having a very destructive and wrathful aspect. Yet, there is nothing wrathful about the feminine aspect of creation. It is just that the death or destruction of all or part of the exist creation must occur so that the new can manifest. Depending on whether or not we hold onto what needs to be released and dissolved through our attachments determines whether or not we have a painful or joyful transformation. It is our own attachments and what we think and believe is what determines if we see the feminine as nurturing or the feminine as wrathful.

Although there is always a death in sex a life of some form, a flow of energy, comes with sex, there is a way to use sex in a related fashion as a vehicle for death. The experience of sex can be used to die to the current life and way we live life. Using sex as a vehicle for death is more about using the transformation properties of sex. Given the amount of personal, family and social conditioning around or on sexuality and how we should engage in sex, sex becomes a very powerful vehicle to experience the death of our ego based on those beliefs. A “not doing” practice is a powerful way to step out of mind and outside our enculturated ego to transform ourselves to change our perspective on or about life and/or create a new way to experience life. Given all the taboos about sex and all the beliefs and baggage we carry about sex engaging in sex more as metatheater and not doing exercise is a way to choose to break free. It is to choose to destroy the ego as we come to know it. However, to use sex in this fashion, we need to become very clear as to our real intention. We need to pull the string to see exactly what we seek and why. Using sex as a tool is further discussed under the topic of "Sexuality as a tool for transformation."

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