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 Living several life times in one life time 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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One of the more profound miracles of the modern world is our ability, or rather the possibility, of living several lifetimes in one life.

Physical Creation - the world of Om: Physical Creation, is slowly revealing its operating principles as humanity focus its attention and awareness outward into understanding Physical Creation. In doing so, the principles of physics, chemistry and engineering are allowing humanity to change the world in ways never before possible. Such changes provide tremendous opportunities for humans to essentially live several lifetimes in one life if we so choose to do so. It is something that was not possible on a wide scale in the recent past history of humanity.

The most obvious examples lies in the realm of modern science. A person "dies" and is revived or a debilitating if not death threatening illness is provided with a cure not possible in the past. One of the miracles of modern technology is restoring life where life would be lost. But the implications go much deeper.

If we align ourselves with the principles and rules of Physical Creation and use them in awareness we can bring great happiness and material gains in our lives. We are no long totally at the mercy of the weather, illness, disease and the like as we once were. We have lights to allow us to see in the dark . Humanity has freed itself from many illnesses and diseases that have plagued humanity in the past. When we don’t follow these rules for whatever reason we can bring disaster and hardship on ourselves and others. Neglecting these principles can be as simple as building our houses and towns in a known flood plain. Then too, we can use these principles intentionally to bring disaster and harm on each other as we do in war. So too within our inner reality. There are similar principles we can learn to master.

There was a book entitle "Predictions" which originated from an individual trying to predict grow in markets for sales. In the book the author presented growth curves for a variety of aspects of life. If we can believe the observation reported by the author in his book, the author show how an individual could die young yet complete a full life of creative works. One example was to show the number of published works of an author by years. The number of published works by year were given for Mozart, Beethoven, a variety of poets and the like. What was intriguing was that some creative individuals who died young such as Mozart completed a full life of published works based on a normal growth curve. That is the published works of Mozart who died young has the same kind of complete growth curve for published works as someone like Beethoven’s who lived a full human life. However, there were individuals whose life was clearly cut short based on the growth curves of their published works. So the question that begs to be asked is "What does a completed life look like?"

We build our lives around our careers or raising our children. But we do not realize we may be called to do others things in our life. Raising children is not the only occupation in life. We may find we need to shift our careers to do something else in our life. We need to remember, throughout most of human history, people did not live that long. People died at much earlier ages. One question that can be asked is how long should a life be? Can living only ten, twenty or thirty years be considered a full life when others live to be eighty, ninety or even a hundred? Or is a life time determined by what one accomplishes. Does one have 40 years of experience or one year of experience repeated 40 times? If we are infinite creative beings, there is much we can do in life than just a limited handful of things. We tend to look to society to tell us what a full and complete life looks like. Few look to their own heart to see what their creative spirit desires to experience and create.

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