Meditation, Creation And Surrender


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Our creative life energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. The concentration of our attention and awareness is the essence of our creative powers. Since meditation is a focusing of our attention and awareness, it is creative state. The intention we hold as the reason for meditation will be experienced if we meditate long enough and face the obstacles that arise in opposition to our mediation and/or the intention we hold.

Many individuals report wonderful experiences after practicing a given mediation. Most are usually taught their practice by some teacher as part of a larger program whether it be a spiritual tradition or stress reduction therapy. The individuals then believe that the way they mediate creates the particular experience. In actuality, what happens from a creativity perspective is that the mediation focuses our attention and awareness on the intention for the mediation. When the mind is sufficiently focuses as we act an necessary, the mind creates the experience. What this means is that any other technique that focuses the mind and we act as we think we need to act would also manifest an experience of the intention we holds. It is just that the individual used the particular meditation practice. Similarly, any intention we hold can be manifested. To do so we need to we properly focus our attention and awareness, act as we feel necessary, and hold that focus long enough and facing any obstacles that arise.

The calm and blissful state reported by many when they experience a place of “no-thing-ness” can be as easily obtained by leaving mind and surrendering to the flow of energy within our being. If we can step out of mind and focus our attention and awareness and simply be present in the flow of energy within our being without judgment or attachment to where that energy is leading, there will be a calmness experienced as the energy dissipates in the physical experience. If we are open to feeling and have not denied their body and its sensations, this calmness is also accompanied by a feeling of expansion and fullness of being. That is, a feeling of the fullness of life and that life is worth living.

Many try and achieve this calmness by living in the “now.” That is, living in the moment with mind not worrying about the past or the future. But to intentionally live in the “now” is to be in mind. To experience the “now” we must totally immersed in the flow of our being and out of mind as we knows our mind. The best way to enter this state of being called the “now” or in that place of total surrender to the flow of energy within our being is to be in spontaneous creative play.

Creative play is not play as many have come to understand play. Creative play is to do something that is totally noncompetitive even with our own mind. It is done in a way that it is being done solely for the enjoyment of what we are doing which no particular end or objective in mind. To play a game with an end, to draw a picture would not be creative play for they have an objective. We then allow ourselves to become lost in that play responding spontaneously to what arises. This experience will lead you to experience the fullness of being and what surrendering to the flow within one’s being feels like. Once you know the feeling, one only needs to live in the awareness of that feeling. In doing so, our life can become a single point focus or a living meditation on the fullness of being and its associated calmness. In doing so, we can be totally engaged in the world in any activity and still have an internal calmness and bliss and joy no matter what is happening externally.

Within this understanding, we use mediation to develop the ability to discipline and focus our mind. We use it to create mindfulness and awareness of our own thoughts and feelings. Then, armed with the tool of a disciplined mind and the awareness of our thoughts and feeling, we can step out of mind into the fullness of being. Then, being out of mind and what mind thinks and believes, we are free to surrender to the feeling of the fullness of being allowing it to create our path in life and/or explore whatever it is we need to explore. The result is a life and a way of living much different than most have experienced life. It is a way of living that is much more magical and mystical than following the mind. In addition, this alternative way opens the door to an internal bliss and joy that never runs dry no matter what is happening in the world.

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