Finding Nirvana 

Finding Nirvana is an application of a powerful interdisciplinary understanding of a technology of creativity interlinked through a common set of information to create health, wealth, inner satisfaction or whatever we desire to create


... Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved ...

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What is it?

Nirvana is a Sanskrit word which means "to cease blowing." It is traditionally used to referred to a state of being where "our mind ceases to blow" and ceases to interject itself into all that we do. In mind "ceasing to blow" we can experience Creation for what it is, as it is and a state of inner satisfaction which never runs dry no matter what is happening in our external world. Meditation has been the traditional way that individuals have used to cause the mind to cease blowing. However, in the exploration of our inherent creativity, it has been observed that there is a faster, easier and even gentler more fun way for mind to cease blowing. Finding Nirvana is about learning to use our inherent creativity in a way few have done as way to access both the infinity of our being and this state of nirvana in a faster, easier and more fun and playful way than has been available in the past.

Status: The information for the particular topic "Find Nirvana" is currently being formatted for loading onto the web. Much of the background information is currently available in the common data base found in the "List of Topics" available in the "Password Protected Area" but not necessarily focused specifically toward "Finding Nirvana." In addition to the discussion files obtained through the "List of Topics," information on the topic "Finding Heaven" can be obtained by clicking here.

Item for consideration

If you find yourself using this Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material  and/or its approach in your life, it is requested you consider making a contribution towards the continued free dissemination of this material and to further its dissemination in new applications.

Items of further interest

If you find the current topic of interest, a complete listing and access to all the available Releasing Your Limited Creativity applications and currently posted discussion topics (over 1860+ as of 11/09 [click here for current number]) on the web is provided in the Password Protected Area for a nominal password fee.

Discussion groups and forums

Many individuals have found this material stimulating and/or exciting. Some have requested conversations with other on these topics or desire to communicate with like minded individuals. To assist these individuals, discussion groups and forums brought to the author's attention have been, and will be placed, in the file "Discussion Groups and Forums on Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Topics" to help individuals make contact with each other.


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