Inserting a thought in calmness - Piece 1


A way to return to a state of childlike play and becoming opening to feeling

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Inserting a thought in calmness - Piece 1

Main issue

The most creative state of being - that is, the state of been in which the seeds and foundation for creating our experiences are laid - is characterized by spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our world coupled with a calmness and relaxation within our being and a thought, idea or the like is injected in that calmness to take root. That thought, idea or the like inserted then grows like a seed guiding our action to pull from the unseen  the experiences we desire have to have and unfold a life based on that thought/idea.

The deeper the calmness and relaxation, the greater the thought takes root. The greater the breadth of calmness and relaxation cutting across our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being, the greater the thought takes root. The greater the depth and breadth of playfulness the greater the thought takes root.

If we are in a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play at each and every level of our being, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, and couple that childlike play in a relaxed and calm state of being spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, then interject an idea or thought, one’s whole world will shift to manifest that thought. In essence a seed is planted to recreate one’s life.

This is why childhood and childlike play is so important from a creativity perspective and activities like meditation, hypnosis and the like are such powerful creative tools. If we think about what many hypnotist do is to create a safe and secure space where one is free to experiment. They then relax the individual as deep as possible and then insert a thought. That thought then takes root and unfolds when one returns to consciousness and the mundane world.

We do something similar when we use the "Pool of water insertion exercise," or we can modify the guided meditation approach to insert some particular thought. The approach here is to use the technique of inserting a thought into calmness to start our journey to return to a state of creative play or opening ourselves to feeling.

Getting started - creating a fertile space

To get started, we create a transcript of what we desire to explore and/or accomplish. The transcript can be recorded on a tape play and played back when we have reached a calm state or it can be read to us by another.

The transcript can address whatever we feel appropriate. Some items recommended for consideration on the transcript are as follows and phrased as if you are telling them to yourself. If the transcript is read to you make the appropriate word changes.

  • I am in control of all that I experience - I see myself in control. I allow myself to become open to what is inside me and open to what I feel.

  • I allow myself to become creatively aware and awake to the cause effect relationship between what I experience in life and my thinking.

  • I allow myself to become mindful and aware of my thought, words, actions and memories.

  • I am in a safe and secure space and free to express whatever needs to be expressed in a safe way

  • I am free to go as deep as necessary to bring forth the root issues that are standing in the way of accessing the creative ability and creative power I seek

  • I look to find the fastest, easiest and gentlest way of dealing with whatever arises and give myself permission to create the seed condition of awareness and feeling to create a gentle phoenix in my life for any transformation I desire to undertake. .

  • I open myself to be see what it is I need to do, or to become, to find an inner satisfaction that never runs dry and to create a life worth living.

  • I am free to ask and pursue any questions I may have.

  • I allow myself to feel the freedom of my creative spirit and I will remember that feeling so I can recognize it and use it in my life.

  • I am free to return to a state of innocently and spontaneously discovering and exploring whatever needs to be addressed.

  • I recognize within me is a wonderful, powerful, wise but yet vulnerable creative spirit that desires to come out and freely express itself and its creativity.

  • I provide whatever protection my creative spirit needs in a way that holds my creativity sacred. I do not use the response patterns to life I used as a child to protect it. I develop new response patterns to life that are both sufficient to protect my creative spirit yet do not put it in a cage of our own making.

  • Use the pool of water calming mediation to calm and relax ourselves. Either play the recorded transcript back or have it read. Stay focused on keeping the pool calm until the transcript is completed. Allow the words to enter your being and permeate all aspects of your being.

    In returning to the awareness to the room note any feelings or observations made during or after this process

    In completing this exercise, move to the next piece or another piece of your choice.

    The next step
    Piece 2 Being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think

    Related topics
    Piece 2 Being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think
    Piece 3 Clarity of thought
    Piece 4 Surrender to feeling without getting lost (internal compass
    Piece 5 Exploring the cage of our own making
    Piece 6 The intention for our life
    Create a seed condition - putting the pieces together

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