It all about energy
an introduction to Creativity Physics for meditation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2006 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Creativity and to create is about having the ability to make something happen. It is about bringing into existence something never before seen or experiences or something significantly different than the past. Energy is defined as the capacity to produce and effect or do work. To make something happen, that is to produce an effect we need energy. In exploring creativity, we need to look at energy.

Energy is what lies behind our ability to make things happen. In discussing energy, we need to ask ourselves to think on two levels. One is a purely physical level. It is to think about energy as energy as you know it and experience it. It is to study it to learn to manipulate as through the sciences of physics and chemistry. The second level is symbolically but with the realization that it is more than symbolic. Although it is difficult for a human to understand because we do not experience it directly, there is an unseen aspect to energy that is influenced if not directly controlled by our consciousness. Accepting the unseen of energy is not too difficult. Accepting the unseen can be controlled by our consciousness is usually more difficult.

Energy is the source of creation. Without a supply of energy there is no ability to do anything. All physical creation can be viewed as being energy. We know from physics that mass of your body or the mass of the chair on which you sit is energy. The light from a bulb or the Sun you use to read this page is energy. Energy that fuels the car you may drive is contained in the gasoline consumed by the engine. Only the form and expression of this energy is different. All is energy and you too are an energy and energy animates your life.

In studying mysticism and energy together and looking carefully at what energy is and how it is defined, one can see a relationship between consciousness and energy. In working with this relationship, we can come to see it is the flow of energy within one’s being that is felt in, and by what we call the heart but it is ultimately what is symbolized in the heart. It is this flow of energy that lies within our being that mind will direct by what it thinks and believes.

Accepting the unseen aspect of energy is not too difficult for physicists have characterized some of this unseen aspect of energy as an electric and magnetic field and have observed the effects of these fields. Through their understanding they have created many technological advances with the use of this unseen aspect of energy such a all radio transmission, radar, satellite communications and the like. All that needs to be accepted here is that there is an unseen aspect to energy and that there is an part of this unseen aspect that can be controlled and manipulated by consciousness. It is controlled by consciousness by how consciousness directs and focuses its attention and awareness. Our goal here is to show you how consciousness is capable of manipulating energy and one of the tools to this understanding is meditation. Meditation as a tool is discussed on the web site, “Meditation Concepts and Principles for Creativity.”

What you will come to see in studying the relationship of consciousness and energy to manipulate the energy with or though consciousness, one must be able to have the ability to hold a single point focus of their attention and awareness and make their life a living meditation. The channel that one uses to directs this energy is one’s spiritual and mental beliefs and what one chooses to believe and how one chooses to think and the passion on which one acts on these beliefs. The flow of the energy into creation will be experienced as what can best be described as feelings and the actions of our physical body. Many of these feelings mind will label as emotions. If you perceive something you feel as an emotional response, you are well past the feeling and into the judgement and interpretation of the mind.

How and were we focus our attention and awareness and what we do and don’t do in the physical world in response to that focus is what grounds this energy into actual physical experiences and manifestation of what we desire to create. Our actions in the physical world are the fruits of the essence of our being and how and what we believe and think. They are a direct reflection of the essence of our being and how we have learned, or not learned, to manage the energy that animates our being. When we are capable of flowing with the energy of a situation outside of the judgements and opinions of mind as a detached witness, there will be a calmness that occurs as the energy is free to dissipate in the experience that it creates.

It has been observed in physical Creation that energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed. Whether this principles is true at every level of being can be debated. The premise here is that is true and everything ultimately arose from a “no-thing-ness” or “ a “no-form” into a physical observer and an observed physical reality much the way energy is converted to a particle and antiparticle.

Yet this “no-thing-ness” is not really hard to understand. It is much like cutting a paper heart out of a sheet of paper resulting in a hole that looks like a heart and a paper heart. The sheet of paper is considered the “no-thing-ness” since there is “no-thing” but a blank sheet of paper. If we cut a paper heart out of the blank sheet of paper there is now a paper heart and a hole. It took energy to cut the heart out of the hole. If the heart is to move, then it will take additional energy for the heart to move. But what is important here is that heart arose out of a seemingly “no-thing-ness” and it is energy that allowed it to happen.

The implications of this idea of a cutout is quite profound in a variety of ways. One is that if everything arises out of a “no-thing-ness” what you can create becomes unlimited - as long as you access the energy to create it. You can say there is a possibility to manifested created forms (that is creating energy) ad infinitum.

What provides the real twist to this phenomenon, and what has been observed in physics, is that the energy that was needed to create the hole and the paper cutout, the energy, is also which makes the paper. The paper is only energy in the form of mass. So, in the end all is energy. It is just in different forms of energy. The question is, “How do you transform one form of energy into another?” Creativity and our inherent creative power and creative ability is about learning how to transform that energy from one form into another.

This simple cutout example is what lies at the essence of how we create our experiences and the reality of those experiences. Creativity Physics is directed to help you to understand how this is possible and how this simply process ultimately gets translated into the world we see. What is called the energy consciousness model was created for the creativity perspective to bridge the concepts of energy and consciousness to help you use what is discussed here in your creative endeavors.

As you will come to see, meditation is one of the primary tools you can use to gain this power of transformation of energy. However, it is not the only way. One’s creative passion can be just as effective if not more enjoyable and faster. Meditation through mindfulness and awareness can be used to develop a single point focus of one’s awareness and attention. Mindfulness and awareness of our thoughts is the essential step in learning how to transform the energy. Without the ability to hold a single point focus of our attention and awareness we will be unable to access the ability to consciously manage the energy within our being and the energy of the universe. It must be remembered that many of the great technological advances of science have only been made as a result of a single point focus by the scientist and engineers how desire to create something of which they never lost focus.

Next step in the overview of energy consciousness concepts and principles
Two Worlds of Energy

Previous step
Creating/creation within the Energy Consciousness Model

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