Unforeseen change

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Unforeseen change, as the name implies, is change for which we are not prepared or did not see coming. It really doesn't matter what reason we give for not seeing the change before it is upon us. It is nevertheless change we did not anticipate. What is important is how we respond to the change that does occur. We can learn to be prepared for change and learn how to manage change.

It is clear change is disruptive and upsets what we do and how we do it. However, there is opportunity in change. There is an old proverb that in crisis or change there is opportunity. When change comes there is the opportunity shed things that do not work or hold us back to embrace actions that better serves us. If our creative spirit has been nurtured and is alive and well within our being, and we know where we need to be going with our life, we will adapt quickly and find the creative solutions we need to respond to the change. We can become proactive in responding to the change. However, if our creative spirit has not been nurtured, we will continue to react reactively to change.

To become responsive to unforeseen change, it is import to look to discern what is driving the change. First we need to look to see if the change temporary, something analogous to a flood in a rain storm, or is it shift in the environment such as looking at the sales of buggy whip decreasing as horse drawn buggies are being replaced by automobiles. Temporary perturbation require a different response that a permanent change. In discerning the origins of the change we then see the appropriate response to make. Similarly, if the change is temporary, we can being to look at the types and kinds of frequent disruptive changes that occur and learn to deal with them and there are two ways to prepare for change.

Change, like accidents, have precursors. That is, there are things to look for that can anticipate disruptive changes. Additionally, even if we cannot find the precursors, we can us the lessons learned of others to be prepared for common types of disruptions. Emergency response programs are one such typical approach. We create fire departments, ambulance services, emergency response programs and the like to deal with these types and kinds of changes and we can create similar analogous emergence response programs for any area of our life or organizational function.

However, the change that is more of a shift in the environment, like changing from horse draw buggies to automobiles require deeper and more profound shifts in the way we do business. The key is to be aware and awake and we can remain aware and awake by continually challenging our creativity to explore options. Our creative spirit is key to anything we do in life. But continually giving it opportunities to become creative, it will be available when we need it. However, if we never use it and do the same things day in and day out, we will neither have the confidence or flexibility to creative response to the changes thrust upon us.

To be prepared for unforeseen changes two recommendations are made. One is to use the lessons learned of others and prepare appropriate analogous emergence response plans and/or programs for what we desire to achieve in and with our life. Some would call the contingency plans. Whatever we call it, it is wise to have some contingencies in place to deal with change.

The second thing is to exercise our creative spirit. In some ways it is like a muscle. If muscles are not exercises they become weak if not atrophy. Do something creative that allows us to both explore options in our creative imagination  and bring what we find into existence. The more we practice being creative, the creativity we will have when we need it to respond to change when it occurs. On this point, the recommendation is to hold our creativity sacred and look to see the ways we do not honor our creativity in life and where we give our creative power away. Our creativity is our most valuable asset we have in being able to face and deal with life.

There is one additional aspects that we should consider about change if we are going to embrace the concept that energy and consciousness are different forms of the same material. Within this understanding we create our experiences by how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe. Additionally within this perspective we have a creative spirit which incarnated to have certain types and kinds of experiences. Within this context, we need to understand that, many of the changes we experience in life we ourselves either create or place ourselves into them in such a way to experience the change to simply challenge our own creativity and/or to have the experiences we desire to have. The more intimate we are with our creative spirit and understand what it calls us to do in life and do those things, we will find change must less disruptive. We may even find the change we face are simply the new door opening to our next desired experience and we simply flow through life with an inner satisfaction which never runs dry.

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